I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Assassin's Creed Origins 3GB updating now
Probably just new DLC content, cus game has been enhanced since release.
Assassin's Creed Origins 3GB updating now
Anyone else had issues with the Netflix app crashing their X's? it's happend to me several times now and even did a really strange thing where all the colours went different, like the Netflix logo was brown/orange coloured.
I could of sworn Halo Reach was one of the first games I tested on the Xbox One X when I first took the console home and it looked sharp. Today, I decided to start playing Halo Reach again (never played it) and was surprised at how muddy the game looks. What's even worse, there were graphical glitches during the cut scenes.
Now that's commitment. Much respect. I'd imagine that the jump from playing vanilla Skyrim on the Xbox 360 to the Enhanced Edition on the X will blow your mind. I am tempted to halt my play through of Skyrim until I pick up my X as well but I'm having too much fun and it genuinely still looks great on the original Xbox One (considering the fact that it's based on a game that came out in 2012). There's a mod called "taller trees" that does exactly what the title states but it makes the forests around Riften look stunning. It's making my second run through Skyrim even more immersive and enjoyable than my first. The mod with the Morrowind and Oblivion soundtracks is also helping with that.
Agreed! I traditionally always played ES games as an archer/thief but I'm playing as an Orc battle mage at the moment and having so much fun. It's a completely difference experience to my first run through Skyrim back in the day.
AC Origins Patch 1.1.0 Increases XB1X Memory Budget For Textures & Terrains
I hope other devs start doing this as timeresources allow![]()
AC Origins Patch 1.1.0 Increases XB1X Memory Budget For Textures & Terrains
I hope other devs start doing this as time\resources allow![]()
Impressed with the X support by ubisoft here!
BTW, in case you guys don't know, The Surge is $20 on Xbox Live for gold members. The game is X enhanced, looks great and plays butterly smooth.
BTW, in case you guys don't know, The Surge is $20 on Xbox Live for gold members. The game is X enhanced, looks great and plays butterly smooth.
Anyone else had issues with the Netflix app crashing their X's? it's happend to me several times now and even did a really strange thing where all the colours went different, like the Netflix logo was brown/orange coloured.
I could of sworn Halo Reach was one of the first games I tested on the Xbox One X when I first took the console home and it looked sharp. Today, I decided to start playing Halo Reach again (never played it) and was surprised at how muddy the game looks. What's even worse, there were graphical glitches during the cut scenes.
Maybe I'm imagined play testing the game. Halo Reach right now looks like ass and has graphical glitches (during the opening cutscene at the start of the game.)
Anyone else have the same experience?
I decided to start playing Halo 5 again and continue the campaign.
Any idea when the Witcher 3 X patch is coming?
The game iq is being destroyed by the horrible AA solution, TAA post current gen era with tons of ghosting so unless they remove it in a remaster it will always look muddy. This is definitely the one game MS should have done x enhance first since it never had a remaster version.
Noticed some frame drops in AC Origins after yesterday's patch. Before this it run butter smooth. Anyone else noticed this?
Any idea when the Witcher 3 X patch is coming?
I can't speak to the graphical glitches but the game has always had that muddy, soft look, at least on Xbox One. I don't remember how it looked on a real 360. Are you sure you didn't play Halo 3? It actually got a nice patch for the X but Reach has not been touched. I also played Reach when I got the X just to see if it looked/played any better and it seemed to be exactly the same as it was on the S.
Did anyone test Mass Effect Andromeda? Is there any significant improve to the resolution and frame rate?
Now that I seen Dolby vision in action on my new LG B7 OLED, I could tell you if you have a TV that supports it you definitely want it on your Xbox! Dolby vision even without 12 bit TVs on the market, it's still very noticeably improved over standard hdr10
Did anyone test Mass Effect Andromeda? Is there any significant improve to the resolution and frame rate?
Anyone tried Okami HD ? Hope its native 4K.
Any idea when the Witcher 3 X patch is coming?
Are these enhanced games on Xbox One X like 'Remasters' but free?
Dammit SoW is so pretty!!
Are these enhanced games on Xbox One X like 'Remasters' but free?
Dammit SoW is so pretty!!
Awesome! Better than nothing.
Really hanging out for the Witcher 3 enhanced patch
Resident evil 7 and forza horizon 3 are listed as coming soon status now!
Anyone else had issues with the Netflix app crashing their X's? it's happend to me several times now and even did a really strange thing where all the colours went different, like the Netflix logo was brown/orange coloured.
Currently work in progress. Will release as soon as its ready.What does it say I cant use twitter, thank u.
Resident evil 7 and forza horizon 3 are listed as coming soon status now!
I just copped titanfall 2 on ebay for less than $9... can't wait to try it out!