Campagne is beautiful. Playing it on my PS4 Pro instead of my Xbox One X and it looks fantastic in 4K HDR.

Campagne is beautiful. Playing it on my PS4 Pro instead of my Xbox One X and it looks fantastic in 4K HDR.
Quantum break was 103GB on my XB1, but after transfer to XB1X it is only 83.6GB.
Is X compressing games or maybe it removes 1080p textures/cutscenes?
Can soneone with QT check the size on their X?
BTW game boots and I played first few minutes.
Somebody else said something about that too, I wonder if its dropped some language files or something
yeah I noticed that too.
Its nont officially enhanced is it ?Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands /Xbox One X
the change is incredible o.0'
Is time for Crysis Enhanced. Come on Phil...
Lost Odyssey - Xbox One X Backwards Compatibility | 11 Minutes of Gameplay (2160p 60fps)
Its nont officially enhanced is it ?
Édit : oh it is. Howis The game overall
So does FALLOUT 4 have a patch or not? Mine isn't showing but I've seen some people talk about a patch today.
I'm not seeing it on mine either.
Turns out they have used the higher textures from the PC version which is due next year for the Xbox One X enhanced release.
What if it's a dynamic resolution game? Don't those just scale to the hardware's power? Like halo 5?
So does FALLOUT 4 have a patch or not? Mine isn't showing but I've seen some people talk about a patch today.
I'm not seeing it on mine either.
I would like to see a Fortnite enhanced patch. I know that isn't the most graphically intense game but it would certainly help seeing people from long distances. Especially if they are a motherfucking moving bush -_-
That's not as bad as Project CARS 2, whose official Xbox One X patch has shockingly dropped performance well below a guaranteed 60fps lock. The game appears to have been given a slight bump in texture and shadow quality, along with a nominal resolution boost—not quite 4K, possibly in the 1600p or 1800p ranges. Here's the thing: the pre-patched version could finally get close to a 60fps lock in stormy, reflection-filled downpours, which proved that the console really could make older games run better even if they hadn't been optimized. The game's Xbox One X patch, on the other hand, drags these races back down to a stuttering refresh somewhere in the mid-40s. That's bad enough, but we also reproduced screen tear and stuttering on normal, sunny courses, on which the pre-patch PC2 had established a crisp 60fps lock on Xbox One X. There's some serious WTF-ness going on there.
Worse, the update introduces atrocious screen tearing in both instances. Now, when PC2 buckles under the rendering pressure, its tears appear smack-dab in the middle of the screen. That's bizarre, because PC2 originally limited these tears to the top of the screen. It was a nifty trick to reduce impact during those rare, rainy races. That tweak appears to be gone, and players currently cannot go into a menu and undo this graphical update. PC2 needs a patch for its patch, and stat. Until then, its players on PC and PS4 Pro get a better experience.
I got an update for it but I can't find any information about it. If anyone knows please let us know what's on today's update. The game still does not show on my Enhanced list.
LB + RB + START + SELECT on the game...but XEN = False.
So to answer your question - No, the Enhancement patch is not out yet. I don't know why the Gaffer kept stressing the patch was out today when there is literally no evidence to support this...and all the evidence to the contrary. Bad form.
I didn't realize the X1X Enhanced patch for Project Cars 2 was already out.
But this, is not good to hear.
WTF seriously? Slightly Mad Studios should be ashamed of themselves.
Any enhanced for honor impressions? Good upgrade? On sale for $10 on amazon atm
This is not true. I've been playing PC2 a lot on my X and the game runs great. Some very minor dips from 60 fps when racing in thunderstorm with 31 AI drivers but that's it.
Ian Bell also says this is not true.
There is a small bug however in the X update which will be fixed in the next patch.
It's coming. Dunno when though... hopefully soon.Didn't think it had an enhanced patch
Anyone popped in Infinite warefare now its added to the enhanced list ??!&p=1417777&viewfull=1#post1417777Can you link me to Ian Bell's quote?
Did they ever released the 20th anniversary edition of rise of the tomb raider physically for xbox? Everywhere I check only offers the regular copy.
Assassin's Creed Origins image looks cloudy/foggy/washed out all the time, any time of the day/night.
I'm on a KS8000 (US) using regular settings for HDR gaming (backlight 20, contrast 100, Smart LED and Dynamic Contrast High, gamma -1, etc.).
In the game settings, I have max luminance at 1100 and paper white at 120.
Is this how the game actually is supposed to look like?
I don't remember AC Unity being this smooth. It's still soft but no frame tears or drops. It still holds up pretty well too for a 2014 game. Would be cool to see a patch just to see how good it could look on this system.
CoD WW2 still not showing on my Enhanced list.
Anybody know whats up?
Mafia III Runs at 1728P on XB1X with Extra Graphics Enhancements; No Plan To Bring HDR On PS4/PC
Also improved graphical quality for various rendering features, including SSAO, Geometry Detail, Shadows and Volumetric Effects.
Playing Tomb Raider HFR mode, and During gameplay, have yet to see any drops/slowdown.. Anyone else? Made it through to the stress test level with the water and collapsing columns, but it seemed rock solid.. Anyone else?
Assassin's Creed Origins image looks cloudy/foggy/washed out all the time, any time of the day/night.
I'm on a KS8000 (US) using regular settings for HDR gaming (backlight 20, contrast 100, Smart LED and Dynamic Contrast High, gamma -1, etc.).
In the game settings, I have max luminance at 1100 and paper white at 120.
Is this how the game actually is supposed to look like?