dear rng... pls give me electromagnetic storm weather on cauldros pls
How do I improve those harvesting/treasure/probe level?
So you've not done any of her quest line? You need to complete that and thenaround chapter 11 she will join
As long as you didn't. I also liked the added tough of there beingstand there and watch them get shotdead Nopon in view on that scene too
Whoop whoop!
Enjoy it. It was a slow burner to me. But now I'm completely hooked. The world is incredible.
Cauldros is fucking ugly.
Gatling Gun, I think.I have a quest that says equip a Delta Machine and go kill these guys but what the hell is a Delta Machine?
Gatling Gun, I think.
Delta is just the tier designation.
On foot. Lin should be able to equip it.is that for a Skell or on foot
I'll go buy it
Seems about right, considering the other continents are basically plains world, forest world, desert world, and ice world*, so obviously the last one is lava world.It's the RPG equivalent of the final level of a 2D Mario game.
ok... this time dear rng pls give me rain in oblivia
I've had rain sometimes in Oblivia. It's pretty rare though.
Just keep using Fast Travel, the weather changes every time you do.
It's done.
I finally completed the Collectopedia!
Doesn't look like you get anything for finishing the whole thing, but you get the region rewards.
OH GOD! I need to get my life back!Or at least take a break.
I need to get Gwin up to 1 heart with X to continue the story
what is the fastest why guys?
Is the collectopedia worth all that hassle? I haven't touched the thing and I'm 44 hours in.
Is the collectopedia worth all that hassle? I haven't touched the thing and I'm 44 hours in.
There's also a video on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHbTI_ixsMghere is a list of a bunch of sightseeing spots I made since some of these are a b****.
I need to get Gwin up to 1 heart with X to continue the story
what is the fastest why guys?
When does this happen?
When does this happen?
So Lara Nara and Yosuf are dating, yes?
I guess that's pretty cool for a Nintendo game.
Considering the tradition it's drawing from, I guess you have to be grateful they didn't pull out any rape jokes, or similar implications. He's still an inconsequential comic relief caricature, but that's really the best you can hope for with JRPGs, never mind Nintendo.
Congrats!!! How long did that take? Its mostly RNG, isn't it?
Thanks. Damn, I almost have that setup and still nowhere bear 180k. I just have 3 probe IVs down instead of Vs. And I lack one less booster...
Wait... what's this lobster thing?Found all the lobsters.Last one was actually outside of the city...
Apparently, now I need to complete a certain mission before the final two...
Rise of the blood lobster questWait... what's this lobster thing?
It's a level 90 mob that you can kill using Phoenix weapon/G-Buster. You need a bunch of Insectoid XX augments though.who is Joker why are we farming it?
is it easy to kill?
Thanks!Rise of the blood lobster quest
chapter 5 added the urgency i felt the game had been missing. it also makes it a lot more personal than the game initially made itself out to be. it also kinda makes fucking around and exploring the planet like a big waste of time that really ought to be spent doing other things.