March Climber
Hope you're enjoying Street Fighter 6. Also, see you at the Exoprimal and Dragon's Dogma 2 release.SOMETHING ORIGINAL FROM CAPCOM???? NOT A REMAKE??? NANI?
Hope you're enjoying Street Fighter 6. Also, see you at the Exoprimal and Dragon's Dogma 2 release.SOMETHING ORIGINAL FROM CAPCOM???? NOT A REMAKE??? NANI?
Disappointed in this Hellblade 2 trailer. Its literally nothing and the amount of Post processing and Chromatic Aberration effects ruins everything.
Xbox showing more Japanese titles than Sony showcase.
With cinematic games, cinematic trailers are the best because they lean into that game's strengths. For other games, the best gameplay trailer they can have is just showing a slice of gameplay for like 2 minutes straight. Avowed should have been the latter.
It's already better and it's only 30 minutes in. Yeah, some weaker looking games here and there, but the general vibe is so much better than Sony's conference.
Dont be mad just won worst post of the month.
Sure it’s “better” if you like a lot of fake in-engine cutscenes from games being captured on PC that aren’t coming out until next year or later.
Forza Motorsport has been the only 2023 release date so far outside of the FO76 expansion.
That would be dope if we finally get an official look at OverdoseThe shows going to end with a kojima game exlusive to xbox
lol. Another one they need to let die. we will never get ES lolESO fuckin LOL
You’re right on all of this BUT graphically the game is stunning.I am sorry but that hellblade scene is the worst cutscene ive ever seen. They are going full retarded with the voices, and it is constant and annoying. i dont care if thats whats shes going through, its bad filmmaking. Moviemaking is about more than just exposing you to mental illness, torture, murder, etc. this is such amateur storytelling im surprised no one is making fun of it. Absolutely brutal to watch.
And no gameplay. like come on. this game was revealed in 2019. can we fucking see something that wasnt played on auto mode?
Laughing at the graphic expectation thread right now.