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World of Warcraft

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I hope you guys realize that by disable leeching you become part of the problem. Bit Torrent isnt a great way to distribute a patch. Especially if MOST people got it before you. Fat chance they'll sit on as Seeds for the patch. Fuck you Blizzard.

Jesus you charge 15 dollars a month and hand downloading of patches to the USER? I ALMOST understand the player cap thing, but Everquest was able to NOT do this, as has every MMORPG like EVER.

Make allowances like a N fan, but no matter how long this shit goes on its still outrageous.


I'm pretty sure Blizzard seeds the torrents with their servers as well... so that even if no one else was uploading, you'd still be able to get the patch. Just not as fast as if everyone using it was uploading as well.


Maybe we should just all learn the ropes for now then pick a server that seems to be convenient for everybody at a later date when we know which ones are packed and which are less full. Its not like you can't have more than one character on more than one server, anyway.



Got it!

PS: BT sucks :(


All us FFXI ppl should be on the same server. SoD mark 2!

Edit: It sucks the servers seem to be down right now, though. :(


Belfast said:
All us FFXI ppl should be on the same server. SoD mark 2!
I agree...just need to figure out which server that is. :p
It's funny how organized the FFXI linkshell was when everyone else on the internet was bitching about world passes. :lol


Seems like everyone went on seperate servers for WoW.


Kintaro said:
Eh, I got a free month so I figured, what the hell. If I turn up not liking this, I'm pretty much done with MMORPGs forever =P


Man ya gotta play this at 1600x1200 4x/8x..all the items and stuff look clean.

Anyhows, can we get a check up list on our stats? :) Now is a good time

Name: Kotoko
Class/Race: Warlock/Undead
Level: 15
Server: laggy Mal'ganis


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
MrAngryFace said:
I think I will play DAOC. In fact I can play RIGHT NOW or hell, even during busy times RIGHT AWAY, for less money! woooH!

Wow, I didn't know DAOC launched today???? Crazy! Mythic rocks so much for having a flawless launch!


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
mint said:
Anyhows, can we get a check up list on our stats? :) Now is a good time

Name: Kotoko
Class/Race: Warlock/Undead
Level: 15
Server: laggy Mal'ganis

Name: Knai
Class/Race: Rogue/Troll
Level: 11
Server: Icecrown!


I think I'm one some EST Normal server right now, Dantron or something or other. I just created a Female Troll Rogue (THF for lyfe yo!) there and it was Level 5 when i played earlier today.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
MrAngryFace said:
MrCheeze: Get back in line!

I'm reading the same trolls of yours in like 10 different threads while waiting in line =P

What's the deal anyway MAF? I think leaving Arizona has turned you bitter and evil! :(
Name: Kater
Class/Race: Hunter/Troll
Level: 14
Server: Bleeding Hollow

I should be alot higher, but I've got 100 Engineering/Mining and 80 Fishing. Plus I had to travel around the world like fifty fucking times collecting signatures. Especially fun because every single time I've gone to TB early (Before lvl 10) I forget to get TB flight path.


Is anyone having trouble even getting through the account login right now? It says its having trouble authenticating my game, even though I was playing fine earlier (though the game did crash to desktop, then I went to go take a nap). Obviously they're having server issues, but I want to make sure that this is likely related to it instead of some other bullshit problem I don't have the patience for.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
This is weird. Once I actually got in the game it ran fairly smootly for me and this was during peak hours. Now in the middle of the night the game becomes horribly laggy. And right before I was about to get my voidwalker too!


Screaming_Gremlin said:
This is weird. Once I actually got in the game it ran fairly smootly for me and this was during peak hours. Now in the middle of the night the game becomes horribly laggy. And right before I was about to get my voidwalker too!
If that's the norm, that'll be big trouble for me since I usually play at night. Damn, this is taking forever to install, btw ><

PC Gaijin

Anyone else playing this on dialup? I was surprised at how playable the game was over my crappy 28.8kbs connection, although downloading the patch was a PITA. Speaking of patching, I had an odd experience downloading it. The patch was about 19 and a half megs, but I actually downloading around 35 megs (I was watching the incoming data and doing nothing else on the net at the time). Blizzard's BT client reported 25 megs downloaded by the time the patch actually finished. WTH is up with that? BTW, as if it's not obvious, for those of you on dialup turn off the uploading in the BT client :lol

Got in a very playable 2 hours of game time when suddenly got bit by the loot lag. Cleared up after 5 minutes, but oddly the chat channels were still going strong (with plenty of people bitching about the lag). Started playing on the server Blizzard recommended (Guranis? Don't remember the name, it was a Central PvE). I wanted to do a PvP server, but I wasn't sure whether I'd be at a big disadvantage on dialup (didn't play beta).

Also not sure if I like game time being synced to real time. I am going to be playing mostly at night (after 10PM), and I don't want to be perpetually in the dark.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Ugh. I think that is the last time I go to the official WoW forum. That place makes GameFAQs look like a bastion of intelligent.


Still can't authenticate my game. I can't even log into their tech support forums. IT says the login server is down, so maybe that goes for the game, too. I hope so. It seems that the problems most people are having is getting onto the actual servers. I can't even get to the server list. :(


Belfast said:
Still can't authenticate my game. I can't even log into their tech support forums. IT says the login server is down, so maybe that goes for the game, too. I hope so. It seems that the problems most people are having is getting onto the actual servers. I can't even get to the server list. :(
yeah, with the way they have the character avatar stuff for posting on your account, if the game's login server is down, so is the forums'. but try [email protected] (or something like that, there's a link to an email on the website) and see if they can help you there. god knows anybody running an MMO has no problem responding right away when it comes to giving them money (while if it were any other problem it would take 2-5 weeks for a response).


Name: Apachel
Class/Race: Shaman/Tauren
Level: 12
Server: Bleeding Hollow

No problem on my side 'cept around 3pm east where it lagged for about 10 minutes.


Yeah, I'm on what is considered the most crowded server archimonde and got on with no queue. This afternoon will be the real test when the servers start getting crowded again.


I am really really disappointed with how Blizzard is handling this. Look at GAF... what a clusterfuck. Everyone is going on different servers because of their poor planning.

Not only that, but pretty much once you create a character in a server and play for some hours, then log off and try to play again, you find it packed and have to wait in the damn queue. I would understand (to some extent) a queue system for creating new characters, but for already created characters, it's just really poor support.

Anyway... I guess this means the first week will be absolutely wasted on characters we have to conform with because we won't be able to group together in a server until then. Of course, this is the case for me as I don't have time to level more than one or perhaps 2 characters. It just takes way too much time.


I'm just glad to play this game again. Been having withdrawel symptoms from OB :lol

But as for all the lag issues and queues, I'm just gonna suck it up, and see how the servers are in a week or more. I can cope with it.


Played a little bit last night (Hour and 10 mins :(). Only had lag once in that hour and leveled to 5. Didn't even know I was level five until I got that "group with others" message. Quest exp rox :p
Cmdr. Solrak said:
lag fest 2004!!!!!!!
it's not even peak time.

the Eastern RP server sucks ass!!!!!!!

I left DAoC for this?!?!?!?!?

Yeah, I could see why you left, the lag was making the game unplayable. But... Laura wouldn't call it a night and let me log even though I wanted to. We ended up playing 'til about 4:35am (SHE'S A JUNKIE!) with no lag after you left. Finish up those quests when you log in today, we're moving to Loch Modan.

Oh and for those on the Eastern servers, yeah it was pretty much lag-free during peak times last night, but when the Pacific servers went down for maintenance, all those West Coast punks came and trashed our servers (especially Argent Dawn). They added a new RP server for Eastern, hopefully that'll lessen the load for us there.


Hmm. Seems like Mal'Ganis just crashed again. Nice to know the game kicks you out randomly back to the character select screen and forces you behind some 1000 queue (not kidding, btw).

Dunno what server to go to now... only decided to play on PvP server (Mal'Ganis) because I thought a bunch of GAF people would be going there. Don't really feel like going all out PvP without any people from GAF backing me up. :p
I'm still on Mal'Ganis. These server issues are very frustrating though. I guess I'm just gonna tough it out and hope it gets better in a week.


Well don't log out if you can help it. Login servers are down. I'm in, but it won't retrieve the character list. Can't login to the official forums, either.


IJoel said:
I am really really disappointed with how Blizzard is handling this. Look at GAF... what a clusterfuck. Everyone is going on different servers because of their poor planning.
Everyone is going on different servers because of different time zones, factions and style of server.

Me and my friends had no problem all getting on the same server and making level 12 last night.
nataku said:
Well don't log out if you can help it. Login servers are down. I'm in, but it won't retrieve the character list. Can't login to the official forums, either.

Sadly I got kicked and I'm having the same problem as you. I get in but it won't retrieve my character.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I love this game and I think Blizzard is a great company (besides the fact that they are HORRIBLE about communicating with their fanbase or giving ETAs) and I KNOW it's still launch and all MMOs go through this... but this lag/crashing is ridiculous.

The game is unplayable today. I tried for an hour and couldn't get anything done. We had TWO stress tests. TWO. And open beta. And the longest closed beta in the history of time. Why aren't the servers ironed out? Why couldn't they anticipate demand? $15 a month is expensive even for an MMO. That money needs to go towards making the servers damn-near perfect.

I'm not going anywhere because I love the game so damn much, but color me frustrated.


Well, I think that was Blizzard's purpose..having us go to different servers..its those darn guilds (big ones) that cluster so much.


Decided to throw together a list of people playing and their servers/alliance to help people meet up. Here it is so far:

[ Icecrown (Mountain) PvE ]
MrCheez - Knai (Horde)
Jupiter - Irregardless (Horde)
hXc_thugg - Devendra (Horde)

[ Mal'Ganis (Central) PvP ]
sp0rsk - doitsupan (Alliance)
nataku - Finoria (Alliance)
Screaming_Gremlin - Alina (Alliance)
SyNapSe - Sylfizius (Alliance)
mint - Kotoko (Horde)
Azwethinkweiz - Bourne (Horde)
Jupiter - EppyCenter (Horde)

[Archimonde (Central) PvP]

[ Argent Dawn (Eastern) RP ]
Sal Paradise Jr - Blimey (Alliance)
Cmdr. Solrak - Solrak (Alliance)
AeroGod - Seamus (Alliance)

[ Deathwing (Mountain) PvP ]
Cerebral Palsy - Tag (Horde)

[ Bleeding Hollow (Eastern) PvP ]
Son of Godzilla - Kater (Horde)
Malakhov - Apachel (Horde)
AeroGod - Dorran, Skornn, Shrike (Horde)
Keebledrow - Skoron (Horde)
Kweh - Edeen (Horde)

[ Blackhand (Central) PvP ]

[ Illidian (Central) PvP ]
Catzgirl - Catz (Alliance)

[ Kel thuzad (Mountain) PvP ]
ZombieSupaStar - (Alliance)
IJoel - Kareth (Alliance)

[ Lightbringer (Pacific) PvE ]
Korranator - Korr (Alliance)

[ FrostWolf (Pacific) PvP ]
Ferrio - Tellen (Alliance)

If I missed someone, or you're no longer on that server or something send me a PM or post here with the correction and I'll update it. Some people don't have names/alliance listed because they never posted the info.
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