By unplugging it and holding the X button a few different times, yes.
Color: it is white right now.
The HDMI cable is plugged into HDMI out, right?
By unplugging it and holding the X button a few different times, yes.
Color: it is white right now.
The HDMI cable is plugged into HDMI out, right?
I have the console in a way that is hard to see, Didn't think that there would be in/out HDMI plugs in the back lol. Checking now, thanks.
I have the console in a way that is hard to see, Didn't think that there would be in/out HDMI plugs in the back lol. Checking now, thanks.
Cool, thanks for the impressions, all. Now to find an actual XB1 for sale![]()
HDMI in lets you plug in your cable box/PC/whatever so you can use multiple devices within the Xbox One interface. It's really neat.
It worked! Thanks thanks thanks.
A more fleshed out sequel could really turn the series into a pretty fantastic IP
hey guys when do you think the bone is gonna have a price cut?
So my Xbox doesnt interface with the TV or cable box unless you turn the kinect around and point it right at them. Is there anyway to fix this besides getting an IR Blaster? Will that fix it?
So my Xbox doesnt interface with the TV or cable box unless you turn the kinect around and point it right at them. Is there anyway to fix this besides getting an IR Blaster? Will that fix it?
maybe 2016.
12-06-2013 2:14 AM
Verified Answer
Verified by XBLRewards3
Hi Violentblurr. Per our FAQ, most purchases for the Xbox 360 from the Xbox Stores qualify, including full games on demand, arcade games, indie games, game add-ons, game season passes, Movies, TV shows, TV seasons, themes and Avatar items. However, the purchase or redemption of an Xbox Live Gold membership, Xbox Music passes, Xbox Video TV season passes, and the purchase or redemption of Microsoft Points or Xbox Gift Cards, do not qualify. At this time, only Xbox 360 purchases qualify. Do check back as this may change in the future. Thanks.
Here's a random snippet from Legendary difficulty on Ryse. It's surprisingly tough, enemies hit very hard, the red glow the hard to block attacks have is removed, combos break muuuuuch faster naturally and especially if you whiff, executions barely give you stuff, and even then if you mess up any of the inputs you get nothing. Have to really be watching the surroundings and enemy animations...I'm mad that I dropped the combo at the end here, haha.
Not too bad for crytek's first stab at a genre like this.
Hey here's a fun fact. Xbox One purchases don't qualify for Xbox Live Rewards. Total horseshit move by Microsoft. Spent money on downloading games on the new Xbox thinking I'd get my 3% rebate. Noticed my rewards summary for November seemed low so I checked the support forums found this little gem.
Such a simple thing to carry over and they fudged it up. Shaking my head.
So does over the air HDTV work or does it have to be connected through HDMI?
Are you in a really big room or something? Or are your components tucked away in a cabinet?
An IR blaster should fix it.
Anyone concerned about the HD size? I have 6 games installed at the moment and they all together use around 225GB. That's half the size of the hard drive, without knowing how much space is dedicated to the operating system, I have no idea how much space I have left.
Any ideas if MS wil allow to swap the HD or at least be able to hook up an external storage option?
Anyone concerned about the HD size? I have 6 games installed at the moment and they all together use around 225GB. That's half the size of the hard drive, without knowing how much space is dedicated to the operating system, I have no idea how much space I have left.
Any ideas if MS wil allow to swap the HD or at least be able to hook up an external storage option?
The console doesn't have a built-in TV tuner, if that's what you're asking.
They are adding USB hard drive support, so just hang tight until that drops, hopefully by early 2014.Anyone concerned about the HD size? I have 6 games installed at the moment and they all together use around 225GB. That's half the size of the hard drive, without knowing how much space is dedicated to the operating system, I have no idea how much space I have left.
Any ideas if MS wil allow to swap the HD or at least be able to hook up an external storage option?
For those of you with the disc drive issues. This grinding noise happens regardless of the disc right? So blurays, games, etc all exhibit the same behavior?
I ask because I've only purchased digital games so far but want to check my drive with a bluray disc to see if it's faulty or not.
No I meant will the tv functions work without a cable box? I have an antenna already.
They did a whole announcement that they were retooling the rewards system now that they got rid of points - in August. Where were you?
You achieved, now receive.
You've unlocked: Master
It's the perfect way to get rewarded for having fun on Xbox One and Xbox 360. As a Gold member, MyAchievements lets you unlock four levels of payback based on your Gamerscore Contender, Champion, Legend or Master. The higher the tier, the greater the rebate you'll receive on purchases in the Xbox Stores when you spend at least $10!
You've reached the pinnacle of gaming greatness. As a Master, enjoy 300 Rewards Credits for every $10 USD spent in the Xbox Stores.
Anyone concerned about the HD size? I have 6 games installed at the moment and they all together use around 225GB. That's half the size of the hard drive, without knowing how much space is dedicated to the operating system, I have no idea how much space I have left.
Any ideas if MS wil allow to swap the HD or at least be able to hook up an external storage option?
ugh why halo 5 why you need to release so soon?maybe 2016.
I was here. When I go to this is what I see.
Could you tell me when they said Xbox One purchase wouldn't count? Genuinely curious.
Hey here's a fun fact. Xbox One purchases don't qualify for Xbox Live Rewards. Total horseshit move by Microsoft. Spent money on downloading games on the new Xbox thinking I'd get my 3% rebate. Noticed my rewards summary for November seemed low so I checked the support forums found this little gem.
Such a simple thing to carry over and they fudged it up. Shaking my head.
At the risk of getting completely bitched at I have a legit question.
I have an XBOne sitting under the tree, and i'm a little curious about the performance of the console. I've had two of my coworkers have issues with their kinects not functioning on their systems not to long after purchase. Has anyone else noticed any particular bugs to be aware of?
For reference I got a PS4 on launch day and was very particular about the HDMI issue that had plagued some users. All was good for me for a few days until suddenly the cable just stopped working. Switch to another cable I had around the house and no more issues.
I know all launches have issues and things going on from time to time with new hardware, i'm just curious if any of you fellow gaffers have dealt with anything, or are aware of anything I should be mindful of when I get to final open mine up.
At the risk of getting completely bitched at I have a legit question.
I have an XBOne sitting under the tree, and i'm a little curious about the performance of the console. I've had two of my coworkers have issues with their kinects not functioning on their systems not to long after purchase. Has anyone else noticed any particular bugs to be aware of?
For reference I got a PS4 on launch day and was very particular about the HDMI issue that had plagued some users. All was good for me for a few days until suddenly the cable just stopped working. Switch to another cable I had around the house and no more issues.
I know all launches have issues and things going on from time to time with new hardware, i'm just curious if any of you fellow gaffers have dealt with anything, or are aware of anything I should be mindful of when I get to final open mine up.
At the risk of getting completely bitched at I have a legit question.
I have an XBOne sitting under the tree, and i'm a little curious about the performance of the console. I've had two of my coworkers have issues with their kinects not functioning on their systems not to long after purchase. Has anyone else noticed any particular bugs to be aware of?
For reference I got a PS4 on launch day and was very particular about the HDMI issue that had plagued some users. All was good for me for a few days until suddenly the cable just stopped working. Switch to another cable I had around the house and no more issues.
I know all launches have issues and things going on from time to time with new hardware, i'm just curious if any of you fellow gaffers have dealt with anything, or are aware of anything I should be mindful of when I get to final open mine up.
The biggest immediate thing that seems to be a problem is the console noise. The thing is damned quiet, so if you have a pretty audible drive when running a disk it's messed up.
Otherwise the other semicommon one seems to be a randomly disconnecting controller. Not sure if that's on the console end of the control itself. I haven't seen many reports of just the kinect having something wrong with it.
the most common issues are the broken disc drive or a loud fan (should be near silent) on either the system or power brick
I have had a few issues as others have here, but the majority of the issues are corrected by completely shutting down the system (cold boot). Also with Kinect, when setting it up (doing the calibration) turn up the volume very high, this helps the Kinect set up it's microphone array a bit better.
Outside of that, I have not had any major issues. Just little things here nad there, but everything has been fixed by doing a complete power shutdown and restarting the system. Personally, I have had more issues with my PS4 than with the Xbox One. know where i can buy a kinect stand for my hdtv?
anyone know where i can buy a kinect stand for my hdtv?
Yeah, it sucks. They also removed the ability to earn points just for playing new games.
...I've had two of my coworkers have issues with their kinects not functioning on their systems not to long after purchase. ..
Make sure to be aware of one particular thing: this is no plug-and-play box.
You HAVE to take the time to calibrate everything, to get everything working as its supposed too. Most of the troubleshooting in this thread here was about this.
With your sound muted after an extended play session, you guys are saying you still can't hear the console? Seems crazy. Mine sounds like a fairly quiet/mild sounding PC.
With your sound muted after an extended play session, you guys are saying you still can't hear the console? Seems crazy. Mine sounds like a fairly quiet/mild sounding PC.