One of the funniest things from tonight is that Bray Wyatt is about to feud with Lesnar and they killed that motherfucker dead tonight. Like absolutely dead.
They werent going to give the "first ever" womens championship to anyone but ric flairs daughter.
I'm surprised people are shitting on the main event. It was exactly the kind of match you would expect between Roman Reigns and HHH, logically, it was paced correctly, HHH looked great throughout, Roman Reigns does a good babyface-in-peril despite the flaws of his character and booking outside the ring. Other than the very abrupt, slapped-together ending, it was shaping up to be a fine, fine match, not the best WM main event but better than plenty others.
What did he use the sledgehammer on though? #RIGGED
They make the most money from live events tho right? Besides I like NXT so voting with my wallet doesn't really do much here because that would just make NXT bad.
One hell of a mess. First I'm thinking Rock is trying to get a face turn out of him, then he buries him, and after that both he and Cena bury him.One of the funniest things from tonight is that Bray Wyatt is about to feud with Lesnar and they killed that motherfucker dead tonight. Like absolutely dead.
The thing with Reigns is that based on his mannerisms he would actually make a really good, cocky as hell heel. I bet you he's been requesting the turn for quite some time now. It sucks that he has been denied the chance to really shine as a heel.
it's sad
everyone who the people wanted to win didn't win
it's like bizarro world where the wwe creative team is out of touch
One of the funniest things from tonight is that Bray Wyatt is about to feud with Lesnar and they killed that motherfucker dead tonight. Like absolutely dead.
51% voted yes. Who the fuck are these people
The women's triple threat match was the highlight of mania for me. I legitimately almost teared up as to how great it was compared to everything else that happened.
From his interviews, he isn't requesting anything. He shows up to work and does whatever he's told.
Absolutely. Loved everything about it (even though I disagree with the finish). The presentation was superb and the match delivered on it.
It was what a WM match should be really. All the hype and build resulting in a great match with heat and a grand presentation.
Lapsed Fan live in the parking lot of AT&T stadium:
I will never understand the logic "guy that I want to win loses= bad ending" . None of the matches tonight had bad endings no matter how much you cry.
The most profitable part of WWE's business is its cable deal. The only people that can really hurt them are Neilsen households.
I'm in this boat, change the results of Jericho/Styles and the women's match, it's a 8/10 mania. Also at least hint the Roman heel turnI'm one of them. Aside from some results that I didn't like, I thought it was a great show.
Thought the main event was great. Thoroughly entertained. MOTY.
He won the title and there was a big celebration!Ugh.
+ Good
- Bad
= Meh
= Ryback vs. Kalisto
= Total Divas vs. Bad and Blonde
+ Intercontinental 6 man Ladder Match
= Jericho vs. AJ
+ New Day's Entrance
= League of Nations vs. New Day
++ HBK, Stone Cold and Foley appearance
+ Ambrose vs. Lesnar
+ Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch
= Shane McMahon vs. Undertaker
= Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royale
- Baron Corbin winning
-- Rock Segment
= Rock / Cena vs. Wyatt
= HHH vs. Reigns
------------------------------ Reigns retaining the title
Going to sleep now, and still worried about Owens. Why didn't he tweet something after he show ?
Did someone actually saw him walking out of the ring ?
I will never understand the logic "guy that I want to win loses= bad ending" . None of the matches tonight had bad endings no matter how much you cry.
You answered your own question.
Yeah of course not. Def not the Flair interference we've seen every week the past month in the women's matches.
One hell of a mess. First I'm thinking Rock is trying to get a face turn out of him, then he buries him, and after that both he and Cena bury him.
Of course you wouldn't be able to tell from his interviews which are in a controlled environment. I mean internally as in talent meetings and with agents and stuff like that.From his interviews, he isn't requesting anything. He shows up to work and does whatever he's told.
Every year lol
God awful. I've only been back into WWE for a couple of years, but they're losing me fast. They need a good RAW tomorrow night or I'm out until I hear some good news. Zack Ryder is the one that makes the least sense to me. Corbin, Reigns, Shaq, Tatanka...just what the hell...
Not sure why people hating on Vince only,
When Triple H placed himself in the main event again when there was only one outcome.
Time to cancel that free subscription lol.