Bwhahahaha seriously stop it you're gonna give me a heart attack, laughing that much cannot be healthy

A large chunk of PC components are commodified which means the only difference between them is price which means the market is constantly being pushed downward. Samsung, Crucial, Kingston, etc drop prices ALL THE TIME because otherwise their products just wouldn't sell. Why do you think these companies try to get into the gaming market? Because a few rgbs here, the right influencer backing there and you can maybe get out of the commodity trap, but I digress. Let me show you what "becoming a commodity" means in a super competitive market:
And you're going to say.... uh that's some cheapo stuff the real gear doesn't go down, yadda yadda...
I've got bad news for you buddy: the gold standard of consumer ssds has long been considering the samsung evo line of nvme ssd's. In 2018, 1 terabyte of samsung evo nvme ssd was 400$. Now? it can be had for the measly price of 169.99$
If you want to console WARZZ at least base your arguments on realistic situations, look at
@X-Fighter post: a valid criticism is that messaging will always be challenging and there's a reasonable chance the less informed consumers will buy the wrong drives. You see that? Reasonable. Realistic.