Sorry. Next time I will make sure not to get involved in discussions unless I've been given the okay by you.
Sorry. Next time I will make sure not to get involved in discussions unless I've been given the okay by you.
Its the opposite for me. My xbox one has not been touched in a week, the exclusive games for both consoles are rubbish in my opinion but superior multiplatforms titles means I'm purely playing the PS4. Still love the console but I probably should've waited for TitanFall.
Got in touch with Microsoft today(infamous disc drive problem) and I'll be getting my new console sometime next week, no Dead Rising for another WEEK+!
But, I got a free copy of Ryse out of it, so I guess that's okay. It took all damn day to install so I didn't get to play much, but it seems competent so far.
Has there been any reports of folks being able to do a return or exchange on power bricks with slightly noisy fans? It's my only real beef with this console.
I dunno but I'm going to call MS support tomorrow and see what I can do about getting a replacement PSU because the fan on mine makes a very audible, grinding type noise. I can hear it from my sofa if the game audio gets low or if the room is relatively silent (since I leave the console on standby). I'll report back on how that goes.
Hey guys, MS stated (I believe at E3) that having Xbox Live Gold in one home would work for all members of the family. Well, how do I get this to work???
I have Gold on my X1 in the downstairs living-room, when the Kinect see's me it automatically signs me into live Gold, but when it see's my daughter, Live Gold does not exist under her account/user interface, it has her listed as a Silver member. She cannot watch Netflix, go on YouTube, Etc.
My daughter also has an Xbox 1 in her room (we have 2 total), when her Kinect see's her, it does the same as the X1 in the living room. My point being, none of the Xbox 1's have her as a Gold member, it would be some real bullcrap if I had to buy a totally separate Xbox Live Gold membership card for her account when we live in the same house. $120 a year would be pretty pathetic on MS part if she cannot use my Gold account, considering we are living under the same roof.
I DO remember though, MS stating that all family members in the SAME household can use the same Gold account, and if so, does anyone know what I need to do to get this to work?
THX in advance!
Great game, probably my favourite exclusive game from either system. But it hasn't dragged me away from the PS4 yet, too many great 3rd party games that preform better on Sony's console. But it is a great game.Killer Instinct breh
Which Basketball game is considered the better game? I feel like picking one up.
I think you have to add her as family. Also I thought it was anybody gets gold on the same xbox one.HELP PLEASE!!!!
Hey guys, MS stated (I believe at E3) that having Xbox Live Gold in one home would work for all members of the family. Well, how do I get this to work???
I have Gold on my X1 in the downstairs living-room, when the Kinect see's me it automatically signs me into live Gold, but when it see's my daughter, Live Gold does not exist under her account/user interface, it has her listed as a Silver member. She cannot watch Netflix, go on YouTube, Etc.
My daughter also has an Xbox 1 in her room (we have 2 total), when her Kinect see's her, it does the same as the X1 in the living room. My point being, none of the Xbox 1's have her as a Gold member, it would be some real bullcrap if I had to buy a totally separate Xbox Live Gold membership card for her account when we live in the same house. $120 a year would be pretty pathetic on MS part if she cannot use my Gold account, considering we are living under the same roof.
I DO remember though, MS stating that all family members in the SAME household can use the same Gold account, and if so, does anyone know what I need to do to get this to work?
THX in advance!
I think you have to add her as family. Also I thought it was anybody gets gold on the same xbox one.
I think you have to add her as family. Also I thought it was anybody gets gold on the same xbox one.
How can I create profiles for my kids?
They had offline accounts on my 360, now I want them to have an account on my x1, gone into add account but it wants them to have an email address to sign up, they're only 8/5.
I have preemptively pinned Peggle 2. The moment it is available Monday it will be mine!
I still can't get my Kinect to turn on with voice. Everything else works, and I have it on the correct setting in Power and Start up. I haven't heard of anyone else having this issue, so I think all that I can do is contact MS.
I'm pretty sure it's just that all users on one xbox are supposed to be able to share the benefits.
To fix the living room xbox try this:
login as the gold user and go to settings->my home xbox and set it up to be the home xbox
this should share the gold account with everyone using that xbox, but for the other xbox they would have to be logged into a gold account. so the work around would be for your daughter to own the gold account and share it on the living room xbox. This way everyone could use gold in the living room, and she can still use gold on the other box
I still can't get my Kinect to turn on with voice. Everything else works, and I have it on the correct setting in Power and Start up. I haven't heard of anyone else having this issue, so I think all that I can do is contact MS.
I guess I'm just going to have to buy my daughter a Gold account. IMO this is a very bad decision on MS part, not only did I buy a $500 product off of them, I bought 2 of them! There needs to be better support (money wiz) from MS towards there costumers when so much money is spent, especially within one household!
You bought two X1 and now pay for two Gold subs. Sounds like they made a very smart decision to me.
Pretty much. My Gold account is subject only to me and my account, my daughter cannot access GOLD on her X1 if I am on my X1, so I have no choice but to purchase another Gold membership account for her, even though her and my X1's are literally 10 feet apart (her bedroom is directly above the living-room).
My daughter loves watching Netflix, which I already pay for, so basically MS wants me to pay them in-order to watch something I already pay for?! Not only this, but I have to pay them TWICE, $120 per year within the same household in-order to access this feature on both X1's! Makes sense, huh?
Pretty much. My Gold account is subject only to me and my account, my daughter cannot access GOLD on her X1 if I am on my X1, so I have no choice but to purchase another Gold membership account for her, even though her and my X1's are literally 10 feet apart (her bedroom is directly above the living-room).
My daughter loves watching Netflix, which I already pay for, so basically MS wants me to pay them in-order to watch something I already pay for?! Not only this, but I have to pay them TWICE, $120 per year within the same household in-order to access this feature on both X1's! Makes sense, huh?
Where do you live? I'm in Australia and this feature isn't active here yet, for whatever bizarre reason.
Sorry if you already tried this but maybe make her xbox the main household xbox. And then as long as your logged into yours you should be fine to use gold features on both.
After reading your story, I can't understand why you bought your daughter an Xbox One in the first place. Why couldn't she just stick with her Blu-Ray Player?
Did not try this yet, but while being logged into hers, LIVE would not allow me to be on mine at the same time. This is the point, IMO it's not going to work as I see that the X1 only allows me to be on one X1 at one time.
My daughter finally went to sleep (which means i can finally play me some KI), I will try this in the morning (what you explained), I will have no problems eating my words if what you stated works (hell, it will save me $60 buck).
You are not supposed to be logged in on her console. Just sign in with your profile once and go into settings and set her console to your home console. Now just keep that profile on the box and there should be no reason to sign in. On your other xbox you can still use the gold stuff as long as you are signed in.
Press and hold power button on the front panel for 5 seconds.Is there a way to completely turn off the Xbox(not put it into standby mode) without swapping power settings all the time? I've noticed if the console doesn't get a complete power cycle every so often things start to get sluggish.
Is there a way to completely turn off the Xbox(not put it into standby mode) without swapping power settings all the time? I've noticed if the console doesn't get a complete power cycle every so often things start to get sluggish.
Is there a way to completely turn off the Xbox(not put it into standby mode) without swapping power settings all the time? I've noticed if the console doesn't get a complete power cycle every so often things start to get sluggish.
Theres an annoyingly big difference between using regular batteries and rechargeables. With regular batteries rumble stops working when youre pad's batteries are almost gone. Letting know you you'll need new ones soon. With rechargeables this doesn't happen,cause yesterday my pad suddenly stoped working altogether, the rumble didn't stop working beforehand, the pad just suddenly stopped working. I Inserted the charge cable into the pad and things were good again. And the little orange indicator light on the pad was on, letting me know the batteries were being recharged once again. So yeah,you'll get no warning if youre pad is close to dieing if youre using rechargeables,hope they fix this.
Btw-regular batteries lasted about a week,playing about 6 hours a day. The Official Microsoft chargepack battery pack(with cable) lasted about 4 days with slightly less play time(about 4 hours per day.) Ok I guess.
Got in touch with Microsoft today(infamous disc drive problem) and I'll be getting my new console sometime next week, no Dead Rising for another WEEK+!
But, I got a free copy of Ryse out of it, so I guess that's okay. It took all damn day to install so I didn't get to play much, but it seems competent so far.
How did you get a free copy of Ryse? I just got my replacement but no free game. I must be doing something wrong. :/
Get some eneloops. The rumble gets turned off like with regular batteries. Why are you people buying this overpriced piece of shit from MS?
I live in a small town and the locals were totally sold out of those type of charger packs you mentioned. All I found was the Microsoft one....sooooo i caved in and bought them. Brain fart moment I guess.
Sorry. Next time I will make sure not to get involved in discussions unless I've been given the okay by you.