All my hacks fucked me over, its too risky imo. Unless you get greater chances of success with higher level specialists
It's worth it to check. I got one that gave my specialist a permanent +20 to their hacking skill.
All my hacks fucked me over, its too risky imo. Unless you get greater chances of success with higher level specialists
It's either RNG based like everything else in this game or the cause of the damage affects the wound type. 99% chance it's the former.
Is there some special condition for the soldiers to bleed out? I lost about 7 guys so far and none of them did. In the first game the chances were about fifty-fifty, right?
Is there some special condition for the soldiers to bleed out? I lost about 7 guys so far and none of them did. In the first game the chances were about fifty-fifty, right?
I think it's a lab perk you can pay for.
God I hate Vipers.
Just keep "Come over 'ere"ing my people, strangle them and then dodge all my bullets.
This is my first XCOM game and holy fuck this game doesn't give a goddamned shit about you as a player.
Yo, have some fucking Sectoids on your 6th mission in the game. They will panic one of your dudes, make them throw a grenade at 2 of your other squaddies covering on a car that will then blow it the fuck up, killing them both. Icing on the cake? We're going to revive one of your still smouldering, freshly-dead squaddies and make them a zombie that's capable of killing one of your last living squaddies in one hit.
Holy shit. I am not sure if I will survive much longer with this game.
This is my first XCOM game and holy fuck this game doesn't give a goddamned shit about you as a player.
Idk there are a lot of ways in which it's 50x more casual than the original game. Yet at the same time it has a series of design decisions that appear solely geared towards creating maximum frustration.
Checks out.
Why are all of the enemies suddenly "advanced"? I'm not getting any advent trooper corpses because I keep killing "advanced troopers" instead, who have this irritating habit of surviving mag sniper shots what feels like 75% of the time.
I feel like I've really missed something coming into this game as someone who's new to the XCOM franchise. I think I need to go back to play XCOM1/TEW or something to "learn" how to deal with this game. I still can't get over how Sectoids can mindfuck your squaddies from 100km away.
I'm going to keep trying but it's a shitty feeling having to restart missions so often since I don't like to save scrub missions.
Is the dark event that gives them more armor active?
I feel like I've really missed something coming into this game as someone who's new to the XCOM franchise. I think I need to go back to play XCOM1/TEW or something to "learn" how to deal with this game. I still can't get over how Sectoids can mindfuck your squaddies from 100km away.
I'm going to keep trying but it's a shitty feeling having to restart missions so often since I don't like to save scrub missions.
Is the dark event that gives them more armor active?
Flash bangs are super effective against Sectoids.
All my hacks fucked me over, its too risky imo. Unless you get greater chances of success with higher level specialists
This is my first XCOM game and holy fuck this game doesn't give a goddamned shit about you as a player.
Yo, have some fucking Sectoids on your 6th mission in the game. They will panic one of your dudes, make them throw a grenade at 2 of your other squaddies covering on a car that will then blow it the fuck up, killing them both. Icing on the cake? We're going to revive one of your still smouldering, freshly-dead squaddies and make them a zombie that's capable of killing one of your last living squaddies in one hit.
Holy shit. I am not sure if I will survive much longer with this game.
Idk there are a lot of ways in which it's 50x more casual than the original game. Yet at the same time it has a series of design decisions that appear solely geared towards creating maximum frustration.
to me it feels like they looked very deeply into how players reacted to everything in the previous game and designed this one accordingly. Even subtle things like how new soldiers are harder to come by, training new guys up is hard and wound times are long, in EU you could get by barely thinking about that stuff.
I beat classic ironman once and it was a very intense, memorable experience. But I'm only on Veteran here and I feel like I'm even more pressured than I was in the best of missions in EU. I've been faced with impossible odds, two new powerful enemy types introduced and triggered at once right after my sniper got put into bleed out, followed by despair when I saw a red flare light up on the ground. But I pulled that mission off using all the tools available to me, moments like that are why I'm glad they made this game the way they did.
It's worth it to check. I got one that gave my specialist a permanent +20 to their hacking skill.
Why are all of the enemies suddenly "advanced"? I'm not getting any advent trooper corpses because I keep killing "advanced troopers" instead, who have this irritating habit of surviving mag sniper shots what feels like 75% of the time.
You also have to kill ALL remaining enemies, which can be tricky. In my game it's December and every enemy are end game Super Bastards! Lots of fun!I had a very similar experience tonight. Had to hack into a laptop for a mission. I thought it was pretty simple, until I saw it was on the second floor and I couldn't gremlin into it. What's worse was that there was a new enemy type outside and I over-extended myself to defeat it.
I managed to get the laptop but... I activated another pod with that new enemy type and reinforcements were incoming. I still don't know how I pulled it off -- I ran out of mimics at that point and only one flashbang left.
At the same time, I think I found a bug: it seems that grabbing the laptop data and evacing will result in mission failure!
Can't wait to see which bits of the geoscape are randomised. I know country bonuses are. Is your start location too? If you got the power core start maybe you could get a few more buildings online asap and get advanced warfare sooner than later.
I started in east asia
You are way past the tutorial. It's pretty much just that first mission with the two forced deaths and the following cutscene.
Thanks. I don't think I have the option to start a new game with Ironman checked so I'm not sure what's gong on. Maybe I am not looking in the right place, or I just really didn't look hard enough.
Yo, have some fucking Sectoids on your 6th mission in the game. They will panic one of your dudes, make them throw a grenade at 2 of your other squaddies covering on a car that will then blow it the fuck up, killing them both. Icing on the cake? We're going to revive one of your still smouldering, freshly-dead squaddies and make them a zombie that's capable of killing one of your last living squaddies in one hit.
Why are new players always so scared of Sectoids in this game?
They almost never shoot at you.
I can't stress enough how important this is. Raise Zombie is a wasted turn. Zombies also have no ranged attack. Try to figure out how far they can move and just ignore them. Panic is very very very rarely as bad "throw a grenade at 2 of your other squaddies". That's really hyperbole. Mind control is easily the best case scenario. Gives you a full turn to kill him or throw one single flashbang at him.
at least they don't puffball anymore like they used to.
Next time around I'm thinking straight tech to predator armour. Near doubles your health and it gets you an extra pocket item. Mag tech can wait a little.
Mind control is easily the best case scenario. Gives you a full turn to kill him or throw one single flashbang at him.
Yes they do. If you mean the poison cloud that is
I kinda hate that you still get some "under the hood cheats" on Commander aka new-Classic difficulty.The difficuly difference between commander and veteran is hilarious. Veteran is WAY easier.
not on death
The problem is that there is almost no way to get the objective without setting off the alarm so there's no way to do it stealthy, and get in and get out. You almost always will end up triggering the aliens when you enter the building the objective is in and if you set off the alarm on one group of aliens, now every alien in sight of your squad is alerted and you often find yourself surrounded. This is a huge problem in the early game when you don't really have anyway of dealing with multiple aliens yet.
I play on Commander, not Legend, but the way I approach it is that you can't afford to try to stealth your way to the objective. You have to make sure to position your first ambush effectively and then be aggressive with any subsequent pods on the way to the goal. Going in hard on those early turns will buy time for when you reach the objective area and can be more cautious, with the objective itself close by as a possible safety valve if it gets too hairy.