Beaglerush + Grenadier spam + mimic beacons
edit: To clarify, not my screenshot. Guess Beaglerush isn't a household name yet? hahahaha.
damn, they would've been so useful for those annoying rescue VIP missions.
Mimic beacon is just living the dream. For all the cheap things the AI does...we have mimic beacon. We should all be standing behind the mimic beacon (literally and figuratively), as it proudly fulfills its purpose in that glorious single turn. Imagine living that fear of the enemy, and knowing you helped level the cheap tactics playing field. I say thank you mimic beacon, and I hope to see a beautiful modded version of yourself...with lasers, and maybe a proximity mine installed. Oh, oh, and you should have a rapid fire grenade launcher with a nuclear payload. Maybe it could also last 12 turns, be movable, and when it gets a kill, it sprays the squad with artificial bacon scented combat pheromones.
mine survive like 2 attacks, so I don't see why they are so overpowered?
or is there a way to upgrade them?
A lone Sectoid opted to shoot and wound one of my poorly-placed guys the other day when there were dead bodies available, and I was actually indignant until I realized that was probably how it should be.(as with e.g. Sectoids and Advent corpses right now)
I don't think the beacons are overpowered, but I wouldn't be surprised if they get tweaked. Maybe cost more to make as an item. Or make them one use only tech like the overdrive serum, so if you use it on a mission you have to make a new one.
A lone Sectoid opted to shoot and wound one of my poorly-placed guys the other day when there were dead bodies available, and I was actually indignant until I realized that was probably how it should be.
I'd prefer they just nerfed it over making it more expensive or single-use. Tactical options are fun. There just shouldn't be one option that's vastly superior to everything else in the game.I don't think the beacons are overpowered, but I wouldn't be surprised if they get tweaked. Maybe cost more to make as an item. Or make them one use only tech like the overdrive serum, so if you use it on a mission you have to make a new one.
I mean, the beacons still need LoS to function. I've thrown poorly placed beacons before and the enemy has ignored them. The only mechanic tweak I would think might be necessary is if the enemy already has a good position/flanking position on a soldier they should take that shot instead of repositioning to go after the beacon. Most of the time all my guys are in cover while my beacon is standing out in the open - to me it would make sense for the enemies to go after the one in the open first.
On April 1st Firaxis should drop a patch/hotfix that changes Mimic Beacons so that aliens will be able to tell that Mimic Beacons are fake when in LOS of the device.
On April 1st Firaxis should drop a patch/hotfix that changes Mimic Beacons so that aliens will be able to tell that Mimic Beacons are fake when in LOS of the device.
Most people lose entire squads on a single legend mission and beagle didn't lose a single soldier on ironman. I feel shamed. His gameplay vids are fun as hell and his EU/EW ironman vid intro is awesome.
I always question stats like those. He played an entire game of Xcom legendary without the rng or a bug hosing him once? Yup. Wonder how many times he backed up his save in the background.
He streams his play live on the Internet.I always question stats like those. He played an entire game of Xcom legendary without the rng or a bug hosing him once? Yup. Wonder how many times he backed up his save in the background.
He streams his play live on the Internet.
On April 1st Firaxis should drop a patch/hotfix that changes Mimic Beacons so that aliens will be able to tell that Mimic Beacons are fake when in LOS of the device.
He streams his play live on the Internet.
I want a mod that has the mimic beacon take over control for you and command your squad on your behalf. And be able to win. On Legendary Ironman. Without upgrades
I always question stats like those. He played an entire game of Xcom legendary without the rng or a bug hosing him once? Yup. Wonder how many times he backed up his save in the background.
He streams his play live on the Internet.
So, how do people feel about enemies getting a free movement turn when spotted outside of concealment? I know I hated this in the 'first' game and was just wondering. I guess I have an issue with anything that doesn't apply to both your team AND the enemy.
I wish they would make the multiplayer point pool more configurable. I'd love to be able to do just 6 on 6 advent trooper matches. Just pure tactics and positioning.
I did find a mod that adds 4 to the turn meter on timed missions so my main complaint with the game is now resolved. I actually wouldn't mind only adding two to keep things slightly more pressured. Fuck the default turns though shit sucks.
I actually can't find vods of the run itself, BUT he's streamed I/I and Long War plenty of times, AND he made the game look easy before it came out, directly resulting in some significant balance changes. I wouldn't put it past him to have done it legit.
So, how do people feel about enemies getting a free movement turn when spotted outside of concealment? I know I hated this in the 'first' game and was just wondering. I guess I have an issue with anything that doesn't apply to both your team AND the enemy.
I thought they were use it and lose it :O they don't even have limits?
I'd prefer they just nerfed it over making it more expensive or single-use. Tactical options are fun. There just shouldn't be one option that's vastly superior to everything else in the game.
Also, don't put your beacon in the open.
So, how do people feel about enemies getting a free movement turn when spotted outside of concealment? I know I hated this in the 'first' game and was just wondering. I guess I have an issue with anything that doesn't apply to both your team AND the enemy.
Nope, they're reusable. Because when enemies shoot a beacon up we just dust it off and redeploy it next mission with no problem.
Yeah, but you might fail the hack.
Even with skulljack/skullmine and specialists
I've watched his play in the past, and the man is very good. Whether he's no casualties of any kind on ironman legendary without ever having to copy his saved game in a very very buggy game good? Ehhh.
So, how do people feel about enemies getting a free movement turn when spotted outside of concealment? I know I hated this in the 'first' game and was just wondering. I guess I have an issue with anything that doesn't apply to both your team AND the enemy.
I'd honestly chalk it up to how absurd Grenadiers and Mimic Beacons are. They're going to give a guy who's very good yet another additional edge. Also, remember he played the game to death prior to launch so he's not gonna fall for first-encounter gotchas like Andromedons or jacking a Captain, etc.
You're probably right. Plus he comes off as a super nice guy who enjoys his audience.
You want to nerf something, let's talk about grenades. There are only 2 things that balance grenades: throwing range, and the amount you can carry. Grenadiers bypass both those limits. Anyone who's played the game at this point have realised how grenadiers just don't have a drawback. They give no fucks about cover, or accuracy, or groups, LOS is a minor annoyance at best and they shred armor. A group running 4 grenadiers would pretty much take the difficulty curve and bend it over.
I think people's issue with the "free move" is a totally arbitrary feeling that it's somehow unfair. But the "free move" is just a simple rule that helps to set up interesting tactical encounters. Enjoy it; it's making your game experience better and more challenging. Learn to anticipate and adapt to it.
So, how do people feel about enemies getting a free movement turn when spotted outside of concealment? I know I hated this in the 'first' game and was just wondering. I guess I have an issue with anything that doesn't apply to both your team AND the enemy.
If you're really struggling with the "free move," just close your eyes when you stumble into a pod. Open then again and pretend you found the aliens in cover. Ta-da!
If you install cosmetic mods are they used by the game when it generates random soliders?
Anyone tried this Stop Wasting My Time mod?
My point is, don't take my EMP grenades away from me. If you do I might cry.
Haven't played it at the highest difficulties, maybe grenadiers are OP there. But I feel like they are as they should be. They do their job, destroying cover, debuffing enemies, doing AoE damage etc. If they didn't have increased grenade range and carry capacity, they'd be hands down the worst class.Would it be weird if I said mimic beacons are ok? Because I don't have an issue with them.
You want to nerf something, let's talk about grenades. There are only 2 things that balance grenades: throwing range, and the amount you can carry. Grenadiers bypass both those limits. Anyone who's played the game at this point have realised how grenadiers just don't have a drawback. They give no fucks about cover, or accuracy, or groups, LOS is a minor annoyance at best and they shred armor. A group running 4 grenadiers would pretty much take the difficulty curve and bend it over.
I don't know why you don't regain concealment if you kill a cluster of enemies on their reaction turn.Concealment idea: If you kill enemies you see in one turn, you go back into concealment the next. If they last more than oe they sound an alarm and you are unconcealed like normal