2 years ago, people simply chanted YES and Daniel Bryan to retaliate against the booking.
He truly was the saviour.
He truly was the saviour.
I feel like so many wrestlers on the current roster came out of this event looking worse than they did going in.
He apparently walked out on his own.
Charlotte is a heel. If she was going to win tonight, that was the way to do it. You can disagree with her winning (I do), but if they decided to keep the belt on her, they had the right finish.
I loved it. Rock buried the shit out of him both on the mic and in the ring. Bray should be thanking him since it's the only way he'd get on the WM card.
Not sure why people hating on Vince only,
When Triple H placed himself in the main event again when there was only one outcome.
I think ALL the english commentators were awful. They all need to be replaced with Corey Graves, Tom Philips, and Mauro Ranallo. Corey and Mauro especially knows how to call matches, they know the moves, the know what is happening, the works! All the others (Jerry Lawler, JBL and Michael Cole) doesn't have a clue!
51% voted yes. Who the fuck are these people
Just because she is a heel doesn't mean we need to see the same finish for 6 month straight.
And don't forget Byron Saxton! I mean I try to but still...
2 years ago, people simply chanted YES and Daniel Bryan to retaliate against the booking.
He truly was the saviour.
All the reports and indications are that Triple H wanted the HIAC to go last, but Vince wanted the title match last. Vince wins.
One of them was me.
There were maybe two matches that weren't really good, but still interesting.
I mean, I didn't like Charlotte becoming the Women's Champion or Roman Reigns NOT turning heel (seriously, wtf?!), but the rest of this WrestleMania was pretty awesome.
Taker vs Shane is my match of the night.
New Day's entrance was hilarious as fuck.
HBK, Steve Austin and Foley RETURN TO THE RING?! How is that not awesome?
Also John Cena. I love that guy. Pretty sure if he fought any longer his arm would've come clean off, but MAN was it good to see him back.
The Andre the Giant Memorial Match was...yeah okay, that one was a bit stupid. Fucking Corban winning? Why? Why not Mark Henry? Or Kane?
Aside from one and a half fuck-ups this Wrestlemania was really good in my opinion. Way better than any salty beings in this thread actually think it was.
All the reports and indications are that Triple H wanted the HIAC to go last, but Vince wanted the title match last. Vince wins.
Not sure why people hating on Vince only,
When Triple H placed himself in the main event again when there was only one outcome.
Yes. Forgotten about him. Bryon is not in Corey and co's league.
Not sure why people hating on Vince only,
When Triple H placed himself in the main event again when there was only one outcome.
I signed up for wwe network today and watched wtestlemania x-7 in its entirety before this show. While today's show didn't hit the highs that show did, it was way more consistent with good in ring action. As someone who isn't planning on engaging with the product again, the finished really meant nothing to me, so maybe that's where the difference is. Previous manias tended to spend more time on big guys who couldn't work and gave little time to good workers in the first half of the card. Ladder match was great, Jericho match was great and booked like a main event, new day was really entertaining, woman's match was great and also booked like a main event, hell in a cell was a bit slow but built to that huge hell in a cell wtestlemania sized spot, only real dud was the main event.yeah
Most people hating on this show loved the NXT show. We don't hate wrestling, we hate bad wrestling.
This is like saying to someone hating on Daikatana "wow you must really hate video games".
I will never understand the logic "guy that I want to win loses= bad ending" . None of the matches tonight had bad endings no matter how much you cry.
Oh, yeah. Now I remember why I never look at the GAF wrestling thread anymore.
Well I'll be staring at this:
and this:
To feel better *shrug*
Well I'll be staring at this:
and this:
To feel better *shrug*
Really. REALLY?
Jericho goes over AJ Styles after kicking out of the Styles Clash, a finisher that should be protected to hell and back because it looks difficult and brutal, in what should have been the culmination of their months long feud.
League of Nations goes over New Day, because the prime moment to rocket them to the stars is better spent putting over two guys who have been around forever and can't get over, one guy who's probably leaving soon, and one cool up and comer. Then all of these people get beat down by three people who haven't wrestled in years, one of them in over a decade, and who won't be on Raw tomorrow.
Ambrose/Lesnar after hyper amounts of hype with buildup across both shows is a short stinker with some sticks and chairs. Ambrose loses after one F5, making his ironman claims look dumb as fuck.
A new women's championship belt is unveiled, the time of real women wrestlers is finally here! Except the match was decided by a very old man who looks drunk all the time.
Shane o' Mac/Undertaker was a slow as molasses match with one really cool spot. And that one really cool spot was basically just "oops, I missed". The ending itself was ok, I guess? Nothing special though, just a regular Taker match ending.
Rock buried the Wyatts in six seconds.
Trips/Roman ends the same way literally every fucking Roman match ends, with a result that ends with Wrestlemania's 100 (actually 85) thousand strong crowd booing the biggest wrestling event ever.
It was fucking awful.
ENOUGH OF THAT this is all Vince's fault. According to the geeks.
To see people pretend this was even comparable to some of the worst WMs..its embarassing.
You answered your own question.
Because I don't agree with your opinion? lmao
Also Triple H was the guy who wanted Reigns pushed initially.
The problem is that if you say "the match results don't make any storyline sense at wrestlemania" someone will always say you're a salty mark who doesn't like your favorite not winning. I mean, its pretty clear most people think Ambrose is a bad wrestler, but he was totally buried for no reason in this match.
Is anyone going to defend the burial of the Wyatts? I wanna hear it. There has to be someone. It's the Internet after all.
Show yourself.
Just got out of the stadium. From my section it seemed like the crowd enjoyed everything but the title card.
Like Vince is going to put over any wrestler from Japan anytime soon. They'll be jobbing just like AJ. Haven't you guys learned by now?
One of them was me.
There were maybe two matches that weren't really good, but still interesting.
I mean, I didn't like Charlotte becoming the Women's Champion or Roman Reigns NOT turning heel (seriously, wtf?!), but the rest of this WrestleMania was pretty awesome.
Taker vs Shane is my match of the night.
New Day's entrance was hilarious as fuck. And the match was pretty awesome too.
HBK, Steve Austin and Foley RETURN TO THE RING?! How is that not awesome?
Jericho vs Styles was fucking awesome, man. Shame that Jericho won, but what the hell, the match was really good at least.
Also John Cena. I love that guy. Pretty sure if he fought any longer his arm would've come clean off, but MAN was it good to see him back.
The Andre the Giant Memorial Match was...yeah okay, that one was a bit stupid. Shaq joining the fight and getting thrown out two minutes into the match? Money well spent, WWE.
Fucking Corban winning? Why? Why not Mark Henry? Or Kane? That was stupid.
Aside from one and a half fuck-ups this Wrestlemania was really good in my opinion. Way better than any salty beings in this thread actually think it was.
That's silly. HHH has always been a very good and underrated wrestler, and Reigns has spent the last year delivering in pretty much all of his big matches. It was slow, yes, but methodically so, and both HHH and Reigns told a good story through most of it.
So...because we disagree?Nah, because of the desperate attempts to get heat by basement tier talent.
Is anyone going to defend the burial of the Wyatts? I wanna hear it. There has to be someone. It's the Internet after all.
Show yourself.
That's silly. HHH has always been a very good and underrated wrestler, and Reigns has spent the last year delivering in pretty much all of his big matches. It was slow, yes, but methodically so, and both HHH and Reigns told a good story through most of it.
So...because we disagree?
I already did. Fuck 'em.
*over BatistaAlso Triple H was the guy who wanted Reigns pushed initially.