I know we can still see it, yet I kinda miss being able to see megabytes.![]()
I miss it so much!
Website is not working for me. Just loading forever?
Does anyone know what happened to this screen?
Website is not working for me. Just loading forever?
I know we can still see it, yet I kinda miss being able to see megabytes.
The new dash is faster that's for sure but it lacks too much info and options that the old 360 had.
Does anyone know what happened to this screen?
So I was wondering what I should do.
I have 2 HDMI hookups for my TV.
One is the Xbox one and the other is Cable.
I have a PS4 coming.
Should I put the cable though my Xbox (Comcast)?
Yes. That is why they set it up that way.
Any sort of Gamertag exchange thread? Add me! Super Nintendad
Should be able to just hit the menu button over it and uninstall.So i downloaded the demo for NBA Live and I would like it to go away from my console now. What ritual must I perform to make this happen?
I'm a big fan of the vision that Microsoft has for this gen but man I find this console frustrating to use.
The updates are just to be known by green bar when starting xbox one??
I wish they'd add online multiplayer to this game. It's the main thing stopping me from getting it. Does the game feel lonely?
Any sort of Gamertag exchange thread? Add me! Super Nintendad
Anyone that sent in a faulty console, did you have to do anything to the system (delete profile ect.)
Should be able to just hit the menu button over it and uninstall.
Why Powerstar Golf? A couple people mentioned this one . . .
How's the Xbox One version of Skylanders Swap Force?
Very good. 1080p/30fps, same as the PS4 version. If you are getting the game, Xbox One or PS4 versions are the ones to get. I had it on the 360 and it was nice, but it is a lot nicer on the Xbox One.
Sorry if it has already been addressed, at a two day work meeting so do not have a ton of time to read all posts, but I do not see any mention of it in the recent posts so here it goes...
Did the latest update totally break TV for anyone else?
Like my One does not see my cable box at all anymore. I unplugged everything and set it all back up and... Nothing.
It is like the Watch TV no longer works.
Hooked my cable box up without the One, works instantly.
So for now, no more Watch TV on my One.
Also when I try to choose it through settings, I only get a time out message about not finding an active box (totally just paraphrasing there, not at home).
So anyone see or read about a similar circumstance for others? What do I do to reset that all and start over?
Honestly I may just stick to the old regular way to do things and not hook up my cable box through the one. My wife was not a fan at all, but I would like to know how to set it back up if I chose to do so.
Dead Rising 3 demo up on the store right now. Can't DL it yet though.
Thanks for the heads up, but yeah says unavailable right now.
If anyone is looking for an Xbox One, Best Buys are getting a HUGE shipment. My district alone is seeing around 1,600+.
In comparison to last weeks shipment which we had slightly under 1100.
This seems to be the last big Christmas push. Though I'm hearing that there might be another big one the weekend before Christmas.
So I was wondering what I should do.
I have 2 HDMI hookups for my TV.
One is the Xbox one and the other is Cable.
I have a PS4 coming.
Should I put the cable though my Xbox (Comcast)?
So 900K in November. Good numbers. Going to comment in here since the other threads will be a gong show.
what? They sold 1 million on day one.
what? They sold 1 million on day one.
Dead Rising 3 demo up on the store right now. Can't DL it yet though.
Dos it matter if you use 2000mAh or 1000mAh on Xbox one?
Am not very good at those things![]()
1mil worldwide
It's basically the capacity - so your 2000mAh will last twice as long as 1000mAh batteries, roughly.
Nor sure is anyone can help but I think I have a problem with the rumble feature. I have Forza and I'm getting no rumble at all through the pad, luckily I bought a 2nd pad and I get no rumble through that either. I have checked the settings on the HUD and rumble is ticked. Is there on option for rumble on/off on the actual console settings? IF not anyone get any idea what the issue may be?