Has the Xbox Series already cemented itself as the worst Xbox generation in history?

What’s Microsoft’s worst generation?

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The brand has always been shit. I am not surprised at all. They Excel at churning out turds. Their consoles have been disappointing since xbox360. a fucking liar of a Company. The most disgraceful is that a bunch of parrots and clowns repeat their bullshit as if it were gospel. What the hell did people expect?
Neither console has really been worth the asking price if one was primarily a PC gamer. I was holding out on buying either one for the "refresh" a few years in, but PS5Pro is not nearly worth the asking price and Series X wasn't either. If they had come down in price in any meaningful way and the value proposition was higher, I'd be happy to pick one up, but having a good PC has made either option essentially useless to me.
As a fan of xbox, I'm having the most fun this generation with all the games, so I'd say series gen is my favorite followed by the 360.
I've had 1000s of hours of multiplayer fun with friends and backwards compatible exclusives on my Xbox/pc app; exponentially more than my PS. The UI and user experience is also superior. I acknowledge that MS has made bad decisions regarding the long term planning of the brand but the schadenfreude is excessive. Losing Xbox as a competitor in the console market is bad for all of us.
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I loved my Series X, until Microsoft decided they weren't going to let me keep using emulators I downloaded for it. It wouldn't be such a big deal if the system actually had good exclusives, but when you've got a company that literally says "Exclusives don't sell systems," I guess they think people buy video game system because based on their favorite dashboard?

The whole experience really left a nasty taste in my mouth. It's shocking how far Microsoft will go to make it look like they aren't trying to compete with Sony. Unless someone already owns a large digital library on Xbox, there is ZERO reason to even consider buying their hardware.


Neither of those ended with them having to go third-party (although Sega was close).
this is true, but I'd argue it's not the console's fault that MS is going 3rd party, it's the decision-makers. The console itself is totally fine, to be honest as someone who owns both, both it and PS5 are neither here nor there.
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Yes only the original XBOX was truly great because of Halo 1 and Halo 2 the two best Halo games and Timesplitters 4 but that was multiplatform. Dead or Alive 3 and Extreme Volleyball were alright too for it.


Linux User
Including games you can play on PlayStation and/or Nintendo?

Successful games don't mean a lot when there aren't worthwhile exclusives. People will just play them on the other machines that have other big games in addition to the ones on that platform.
Microsoft is moving away from exclusives- which is pretty much admitting defeat.


Neo Member
I was a big Xbox fan up until a year or so ago, but I don't see myself buying another game in that ecosystem. It's a sinking ship and they've given up.

Series is definitely the worst Xbox generation. The Xbox One got off to a terrible start, but they fought, course corrected with the One X and ended up in a good place for the next-gen.

That's why it's so disappointing they squandered that from day one, launching with great hardware, but no games yet again.

This time around, they didn't fight. They've thrown in the towel mid-generation. There will be no Xbox Series X X resurgence this time.


PS5 has sold like 70 million units half way through its life, how is that a failure?

Sort you head out mate
We lack proper games this gen and you could tell simply by not missing anything you like or even may like. See, I for one have missed a lot back in 7th gen even though I did my absolute best to support and invest in the hobby, that chilling effect the 7th gen has lifted for generations to come is what we're missing at the moment.


ChatGPT 0.001
I really like the series x, I guess the good thing is it’s powerful and reliable, even without a deep exclusive game category I think it plays multiplatform games great, I always felt like Xbox Live (now game pass) was better than PSN (Nintendo online doesn’t matter), I think series x with a few more good exclusives (Halo Infinite 2, Gears E-day, Gears 6, Fable, Forza 2, a really good unannounced game etc.) cement the system as an all time great.

Another reason is just looking at the thing, c’mon man she’s a looker:

Halo Infinite GIF by Xbox


Neo Member
I loved my 360 but then looking back I completely ditched it once I got a ps3.

For series x its weird as gamepass is what really turned me off of it, I felt like I HAD to be playing it as I was paying for the sub but I also felt stupid buying games for it while having the sub!
Once I got ps5 the whole bullshit with activision was going on and it really soured me on microsoft with all their bulshit so switched back to having PS as my main. I use it for back compat games and was my emulator device too but thats shit itself now as well.

Its a shame as the series x itself is a really good console hardware wise but the sub service, games Im not interested in and nothing else has put me off it.


Xbox One is definitely the worst. Xbox 360 is the best even with RLOD.
This is the correct take. The Series X is fine, it’s basically the same shit as PS5 hardware wise, and the S has proven a popular budget option for them.

I can’t overstate how fucking trash the One generation was. Performance sucked compared to PS4, forced Kinect during the early years, and the reveal absolutely tanked the brand.

Cancel MS hardware and bring back Sega.
I can’t overstate how fucking trash the One generation was. Performance sucked compared to PS4, forced Kinect during the early years, and the reveal absolutely tanked the brand.

Cancel MS hardware and bring back Sega.

People seem to forget about the One X though.

It was introduced 3 years before Series released and was superior to the PS4 Pro in terms of performance.

So unlike the Series generation Microsoft had both the best hardware AND actual exclusives.
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People seem to forget about the One X though.

It was introduced 3 years before Series released and was superior to the PS4 Pro in terms of performance.
You’re right, and I almost called out the One X - it was the best hardware that gen but it was too little too late.

When people do mid-cycle upgrades they stay in the same ecosystem I would guess 95+% of the time. If you already spent several years playing and building a PS4 library, are you really gonna cut tail and switch to Xbox for a few more frames/pixels? No, you’re just gonna get a PS4 Pro.

I’ll grant you the One X may have brought some new customers in as their 2nd/3rd console to play the exclusives but it did not save MS from the absolute disaster of that generation.
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