XCOM 2 |OT| Butts, hug that shit!
Personally, I've found ADVENT Officers and their markers to be more troublesome to my squads. In a prolonged firefight, it leads to a dead soldier more often than not...
The lancers just kinda run up, poke someone, and then get smoked via a flanking attack. Annoying but manageable.
I got to 0:17 of the video and I saw him shooting at enemies 1 tile away from the edge of the roof, i.e. no cover and I closed the video because it was too scary to watch.
This game has affected me.
BAwahaha, was in an Advent facility mission and i knew reinforcements were gonna come so i had all my units in Overwatch around the red flare and as soon as they landed they got destroyed. that was sweet justice.
Accuracy. Geographic accuracy was lost.
Once landed in northern Siberia only to learn that I'm apparently in Beijing. I guess the aliens moved a few cities around, nbd.
Wait, so the enemies will attack it no matter what? I was throwing it into open ground so it appeared to be the juiciest target. I just assumed they were attacking it because it was the best option. That's why I continued to throw them in the open.
BAwahaha, was in an Advent facility mission and i knew reinforcements were gonna come so i had all my units in Overwatch around the red flare and as soon as they landed they got destroyed. that was sweet justice.
So how do PCS or combat stims or whatever work? You can only get them from the Black Market right? I assume they're reusable? Do you need to trigger them?
Unless they knock your dude unconcious.
That's really obnoxious.
(Though now that I stop and think about it I'm not sure if it's happened to me since I got Predator armor...)
Unless I'm massively misunderstanding how the status effects work:One thing I didn't like about the ranger sword was the upgrade going from stun > burn
Like how is burn better than stun in any possible way?
Unless I'm massively misunderstanding how the status effects work:
- Stun removes one action point. Most units have 2 per turn.
- Fire prevents a host of abilities from being used and damages them every turn. For several turns.
It's a pretty clear upgrade.
Yeah I also think the dodge and graze mechanic is dumb.I have no problems with %, but the dodge mechanic pisses me off sometimes. Oh, look, four people hit that viper for a total of 8 damage. % to hit is determined by how you play, but what do you do against dodge other than go *falk face*
Man, I know even thinking about doing an LP the way I did the last one is giving me the "YOU SERIOUSLY DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS", but god the situations you could get into and the way I could write that shit up...! Ugh. I should wait for a few months though just so some patches and mods get released.
Are you using a specialist? Only needing LOS to the objective rather than being right up on it helps a lot. (Gremlin OP)
I actually just let it countdown so that I can gank the reinforcements. As far as I can tell there's no penalty for that. I think the penalty IS the reinforcements, but to me that's more liked free EXP
I actually just let it countdown so that I can gank the reinforcements. As far as I can tell there's no penalty for that. I think the penalty IS the reinforcements, but to me that's more like free EXPI had a UFO attack mission. The clock was ticking down. I saw i had one soldier who could get to the device in time to stop the countdown.
She got there and proceeded to do nothing. Because you can't hack computers when you're on fire.
I couldn't even tell she was burning :|
Later I learned I could have just blown it up :|
I actually just let it countdown so that I can gank the reinforcements. As far as I can tell there's no penalty for that. I think the penalty IS the reinforcements, but to me that's more like free EXP
Yeah I know, which is why I put the guys who need EXP for promotions in the back so that they shoot last and are more likely to killThis is where I tell you that the amount of xp anyone can earn per mission is hard capped.
Things yet to try: multiple bladestorm rangers standing on a flare muahahaha.
I miss ghost assault bombs from xcom eu.
At what? How many kills? Is it like EW?This is where I tell you that the amount of xp anyone can earn per mission is hard capped.
At what? How many kills? Is it like EW?
I swear my Rookie got 2 promotions in the field, but only applied 1 when I got back to base before. I've also been feeding 5-6 kills a mission to my backup grenadier.
Every time I convince myself to start this I read about more glitches.
Seriously, should I hold off? I've got a backlog a mile deep so its not like I'm hurting for something to play.
thats why i stopped using them. Feels like cheating. Went back using smoke, weaker, but at least make sense.
whats with the mimic beacons anyway. Is it a mind controlling device that mind controls enemy into attacking it brainlessly?
I have played 20 hours and I have yet to see these glitches people keep talking about.
XCOM 2 |OT| Butts, hug that shit!
Yet another example where proximity mines provide much laughter. I never leave home without them.
Question to those who finished the game: is thethe last mission?tower
XCOM 2 |OT| Everybody fights, no one quits.
Every time I convince myself to start this I read about more glitches.
Seriously, should I hold off? I've got a backlog a mile deep so its not like I'm hurting for something to play.
Apparently holding ctrl and right clicking makes waypoints so that you have more control over the path of your soldiers?
Works with sword, not with skulljackJep, just like in an RTS. It can be useful for concealed mode or to avoid overwatch enemies.
I can't rember if it works with the sword, I think it sadly doesn't.
it really annoys me that you always say "go help HIM out" when you heal with the gremlin even if the victim is a female
What the hell is happening to Beaglerush? I really enjoy his XCOM 2 videos and the last one is from a week ago...
Anyone ever wonder why Grenades do 4 damage so rarely?
Ini says:
Grenades have a 80% chance to do 3 damage and only 20% chance to do 4 damage.