Cerebral Palsy
That's what you guys get for playing on Mal'Ganis. Everyone and their dog planned to play on that server before release.
Cerebral Palsy said:That's what you guys get for playing on Mal'Ganis. Everyone and their dog planned to play on that server before release.
Mjunter said:Yeah..this is normal..so is the complaining.
Great Wasabi Man said:Isn't this normal when MMOs go live I rmber something like this happening to CoH when it first came out till they patched it.
nataku said:So, anyone interested in starting over on a new, low population server?
SyNapSe said:I'm thinking about it.. honestly. I can do that in 3-4 hours or something if a server will work properly. Somehow, I don't think Mal'Ganis is going to work itself out. It's just TOO many people on there obviously.
schizophrenic said:That happened to you, too, DHGamer? I had 3 characters, one of which was level 6, disappear from Icecrown. It's not a big deal, but it's really annoying to think I won't get those couple hours back. I went to Shadowsong and haven't had that problem, instead, right now it's too laggy to play.
ManaByte said:You can login any of them without any que, really.
SyNapSe said:They removed the queue's which caused the lag to skyrocket. Mal'Ganis just seems way overpopulated.. I've been playing on one of the new centrals most of this evening and it's very smooth.
I don't remember issues with COH
the server my guild from closed beta chose was Killrogg and personally I'd rather play on a regular server than a pvp one anyway, since pvp isn't nearly as fun until you're max level (not because of killing low levels, but because that's when things are most equal) and I'm positive battlegrounds are going to be a bigger deal for me, personally. I just didn't have a lot of fun with the pvp community in the closed beta - way too much elitism and shit talking, like a server full of legunas.mint said:Once they get Mal'ganis working properly..join it!! And be horde
Kweh said:Archimonde, Dalaran, Khadgar, and Mal'Ganis will be down for 1-2 days!!
try irfanview if you don't have photoshop.Korranator said:OK, how do I view screen shots of pictures I took? They come up as a .tga file.
nataku said:http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-general&t=40010&p=1&tmp=1#post40010
500 people in a guild. Wtf.