Poker Face
the issue with my xbox one has been resolved! it was my powerbrick and the MS store gave me a new one.
the issue with my xbox one has been resolved! it was my powerbrick and the MS store gave me a new one.
So my Kinect isn't working at all.... It's plugged in and not lighting up at all. I followed the instructions on the help page but still nothing. Anyone have this issue ? I checked the settings and it just keeps saying that Kinect is not connected. HALP!
Cool, will do. Thanks![]()
So my Kinect isn't working at all.... It's plugged in and not lighting up at all. I followed the instructions on the help page but still nothing. Anyone have this issue ? I checked the settings and it just keeps saying that Kinect is not connected. HALP!
Forgive me but am I wrong if I say that the character models of Dead Rising 3 is on par with Uncharted 3 or TLOU? I think they are the same in detail.
So my Kinect isn't working at all.... It's plugged in and not lighting up at all. I followed the instructions on the help page but still nothing. Anyone have this issue ? I checked the settings and it just keeps saying that Kinect is not connected. HALP!
Anyone know if there is a way to turn off the vibrating/rumble function for all aspects of the XB1?
I think my controller's rumble is faulty, it is pretty loud and annoying, to the point where it annoys other people in the room. All my games except BF4 have an option to turn rumble off. Is there a system wide setting to turn it off?
you may not be gripping the controller tight enough - it shouldn't be super loud, but you can definitely hear it if you're close to it.
I have tried to watch that show before. My god it is just not funny
I have tried to watch that show before. My god it is just not funny
I work IT, I'm working IT right now, and I could not agree more. Then again, I think most BBC shows are just up their own ass in smugness.
it turns it on by default, ive went through the menus and i still for the life of me cant get it to turn my tv on.
The faces look good but I think they forgot that there is more to a human being than a face.
wow. Thanks bro. I'm looking forward to this with my 1520 Lumia![]()
the issue with my xbox one has been resolved! it was my powerbrick and the MS store gave me a new one.
you definitely have to understand and appreciate british humor as well.
I have tried to watch that show before. My god it is just not funny
Hmmm. I won't be home from work for another 6 hours but I'll have to check on that. Is it probably a bug in the OS? It can't be a faulty IR Blaster if the volume controls work, right?
you've obviously never worked in tech support.
Forgive me but am I wrong if I say that the character models of Dead Rising 3 is on par with Uncharted 3 or TLOU? I think they are the same in detail.
Not even in cutscenes. Uncharted 2 MAYBE. I've actually turned around quite a bit on DR 3s graphics. Reflections, shadows, some nice texture work... It's the pop in and aliasing that hurt it most
I have tried to watch that show before. My god it is just not funny
I have tried to watch that show before. My god it is just not funny
Just to clarify, I'm talking only about character models. DR 3 and TLOU are on par in terms of character models. Maybe DR3 has slightly better textures.
I agree with animation that Drake and Joel looks a bit better but Nick and NPC looks on par with Joel or Ellie or Drake.Nick perhaps, but then I don't think he animates as well as Drake or Joel.
Best Buy finally let me order PDP Kinect stand, so I ordered two.
Jesus that was not easy.
GOD SAKE! Why Xbox Fitness is offline???????![]()
It's not BBC, it's Channel 4.I work IT, I'm working IT right now, and I could not agree more. Then again, I think most BBC shows are just up their own ass in smugness.
With the Xbox One using Skydrive to store and watch videos is there a way to see how many views each video has gotten?
With the Xbox One using Skydrive to store and watch videos is there a way to see how many views each video has gotten?
With the Xbox One using Skydrive to store and watch videos is there a way to see how many views each video has gotten?
So about it possible to snap video chat and play a game? I can only seem to get voice chat working.
I'm so sick of the stupid ad every single time I start a new Twitch feed. Especially since it's almost always the same one - making me hate Anchorman 2.
Even here in the UK it's pretty niche and very much a love it or hate it kind of definitely have to understand and appreciate british humor as well.