Anyone else have this issue with WoW? Where FPS can stutter anywhere, no matter what you're doing? Doesn't matter if i'm fighting, if i'm flying, if i'm running around Darkshore, my FPS keep freezing for half a second every once in a while. I can play for 30 mins just fine, then another time, this can happen like 10 times in a matter of minutes, and i have no idea what is doing this, and it is only happening with WoW(also noticed this in Starcraft 2, maybe a issue?). Tried new video drivers, tried lowering video details/resolutions, tried disabling addons, and nothing works. I have a AMD 2.6ghz quadcore, 4gb ram & a nvidia 9800gt 1gb, i don't have some shitty PC. Bioshock 2 & L4D2 works perfectly fine.

It's been like this since march at least, argh.
I tried asking in the Tech Support of the WoW forum, but Blizzard wasn't really helpful in there.