nubbe said:If you ignore that they lost billions upon billions to reach that point then.. no, its not that shabby at all.
I tend to ignore that while I'm playing a game.
nubbe said:If you ignore that they lost billions upon billions to reach that point then.. no, its not that shabby at all.
XboxGamers said:Breaking it down by region, the figures are as follows.
North America: 10.1 million units
Europe: 3.9 million units
Asia Pacific: 1.5 million units
I think Xbox will reach 30mil + Xboxes by the end of its lifespan (2006-07) which isn't too shabby for a 1st time effort.
open_mouth_ said:I think Xbox will reach 30mil + Xboxes by the end of its lifespan (2006-07) which isn't too shabby for a 1st time effort.
Fleming said:Btw,how much did Nintendo ship by March?
efralope said:come on people, admit it, "Asia/Pacific", that's pretty hilarious Microsoft is doing that (XBox-related or not), but it's not like anything is stopping them from outright stating "Japanese" sales of their XBox console (the 2nd biggest videogame market)...
I don't think the Xbox will be around in 2007. MS loses too much money on it. After Xbox 2 comes out I think you'll see Xbox 1 disappear from shelves pretty quickly.
Btw,what was MSs expectations from last year? I think something like 13-16 Mio?
15.5 Mio is ok then.
jedimike said:Japan is n ot even close to being the 2nd biggest videogame market.
jedimike said:Japan is n ot even close to being the 2nd biggest videogame market.
jedimike said:Xbox manufacturing will certainly be out of production. I seriously doubt that MS will even attempt a PSOne type of retooling. MS is currently losing $25 dollars per Xbox sold... GC is losing $20.
TheGreenGiant said:dream on abou that $25 dollar loss figure. Where did you pull it out of? MS is bleeding with each xbox sold (plus game bundles/freebies they throw out).
jedimike said:It [$25 loss per xbox] was in the Wedbush report posted last week.
CrunchyB said:A $25 loss makes NO sense at all. They'd recoup that with one first party game, or two third party titles. Every game after this is profit.
With losses over a billion ($ this simply doesn't add up, unless they are spending an obscene amount of money on Live and ads.
CrunchyB said:A $25 loss makes NO sense at all. They'd recoup that with one first party game, or two third party titles. Every game after this is profit.
With losses over a billion ($ this simply doesn't add up, unless they are spending an obscene amount of money on Live and ads.
America/EMEA/ASia Pacific might be stadard for Microsoft but it certainly isn't for consumer electronics, and games specifically. Just look at finalcials for SCE, Nintendo, Sega Sammy, EA, UbiSoft, Activision, Capcom, Konami or any other multinational in this industry.Rhindle said:You should now better, jarrod.
1. All MS sales are classified into Americas, EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and Asia Pacific.
2. They have been so classified since long before anyone conceived of the Xbox.
3. Most multinationals use the same regional accounting classification convention.
Grow up.Shompola said:jarrod, damn you're pathetic. Are you this stubborn in real life as well? I guess you have no real friends. Fucking pathetic.
We've gone throught this before. It ranks ahead of the UK (3rd ) by a significant margin.jedimike said:Japan is n ot even close to being the 2nd biggest videogame market.
Where'd you get these figures. You didn't answer me last time you claimed Nintendo was losing $20 per GC.jedimike said:Xbox manufacturing will certainly be out of production. I seriously doubt that MS will even attempt a PSOne type of retooling. MS is currently losing $25 dollars per Xbox sold... GC is losing $20.
jarrod said:We've gone throught this before. It ranks ahead of the UK (3rd ) by a significant margin.
Where'd you get these figures. You didn't answer me last time you claimed Nintendo was losing $20 per GC.
jedimike said:I say might because UK was consistently outselling Japan on a weekly basis
jarrod said:America/EMEA/ASia Pacific might be stadard for Microsoft but it certainly isn't for consumer electronics, and games specifically. Just look at finalcials for SCE, Nintendo, Sega Sammy, EA, UbiSoft, Activision, Capcom, Konami or any other multinational in this industry.
Chittagong said:This is retarded. Most of multinational conglomerates use the Americas / EMEA / APAC classification to arrange their business and APAC includes Japan as well as Australia, however poorly it fits the console business.
Deg said:I think you got the wrong way round. Japan outsells the UK on a consitent basis. One peek at the weekly hardware sales reveals this.
jedimike said:One peek at the weekly console charts shows that Japan is dead... they only sold about 40K worth of consoles. UK was pushing way more than that.
Deg said:This week:
1 [SCE] PlayStation 2 - 37,871 (1,498,832)
3 [Nintendo] GameCube - 4,684 (407,303)
6 [Microsoft] Xbox - 272 (22,235)
Now those PS2 sales alone are bigger than this weeks total UK hardware sales
jedimike said:One peek at the weekly console charts shows that Japan is dead... they only sold about 40K worth of consoles. UK was pushing way more than that.
It already is for Sony actually. Only Nintendo and Microsoft seem to be lagging in the region.jedimike said:In fact, the European market is expected to be bigger than the US market by 2008.
So... why wouldn't a division like MGS conform to industry standards? SCE does it...Chittagong said:Those are games business companies. Microsoft is a multi business conglomerate. Look at conglomerates such as Procter & Gamble, Nokia, Hewlett Packard and see how they arrange their business. What I said
Why discount GBA? Because it doubles your figures?jedimike said:Like I said is about 40K
I asked in the other thread... specifically about the $20 GC loss per unit. Where's did that figure come from?jedimike said:I don't recall you ever asking... but it is in the Wedbush report. I believe you can still download it from the yahoo videogamestockgroup.
jarrod said:Why discount GBA? Because it doubles your figures?
I asked in the other thread... specifically about the $20 GC loss per unit. Where's did that figure come from?
We estimate that Sonys production costs are approximately $130 per unit, compared to Microsofts $175 per unit and Nintendos $120 per unit.
jarrod said:It already is for Sony actually. Only Nintendo and Microsoft seem to be lagging in the region.
Not quite yet.
jarrod said:I asked in the other thread... specifically about the $20 GC loss per unit. Where's did that figure come from?
It came from the wedbush report he mentioned. However, they were ESTIMATES
They estimates were:
GC: $120 / unit
PS2: $130 / unit
Xbox: $175 / unit
No, but it's a part of this industry none the less. Andindustry that's still significantly larger in Japan the UK, despite it's continual slide. It's also worth noting that Japan's at least six months to a year ahead of the UK in terms of platform lifecycles, meaning hardware will reach it's peak sooner. Comparing installed bases or software sales though, and it's easy to see Japan is ahead.jedimike said:GBA is no console.
Thanks, but those estimates seem a little high for Gamecube. The costs for the console itself (no packaging/controller) dropped to $99 for manufacturing/components over a year and a half ago when Nintendo switched production lines to China and Perrin mentioned their loss was essentially negligible last fall when they dropped to the $99 MSRP. A $20 loss on GC seems almost like the worst case scenario based off the info we have, while a $25 loss on XBox looks like the best case scenario. :/jedimike said:And I could have sworn I answered your question and even told you where to get the report...
From the report...
Part of the reason for Microsoft truncating XBox's lifespan and getting Xenon out there is too get XBox off shelves. The development community is already dropping the platform, retail will follow and sooner than you think... Microsoft wants to switch over from their loss taker as soon as possible. Looking at their 2005 lineup (in comparison to Sony or Nintendo) and you can see where the resources are going already...MightyHedgehog said:Yes, just like all the sales figues we ever see are esitmates, as well. As for XBOX 1 leaving store shelves 6-12 months after Xenon, I doubt it. It could well be actively sold for several years after the advent of MS' next gen console. And as for XBOX not destroying GC in Europe, look at the numbers -- it's approximately in the same position it is, relative to GC, in North America. Not 'destroying' GC but clearly pulling away.
No, retail will want to sell their inventory but I doubt MS will continue shipments on the same scale or fight for shelf space. XBox in 2005 is going to be like N64 in 2001.MightyHedgehog said:Maybe, but I'm not convinced that it will be gone from retail lists so quickly.
jedimike said:Like I said is about 40K
got a link?
Deg said:Have you got a link?
Just admit you got it wrong.
jedimike said:Hey at least I have facts and hard numbers backing my statements![]()
jedimike said:Hey at least I have facts and hard numbers backing my statements![]()
open_mouth_ said:They are estimates, but who says only Sony and Nintendo's consoles drop in manufacturing costs and Microsoft's don't??? Alot of the Xbox parts have droppped dramatically in price since it's inception.
jarrod said:No, but it's a part of this industry none the less. Andindustry that's still significantly larger in Japan the UK, despite it's continual slide. It's also worth noting that Japan's at least six months to a year ahead of the UK in terms of platform lifecycles, meaning hardware will reach it's peak sooner. Comparing installed bases or software sales though, and it's easy to see Japan is ahead.
Deg said:You mean like 'let me make some up' facts and 'no' numbers![]()
Hint: Check and CVG for UK numbers. There's a guy posting around who gets the figures weekly.
jedimike said:Well if you want to include handhelds then you might as well include PC games to be consistent with the "industry"...Japan's breakdown of sales is 74% console, 17% handheld, and 9%PC. The European market is about 45% pc games, 48% console and 7% handheld.
This is basically how it would breakdown...
Console sales - Japan=UK
Handheld - Japan >>UK
PC games - UK >>>>>>>Japan
The gaming market overall is stronger in the UK than it is in Japan. If we limit it to consoles, Japan has a narrow lead. Add in handhelds and Japan is better yet. It's just not the juggernaut that everyone remembers it being. There was a point in this generation that Japan was better than all of Europe.
jedimike said:BS... nothing escapes GAF. If UK hardware numbers existed, they would have been here.
sonycowboy said:Jedi, are you meaning Europe when you say UK? If not, Japan has a HUGE lead over the UK in consoles. It's not even close. Especially when you consider the software market. Japan is a year ahead in the console cycle and so it's hardware / software sales reflect that.
Well, consoles in Japan alone are still way ahead of the UK, unless you've got the exact figures to show otherwise. And if you stretch into open markets like PC for gaming, how about throwing in mobile and amusement.jedimike said:Well if you want to include handhelds then you might as well include PC games to be consistent with the "industry"...Japan's breakdown of sales is 74% console, 17% handheld, and 9%PC. The European market is about 45% pc games, 48% console and 7% handheld.
This is basically how it would breakdown...
Console sales - Japan=UK
Handheld - Japan >>UK
PC games - UK >>>>>>>Japan
The gaming market overall is stronger in the UK than it is in Japan. If we limit it to consoles, Japan has a narrow lead. Add in handhelds and Japan is better yet. It's just not the juggernaut that everyone remembers it being. There was a point in this generation that Japan was better than all of Europe.
Show us those "right now" figures then.jedimike said:I'm not talking overall... I'm talking on a week to week basis right now.
jarrod said:Show us those "right now" figures then.