Finished the game yesterday and the worst part about it is that I was pushing myself to beat the game because I was burnt out by the end. I don't know what to think of this Xenoblade in particular, I usually have a clear idea of whether I enjoyed a game but I'm torn on how much of my actual playthrough I enjoyed.
I have about 170hours for my first playthrough (50 or so of those hours were spent on youtube, cooking, and running errands).
- Main story is intriguing, it loses steam come Chapter 5 for me
- Battle system can be really fun and has a lot of depth when it clicks and you're willing to put the time in.
- side quests are well integrated and most don't just feel like busy work, with some absolute gems mixed in
- Side quests and most characters are well written and it does an excellent job of making the game world feel more cohesive
- Music is great as always (battle theme gets old after awhile) shout out to the ocean battle music.
- many annoyances from XB2,DE, and X have been streamlined, (good bye field talents blocking off exploration)
- when you're standing still over a vista and the tech kicks in the game can look absolutely gorgeous at times
Mixed views:
- Xenoblade X excluded, this is the weakest main cast to me, not to say they were awful but none of the characters were endearing to me, I feel like they could have done so much more to give depth to Noah and Mio's relationship (and really drive home the ending of chapter 5)
- Hero system is cool and there are some fun classes, still prefer the Blade system from 2 minus the gacha mechanics. having to level up each class for each character especially if you want to transfer over skills becomes more tedious than fun, (Nopon coins are a nice fix but you'll needs hundreds of them to level up the classes for just one character)
- The battle system is leaning even more heavily into MMO territory, think
- Ourobors and Chain attacks are OP, you dont have to use them if you dont want
- Aionios as a location is not as visually striking as XB2 and Definitive Edition, in a way, it reminds me more of X with its militaristic style, environments are more brown, darker, rocky, character designs are kind of bland (I hate that most costumes are mostly overcoats that go on top of the already bland starter outfit)
- The world is big but it lacks the exploration and discovery aspects Breath of Wild, there are a lot of markers on the map but not enough gameplay variety, most quests are still going to boil down to go grab this item for me or defeat this monster
- For all the Nopon caravans and merchants I dont remember ever feeling like they had anything I wanted or needed.
- Z, X, Y, and the rest of moebius were bland antagonists
- The writing is very heavy handed, they practically beat you over the head with its themes of choice, having the courage to face the future, you're true enemy is yourself.
There are certain reunions and conflicts in the main plot that get resolved way too quickly, which is odd for an otherwise dialogue heavy, long winded game
- When that tech isn't kicking in this game can look like complete ass!
- FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY ARE THERE SO MANY ITEMS IN THESE GAMES! THEY COULD GET RID OF 80% AND IT WOULD CHANGE NOTHING. Is there a secret item lore/description page that I'm missing that would give value to all these random items, or do they have a random name generator that they just
use until they hit their quota......dont even get me started on the varying rarity levels for these pointless items (this is a problem with all the games that still isnt fixed)
- I spent a hell of a lot of time in the menus micromanaging my characters instead of just playing
- I hate boating around Cadensia
- Losing in the final battle and having to start over again, not being able to skip the cutscenes is torture. (tried about 7 tiimes on hard mode, would be doing great until we pop out of a cutscene and Z all of a sudden wants to one shot my healers.
Personal con of mine I feel Monolith was so focused on the character interactions that the world building took a bit of a backseat. In XB1, 2, the world is a prominent part of the story almost to the point where you can call them characters as well. Not so much in XB3 Aionios is just the place where the story takes place, maybe that was more intentional from the
devs since Aionios doesn't really exists(?)
edit - I forgot about the City that did add some depth to the world and history of Aionios