You need to get the grenades back from the dead dude I believe.
Shoot. Didn't have time for that, it was a mission where I had to get a VIP to an extraction zone, and I had 2 turns left. Oh well.
You need to get the grenades back from the dead dude I believe.
Quick questions for early on. Ive got a squad of corporals and the rest are rookies (real early) should I focus on trying to get rookies in early missions to improve them, or are injuries going to be causing a fair amount of rotation of the ranks so I shouldn't worry?
Quick questions for early on. Ive got a squad of corporals and the rest are rookies (real early) should I focus on trying to get rookies in early missions to improve them, or are injuries going to be causing a fair amount of rotation of the ranks so I shouldn't worry?
Anyone know if the countdown timer has a "0" turn? I know some games kill you at "1" and others have a "0" turn, counting the timer as a "turns left" in the literal sense.
The percentages are driving me nuts, although I do enjoy the adrenaline rush when I hit 50-70% shots.
Still, I've had more 84%+ shots fail per "capita" than I have had sub 84% shots.
I still love the game and I couldn't finish EU/EW. Something about the adjustments (concealment, drops, and how overwatch works now) just clicked with me like the pieces that were missing from EU/EW.
The Avatar thing is just annoying. I don't know if I'm having bad luck with it or what. It's like a constant tug of war. Any time I remove one of the squares it is gained back within minutes so I just feel like I'm busting my ass to keep things even. Just once I'd like to get it below 3 squares so I'd have a little breathing room.
I'm pretty sure that the RNG was tested in Xcom 1 and proven to be reporting correct numbers (IIRC they fudged the numbers slightly on lower difficulties to make players feel better about hitting difficult shots). I really can't see why they would change it for this game.Some people are claiming on reddit that there are hidden aim penalties tied to difficulty. Considering how shit my luck has been on legend/ironman, like never in my life have I experienced such bullshit, I'm ready to believe them.
Also, is the flashbang crit bug true? Looks like I'm dropping this playthrough until patch. Whew..
Steam reviews are surprisingly low. They're mostly performance complains but still.
So has anyone else experienced this glitch?
Assaulting a train mission, aenemy decides tosnakemy sniper. During the animation for it, the camera swung behind buildings some distance away. When the animation ended, thetongue/grapple(and my sniper) have teleported across the map behind said buildings.snake
It didn't end there. The buildings are further into the map, and activates another pod of enemies. Mission wipe. Best sniper and Ranger dead.
*Reads complaint about turn limits, checks profile*I'd say that about half of them are bitching about turn limits.
There's a tooltip literally telling you that you're supposed to be racing against time with the Avatar project.
That said, assaulting black sites and doing story missions drops the Avatar meter. Do enough of them and you can drop it quite low.
Mech with 1 life left kills 2 of my guys
Damn, that sucks. I had a similar situation earlier. Luckily my Sharpshooter managed to take it down with a pistol shot as a last resort.
I'm pretty sure that the RNG was tested in Xcom 1 and proven to be reporting correct numbers (IIRC they fudged the numbers slightly on lower difficulties to make players feel better about hitting difficult shots). I really can't see why they would change it for this game.
These fucking angles.......
Is there a mod to get better usable angles? Will me using such a mod disable achievements?
Thought I'd give the Steam Controller a blast but must admit the official recommended controls aren't overly intuitive (its no clear at all how you select actions and using the pad to mouse select is painful).
Wait. There is no controller support but they bundled the steam controller with the game and the game supports it?Wouldn't that mean having controller support wouldn't be that hard... ? This is confusing as fuck.
Yeah, I know it's supposed to be a race. I guess I was hoping more a little more of a marathon than the sprint I've been doing. Give me a little time to heal up and do some research, you know?
I just lost an entire squad of corporals because I misunderstood the turn timer on a VIP mission. I thought I'd have turn 0 to extract them. They were all 3 spaces from the extract zone.
Early VIP mission with 2 turns left, killed all aliens and I'm 1 turn away from the Evac area. Get a call from Central
"Sorry, you need to go to this other Evac at the other side of the map" WTF, I just loaded the geo save and redid the level (this time it was a lot easier) but man this game ain't kind to you :/
sounds like someone or something destroyed the original evac point. like a fire or something.Early VIP mission with 2 turns left, killed all aliens and I'm 1 turn away from the Evac area. Get a call from Central
"Sorry, you need to go to this other Evac at the other side of the map" WTF, I just loaded the geo save and redid the level (this time it was a lot easier) but man this game ain't kind to you :/
Try to not have any visible ADVENT sites on the map. The bar looked very bad for me when I had two sites up, I think I was 3 bars from defeat or something. After that scare, I prioritized expanding and taking down black sites and it hasn't crept above the half way since.
Lol, do not start your ambush while using a large truck for cover. Ambush took out everything but the mech which then grenaded the truck killing half my squad instantly.
I had a ton of injuries early game. Like 10+ guys in the infirmary at one point.
I have yet to see someone go unconscious, they always just die. So that specialist revive skill seems kinda useless
I have yet to see someone go unconscious, they always just die. So that specialist revive skill seems kinda useless
I have yet to see someone go unconscious, they always just die. So that specialist revive skill seems kinda useless
Just discovered after 10 hours of play that flashbangs will break sectoids psionic control buffs.
Lol, do not start your ambush while using a large truck for cover. Ambush took out everything but the mech which then grenaded the truck killing half my squad instantly.
I have yet to see someone go unconscious, they always just die. So that specialist revive skill seems kinda useless