crap I am force to finish, what level is the cap?
LV60 for characters and Skells. You can reach 60 on characters before you finish the story but LV60 Skell blueprints won't unlock until after the story is complete.
crap I am force to finish, what level is the cap?
LOL, is anyone like me and taking their time. Think this is the first RPG I played for long time that I didn't want to rush and enjoy the game...Can't remember but I don't think i'm level 15 yet (12 or something).
wish I was at home playing it now.
LV60 for characters and Skells. You can reach 60 on characters before you finish the story but LV60 Skell blueprints won't unlock until after the story is complete.
You can buy new head armour, not sure if it changes the looks of it but it might, all I remember is that every other head armour was worse than the one it starts with so I didn't even consider looks.
So I should go Heavy Skells? Can I change part of the design, at least? Like the heads? The one at the vendor is really ugly.
Finally finished the last Story chapter at 92 hours, and Level 50 for my main team (with one at 47), and it wasn't easy.
why they bother capping at 60 with level 99 dudes outside the walls?
I promised myself an A90 for X-mas hope I make iteno
I feel like I've been slowly working towards this +25 seconds to overdrive augment for half the game. All I need is some Red Brandy and those turtle bastards just don't drop it. Is there a breakable part I'm missing, other than the face? I've only found 2 + a couple from tickets, and I need 12.
heavies just seem better to be honest. Part of it is just that I'm constantly fighting things way above my level so it's not like I'm going to be dodging much anyways.
I'm reading that light armor might be best for ground gear because it's more upgradeable, but before I get to at least level 45 it's not like I'm going to drop tons of miranium and other resources per slot onto gear upgrades.
'challenge' :v
why they bother capping at 60 with level 99 dudes outside the walls?
Just make sure to save all your reward tickets and to do squad missions whenever you can. That will make it a lot faster to get it in the end.
So near as I can tell the only 'missable' stuff is related to chapter 9. Spoilers for that chapter (obviously):.Lao leaves the party, assuming permanently since in retrospect he is very easy to max out affinity for and all his bonus Arts/affinity quests are unmissable
I saw this coming and didn't save after the end of the chapter,so since then I've been going back and cleaning up random missions/leveling up Lao's affinity for his heart to hearts. They are pretty inconsequential and I don't think they affect percentage completion, but hey why not. I doubt there's anything at all important tied to him but if there is please let me know so I can take care of it before moving on.
Hasn't been a waste of time though, I've enjoyed a lot of these sidequests and I almost got enough hearts inSOON.Nagi for Blossom Dance.
That sounds like a HUGE positive.The one drawback of beating the game is that you'll never get to pick how Tatsu is cooked today![]()
The one drawback of beating the game is that you'll never get to pick how Tatsu is cooked today![]()
For future reference regarding heart to heart locations the speadsheet in the OP contains these. Now to get myself a dog...I didn't even get to watch his heart to hearts because Ive no idea where they were. Infact i don't know where anyone's is outside of Elma. That said i knew what i was getting into, i just accepted that i wasn't going to see them.
oooh looks great! I'm glad those sketches weren't the cover.
do you know what the content description is?
Any way to check completed quests?
Trying to do Yardley quest and house of cards but
I dont know if i already did Yardley.
I can't find him anywhere, but he is on my affinity chart.
House of cards isnt on the terminal.
I dont know what to do.![]()
lemme try again
- should I save money for when I get Skells and ignore new equipment?
- any gaf squad to play online with? So I maybe I can finally get some tickets. I assume I need to add a bunch of people?
Especially since they started with that like 20 seconds after finding a bunch of dead bodies.They really drove the ''Tatsu looks like a potato let's eat him'' to the ground. It wasn't that funny to begin with.
Everyone seems to be saying to get heavy skells.
Is there any reason to buy a light or medium one?
Eek! I forgot that I can use Gwin and Irina...I should start unlocking the rest of party members >.>
There are too many damn Psycorruptor party members and I unlocked them all and used them all...
Irina, Celica, Mia, Hope...
So the data packs refuse to download on my console, giving me a "server error" every time. Does the game run alright without them or am I fucked?
So near as I can tell the only 'missable' stuff is related to chapter 9. Spoilers for that chapter (obviously):.Lao leaves the party, assuming permanently since in retrospect he is very easy to max out affinity for and all his bonus Arts/affinity quests are unmissable
I saw this coming and didn't save after the end of the chapter,so since then I've been going back and cleaning up random missions/leveling up Lao's affinity for his heart to hearts. They are pretty inconsequential and I don't think they affect percentage completion, but hey why not. I doubt there's anything at all important tied to him but if there is please let me know so I can take care of it before moving on.
Hasn't been a waste of time though, I've enjoyed a lot of these sidequests and I almost got enough hearts inSOON.Nagi for Blossom Dance.
I'm increasing enjoying how the world is setup. Most game worlds are clearly designed for the player in regard to how they'll go from A to B, etc. While some of that is present here it increasingly feels you are entering the territory of these creatures and that they've staked out their own corner of an area. You have some just grazing and others that seems like they're actively patrolling their borders. The npcs actually talks about this and how you really are forcing these creatures out of their habitats. It's one thing to say it though and another for the game world to actually reflect that and to make you feel that really is the case.
I really like that in order to get to some areas you have to sneak pass or rush pass some creatures. I like to imagine it as if they've found a good and dry spot and were strong enough to take it and keep it from all the other creatures in the area. So you have to go through their territory to get where you need to go and back to creatures that are more your level. Love stuff like this.
I think we can all agree that a silent protagonist didn't meant that you had to be basically the background character in "the adventures of lin and elma"
Nobody really talks to you during main mission and affinity quests that involve Elma/Lin.
It runs fine, just long load times
you sure you can't even download just the 2GB basic pack?
LOL, is anyone like me and taking their time. Think this is the first RPG I played for long time that I didn't want to rush and enjoy the game...Can't remember but I don't think i'm level 15 yet (12 or something).
wish I was at home playing it now.
For some reason my console just refuses to download them and repeatedly gives a server error, despite the fact I literally just downloaded Fast Racing NEO the other day. If it's just long load times that it remedies though then I don't mind dealing with that!
Some negatives
- no easy load save option. Used it a lot in original XC when trying to face a boss.
- Really miss Vision/Chain attacks, but battles are much faster in XCX
- Having to find party members. They should be swappable once you gain the option to have them in your party. Unnecessary tedium in a game that mostly gets time saving right.
Is there an auto-optimize equipment option in this?