firex said:
We all said the classic endgame was terrible.
It wasn't terrible, it was unforgiving. Theorycrafting was non existant, guides were non existant, people played in absolutely horrid specs because they didn't know better.
While MC was prety boring and long at first, it still introduced the basics of end game raiding.
Do you remember the first time you saw Ragnaros? The awe? The sheer size of it?
Do you remember the first time you had Nef land? The chaos? The almost sure wipe because no one was expecting him to land?
Remember your first class call? Remember zoning into AQ40 and hearing C'thun talk to you? In that eerily creepy voice?
Remember fighting Bloodlord Mandokir and hearing Jin'Doh yell "GRATS" when he "DINGED"?
Nowadays raiding is part of everyone's life in wow. People expect it, if you don't have 5746987 GS you'Re terrible, a noob, a baddie because most of it is given away for free.
While it's awesome for the game (and for stepping foot into the actual endgame almost as soon as you hit 80), it cheapens the feeling of progression and (luls) accomplishement.
I mean I probably won't remember HM Arthas as much as I remember killing Rag for the first time, or Nef, or C'thun or banging my head on the 4 HM for weeks on end. Hell M'uru and KJ will give me fonder memories (memories of wiping 500 times to that fucker, damn you priests and you "mass dispell resists").
In the end people have a bad memory of vanilla endgame because it was difficult, you couldn't skip parts, you had to go through MC, then BWL, then AQ and then Naxx.
Did it suck for new comers? Hell yes, was it great if you were at the raiding top? It was.
Now I wouldn't want to go back to it

I'm happy raiding 3 hours a week and beeing done till the next reset outside of screwing around with friends or on alts.