My self esteem hasn't suffered enough this week, think I'll go and submit more stuff!
Honestly kind of surprised that there's not a "Humor" genre on Submission Grinder...
Right. I went with short, sweet, and to the point. Gotta keep it all...comfortable.I'd imagine that this is just routine for him, meaning you should handle it in the same way and just send what he asked for politely and promptly. So no dick pics or a letter written in the blood of your firstborn son.
Stay stoked. Sounds awesome. Congrats.Right. I went with short, sweet, and to the point. Gotta keep it all...comfortable.
Right now I'm just terrified that my email might go to his spam folder and HE WILL NEVER SEE IT AND FORGET ABOUT ME AND I WILL DIE ALONE AND FORGOTTEN
But otherwise, still pretty stoked on this.
Right now I'm just terrified that my email might go to his spam folder and HE WILL NEVER SEE IT AND FORGET ABOUT ME AND I WILL DIE ALONE AND FORGOTTEN.
I contacted him at first. Found a database of agents accepting unsolicited queries and just kept going down the line.Congrats, out of curiosity did you contact him, or did he contact you?
tldr; going back through old stuff is as hard as you might imagine it to be.
Old stuff is crazy in that regard. In a weird way, maybe it'll work out better this way. If the novel has problems, then maybe tens years extra of experience is enough to fix all those problems now. Are you going to rewrite the entire thing? Or just try and salvage what you have?
I feel like the most important aspect of putting time between yourself and your work is that you gain perspective and lose the warm fuzzies that attach you to your work. Return to something a few months or years after writing it, and all of a sudden all of your little darlings rear their ugly heads, and it's much easier to excise them.
Old stuff is crazy in that regard. In a weird way, maybe it'll work out better this way. If the novel has problems, then maybe tens years extra of experience is enough to fix all those problems now. Are you going to rewrite the entire thing? Or just try and salvage what you have?
Huh, doesn't look like you can put Kindle Unlimited in the keywords in any capacity anymore. Well, there goes that tip from the book.
Huh, doesn't look like you can put Kindle Unlimited in the keywords in any capacity anymore. Well, there goes that tip from the book.
Yep I got that feedback while trying to get the bundle published. Basically using that produces too many results now.Really?
Yep I got that feedback while trying to get the bundle published. Basically using that produces too many results now.
Hey, first time posting here. Feels a little off topic to ask for some writing advice, but I've been struggling with the same problems for years and don't know how to overcome them. I ask friends for help and they offer barely anything. I've Googled for years and tried so many tricks... I would honestly give up at this point, but I get so many ideas that seem so interesting. I wish they actually existed so I could read them myself, but they're merely in my head and refuse to shut up.
When it comes to character creation, I'm pretty good at it. This is probably the only part of writing I'm actually good at. I got backstories, I got motivations, I can usually develop relationships (not talking romance). I tend to struggle with antagonists, I think because I don't usually have one clear villain. It's hard to say, but I think a lot of my stories have "society" as a problem, with a few characters representing this problem, but they aren't a Darth Vader or something. Honestly, they're boring. I can get in many characters heads, I can make the stupid waitress with only one scene interesting, but with villains? Nothing.
However, my biggest issue is with plotting. I can get a basic plot--character needs to go from Point A to Point B. I have motivations and goals. I have a start. Maybe a vague final end game. But nothing for the middle. Maybe vague scenes here and there, but I can never come up with anything else. My plots always have gaping holes, and I can never fill them. Ideally I would like to create structured plot outlines before writing. I know the mantra is to just "shut up and write!" for a newbie, but I never feel like I'm ready for this point. Not when I can only write one or two chapters at best. Or five scenes at best. I've tried for years to find a way to push myself and develop more plot and I have no idea.
As for the "shut up and write" advice, I will concede that for some ideas I could do this, but I held myself back from lack of confidence and excuses. With my latest story idea, I really can't do this. My plot is so disjointed and jumbled. The idea is too complicated to really "free write" in my opinion. (It is a contemporary fantasy story. To be brief, I suppose politics and societal issues are the main focus...which is just too complicated to bullshit.) I guess I have writers block? But I feel like I always do, so eh. I've tried to find stuff of the same genre to inspire me, but modern fantasy seems to be either Dresden / Wizard Detective wannabe crap or vampire/werewolf sex. Nothing interests me. I think some of my ideas for this story are great and workable, but I can't come up with anything. Maybe the smallest character detail to add onto character stuff I already developed. Not something to really get them all together and DO STUFF. And, like every other story, my villain is flimsy as hell and two dimensional and immature hogwash. I could scrap them, but then I have...nothing? Yay.And I kind of wanted time travel too, welp.
Do you guys have any advice on getting enough plot to start a story? At least getting enough things organized? Again, I'm fed up at this point and at a total loss. I honestly tried to give up writing early last year, but then tried NaNoWriMo when an idea wouldn't stop screaming at me. Then my plot issues reared their ugly head again. I feel like I never have enough to work with. Would writing prompts honestly help? They don't seem useful to me for plot, when I feel like I got a good handle on my characters. Obviously, I could be a complete fool.
I'm sorry if I missed similar advice through this thread; I did try and go through it. I will check out Writing Excuses when I have the time.
Again, I'm fed up at this point and at a total loss. I honestly tried to give up writing early last year, but then tried NaNoWriMo when an idea wouldn't stop screaming at me. Then my plot issues reared their ugly head again. I feel like I never have enough to work with. Would writing prompts honestly help? They don't seem useful to me for plot, when I feel like I got a good handle on my characters. Obviously, I could be a complete fool.
I would recommend hitting up The Journeyman Writer episode on anchor scenes.
If you can define and flesh out those points, it might make it easier to connect the dots.
First thing I'd do is stop worrying.
And read a wider spread of books.![]()
Hey, first time posting here. Feels a little off topic to ask for some writing advice, but I've been struggling with the same problems for years and don't know how to overcome them. I ask friends for help and they offer barely anything. I've Googled for years and tried so many tricks... I would honestly give up at this point, but I get so many ideas that seem so interesting. I wish they actually existed so I could read them myself, but they're merely in my head and refuse to shut up.
When it comes to character creation, I'm pretty good at it. This is probably the only part of writing I'm actually good at. I got backstories, I got motivations, I can usually develop relationships (not talking romance). I tend to struggle with antagonists, I think because I don't usually have one clear villain. It's hard to say, but I think a lot of my stories have "society" as a problem, with a few characters representing this problem, but they aren't a Darth Vader or something. Honestly, they're boring. I can get in many characters heads, I can make the stupid waitress with only one scene interesting, but with villains? Nothing.
However, my biggest issue is with plotting. I can get a basic plot--character needs to go from Point A to Point B. I have motivations and goals. I have a start. Maybe a vague final end game. But nothing for the middle. Maybe vague scenes here and there, but I can never come up with anything else. My plots always have gaping holes, and I can never fill them. Ideally I would like to create structured plot outlines before writing. I know the mantra is to just "shut up and write!" for a newbie, but I never feel like I'm ready for this point. Not when I can only write one or two chapters at best. Or five scenes at best. I've tried for years to find a way to push myself and develop more plot and I have no idea.
As for the "shut up and write" advice, I will concede that for some ideas I could do this, but I held myself back from lack of confidence and excuses. With my latest story idea, I really can't do this. My plot is so disjointed and jumbled. The idea is too complicated to really "free write" in my opinion. (It is a contemporary fantasy story. To be brief, I suppose politics and societal issues are the main focus...which is just too complicated to bullshit.) I guess I have writers block? But I feel like I always do, so eh. I've tried to find stuff of the same genre to inspire me, but modern fantasy seems to be either Dresden / Wizard Detective wannabe crap or vampire/werewolf sex. Nothing interests me. I think some of my ideas for this story are great and workable, but I can't come up with anything. Maybe the smallest character detail to add onto character stuff I already developed. Not something to really get them all together and DO STUFF. And, like every other story, my villain is flimsy as hell and two dimensional and immature hogwash. I could scrap them, but then I have...nothing? Yay.And I kind of wanted time travel too, welp.
Do you guys have any advice on getting enough plot to start a story? At least getting enough things organized? Again, I'm fed up at this point and at a total loss. I honestly tried to give up writing early last year, but then tried NaNoWriMo when an idea wouldn't stop screaming at me. Then my plot issues reared their ugly head again. I feel like I never have enough to work with. Would writing prompts honestly help? They don't seem useful to me for plot, when I feel like I got a good handle on my characters. Obviously, I could be a complete fool.
I'm sorry if I missed similar advice through this thread; I did try and go through it. I will check out Writing Excuses when I have the time.
1st: get away from your computer/internet;Hey, first time posting here. Feels a little off topic to ask for some writing advice, but I've been struggling with the same problems for years and don't know how to overcome them. I ask friends for help and they offer barely anything. I've Googled for years and tried so many tricks... I would honestly give up at this point, but I get so many ideas that seem so interesting. I wish they actually existed so I could read them myself, but they're merely in my head and refuse to shut up.
When it comes to character creation, I'm pretty good at it. This is probably the only part of writing I'm actually good at. I got backstories, I got motivations, I can usually develop relationships (not talking romance). I tend to struggle with antagonists, I think because I don't usually have one clear villain. It's hard to say, but I think a lot of my stories have "society" as a problem, with a few characters representing this problem, but they aren't a Darth Vader or something. Honestly, they're boring. I can get in many characters heads, I can make the stupid waitress with only one scene interesting, but with villains? Nothing.
However, my biggest issue is with plotting. I can get a basic plot--character needs to go from Point A to Point B. I have motivations and goals. I have a start. Maybe a vague final end game. But nothing for the middle. Maybe vague scenes here and there, but I can never come up with anything else. My plots always have gaping holes, and I can never fill them. Ideally I would like to create structured plot outlines before writing. I know the mantra is to just "shut up and write!" for a newbie, but I never feel like I'm ready for this point. Not when I can only write one or two chapters at best. Or five scenes at best. I've tried for years to find a way to push myself and develop more plot and I have no idea.
As for the "shut up and write" advice, I will concede that for some ideas I could do this, but I held myself back from lack of confidence and excuses. With my latest story idea, I really can't do this. My plot is so disjointed and jumbled. The idea is too complicated to really "free write" in my opinion. (It is a contemporary fantasy story. To be brief, I suppose politics and societal issues are the main focus...which is just too complicated to bullshit.) I guess I have writers block? But I feel like I always do, so eh. I've tried to find stuff of the same genre to inspire me, but modern fantasy seems to be either Dresden / Wizard Detective wannabe crap or vampire/werewolf sex. Nothing interests me. I think some of my ideas for this story are great and workable, but I can't come up with anything. Maybe the smallest character detail to add onto character stuff I already developed. Not something to really get them all together and DO STUFF. And, like every other story, my villain is flimsy as hell and two dimensional and immature hogwash. I could scrap them, but then I have...nothing? Yay.And I kind of wanted time travel too, welp.
Do you guys have any advice on getting enough plot to start a story? At least getting enough things organized? Again, I'm fed up at this point and at a total loss. I honestly tried to give up writing early last year, but then tried NaNoWriMo when an idea wouldn't stop screaming at me. Then my plot issues reared their ugly head again. I feel like I never have enough to work with. Would writing prompts honestly help? They don't seem useful to me for plot, when I feel like I got a good handle on my characters. Obviously, I could be a complete fool.
I'm sorry if I missed similar advice through this thread; I did try and go through it. I will check out Writing Excuses when I have the time.
If villains are a problem, it might be a good idea to try some shorter fiction that focuses on bad people. Ideally, villains should be just as interesting, if not more so, than anyone else. To have a reason to want to control/ruin the world is pretty important, in my opinion.When it comes to character creation, I'm pretty good at it. This is probably the only part of writing I'm actually good at. I got backstories, I got motivations, I can usually develop relationships (not talking romance). I tend to struggle with antagonists, I think because I don't usually have one clear villain. It's hard to say, but I think a lot of my stories have "society" as a problem, with a few characters representing this problem, but they aren't a Darth Vader or something. Honestly, they're boring. I can get in many characters heads, I can make the stupid waitress with only one scene interesting, but with villains? Nothing.
Man, to me, that's the ideal amount of info before going in. I love the "writing in the moment" style and just letting shit happen and characters do what characters do. I can see how that wouldn't work so well for a big, multicharacter political piece of fantasy though. Dunno how George RailRoad Martin does it.However, my biggest issue is with plotting. I can get a basic plot--character needs to go from Point A to Point B. I have motivations and goals. I have a start. Maybe a vague final end game. But nothing for the middle. Maybe vague scenes here and there, but I can never come up with anything else. My plots always have gaping holes, and I can never fill them. Ideally I would like to create structured plot outlines before writing. I know the mantra is to just "shut up and write!" for a newbie, but I never feel like I'm ready for this point. Not when I can only write one or two chapters at best. Or five scenes at best. I've tried for years to find a way to push myself and develop more plot and I have no idea.
Maybe a novel isn't the right medium. Or at least maybe it shouldn't be the target result. If you can build interesting characters, maybe just how interesting they are IS the story. "A Day in the Life" or "Glimpses" or "Living in Ferelden (or wherever)." Some sort of character study or vignettes of different people living in the same city or the same fantasy world. Hell, call it "what your NPCs are doing while you save their world."
1st: get away from your computer/internet;
2nd: grab a notebook (the one made of paper);
3st: drink water;
4th: grab a pen or a pencil;
5th: make a list of chapters and what happens in which one, like: chapter 1 - X meets Y and they talk about Z.
6th: do it until you have something, then start writing on your computer with you guidelines.
If villains are a problem, it might be a good idea to try some shorter fiction that focuses on bad people. Ideally, villains should be just as interesting, if not more so, than anyone else. To have a reason to want to control/ruin the world is pretty important, in my opinion.
So what's the going rate on these bundles for the Hubba Hubba Challenge? I have three shorts, each of them in the 4.5k+ range. Each of the three is $2.99.
I'm bundling all three of them into one book. Simple cut and paste. Charge $4.99? And how does one make it appear that the bundling is saving a reader money (i.e., if they bought each of the individual books it would cost $9 but it's basically 50% off at $4.99).
Overall it makes my sells from the hubba bubba challenge sting less. But sucks because this really damages shorts selling and what not. In fact shorts overall will sell about the same but the author will earn less for them.
This also makes me question things like comics and graphic novels. Mostly because they are still classified under books in kindle most of the time.
I think a good spread would be $3.99 for bundles of 2 and $4.99 for the bundle of 3. Cosmic might have more input on this since he's bundled a bunch in various combos. Seems pretty fair to me, though.
eh, I think we can all agree that getting rewarded for complete incompetence with millions of dollars is not that bad a deal with Mephistopheles. It's not what you wanted exactly, but it's hard to argue with that kind of money. (Grey)
I suppose you just have to accept whatever level you have now, and practise more to increase your control of the craft. And I'm saying more to myself than 'you', but oh well. I want mah delusions of grandeur! I wanna, I wanna, I wanna!
I am with a burning envy that leaves naught but hatred and ashes for your success, but congrats!
Tomita- I've got a few thoughts on this, especially since I've struggled with similar problems. I've had this difficulty for a long time, where I know the beginning of my story, and I know the end of my story, but I don't necessarily know what happens in the middle. Or maybe I know one or two things from the middle, but have no idea what comes between them. It's a problem I still haven't fully resolved, but there are things you can try.
Quick question, any one who does book covers here? It actually is just a logo, but I wanted it to look cool. Its also not really a book, but to be used as the main logo image for a web serial I already talked before. I have been slowly working on it as a side project, already bought a cheap domain and used the hosting I use for my software development company, so I am ready to go at any point next week, but I wanted a nice logo![]()
I do book covers and logos, and my work's up at Feel free to contact me if my style suits you and I seem like someone you'd like to work with.
Hit the 100-page mark on my second book today. Feeling pretty good, kinda. Fucking mess that this book is going to be.
I'm gonna need one big ol hammer when it comes to editing this. I'll hit the manuscript, then I'll hit myself over the head with it.
I'm actually worried it's getting a bit too big. I got Norbert and his adventures in the spooky library at night, Norbert x Ann from school, the spooky door not to be opened, now a bunch of talking spiders and a possible headache there, and I still haven't gotten to the librarian or the other person who owns the damn castle where the spooky library exists. Plus, his family, where his parents are on the verge of divorce.
The real problem is only five or so days have passed. I don't know how long this should be timewise though. Got magic learning/testing being a big focus, but when one of your spells is "talk to spiders"... Well, you gotta have some interesting conversations there! The big spooky library spiders are about to ask him to do something though, and that could be a turning point. Would destroy the few things I have planned already, but maybe that's for the better.
Might turn it into a three act thing and do a time skip in the next fifteen or so pages. Dunno if that's cheating or not though.
Aye, that's good advice. Story is as long as it needs to be, and that goes for both page space and in world time.I'm constantly worried about the timeline and travel of my characters, seeing if it makes sense at all and trying to keep track. I'm now in the portion of my second book where they're world exploring and I always feel like I write super lean, to the point, and the timeline of travel + events of other characters in the world may not line up at all. Just gotta get it all out I guess and not worry about it, see where it sits as a finished whole. It's hard to see the timeline through the trees.
I've put together a one sentence summary of a YA sci-fi novel I'm thinking of writing. Would appreciate some (preferably brutally honest) opinions on it before I take it any further.
"A teenager battling social anxiety has her only friend snatched away by the evil lurking within the post-apocalyptic colony they have mysteriously woken up in, and must now overcome her disorder to work with strangers if she is to save her friend."
Reckon it has any legs, or shall I cast around for another story?
As long as you don't write it in first-person present, I think you're good.I've put together a one sentence summary of a YA sci-fi novel I'm thinking of writing. Would appreciate some (preferably brutally honest) opinions on it before I take it any further.
"A teenager battling social anxiety has her only friend snatched away by the evil lurking within the post-apocalyptic colony they have mysteriously woken up in, and must now overcome her disorder to work with strangers if she is to save her friend."
Reckon it has any legs, or shall I cast around for another story?
If anyone needs a reader, feel free to PM me.
I am a teacher, so I have some free time over the summer, plus I feel like reading other peoples work will help motivate me to write more myself.
(I teach History and minored in creative writing.)