Murderess is the Topple Queen so there's that.
So what gives. I found aLifehold Unit in the northern end of Primordia and no one seems to care.
Possible Spoilers
Yeah seriously her AI and abilities are pretty good. Chain topples all the way.
Murderess is the Topple Queen so there's that.
May I ask where and how you're grinding levels so fast? I've not had much luck with grinding, personally.ok I believe it's pretty broken how you can grind you way from 30 to 50 in one or two hours. thank you, level 30 Skell weapons~
I'm probably stopping at 45 because I'm still in chapter 7, and having a level 50 Skell there is probably too much, lol. not to mention that I bought my first level 30 Skell 2 hours ago.
She has terrible soul voices for melee though.![]()
So what gives. I found aLifehold Unit in the northern end of Primordia and no one seems to care.
Possible Spoilers
And you're a psycho![]()
So... apparently this game doesn't autosave. You'd think after 80 hours of playtime I would have noticed. I just lost 4 hours of progress because the game locked up. As much fun as I've had with the game I don't think I can keep going. Was just about to get my Skell flying license too. Oh well, Was fun while it lasted.
100 hours in and I'm honestly not sure why the divisions even exist. Don't sweat it.So after almost 40 hours in the game I have no idea what my division actually does gameplay wise.
So after almost 40 hours in the game I have no idea what my division actually does gameplay wise.
Lost my gamepad charge cable, can't start a game because my Wii U is offline and I can't dismiss the error message.
Can't connect to the Settings screen, because it is gamepad exclusive.
Such an obtuse console, holy shit it's the worst.
I want to play this game so bad, they should say it requires online connection to play.
Lost my gamepad charge cable, can't start a game because my Wii U is offline and I can't dismiss the error message.
Can't connect to the Settings screen, because it is gamepad exclusive.
Such an obtuse console, holy shit it's the worst.
I want to play this game so bad, they should say it requires online connection to play.
I got Xenoblade Chronicles X yesterday as a gift from a friend.
Having finished the first XC, there's so much DEPTH to the gameplay than before. It's overwhelming but not in a bad sense for me. Kind of disappointed that Tatsu doesn't fight unlike the great Heropon Riki.
I just reached the second main area and I have NO idea how to get to my objective, too many high rock walls preventing any progress.
Use the ball thing. Hold R and press triangle (not sure what this is on the wii backwards lettering)
Des the model of car you buy even make a difference? lol
I want my 100,000 credits back!
Des the model of car you buy even make a difference? lol
I want my 100,000 credits back!
Maybe for the model that receive to display? Probably not.
You know that psychedelic yellow/purple lake in Cauldros?
Well I was there for a quest and you know how when there is a cutscene, all the monsters disappear in the shot as the scene loads? Well, I noticed that there was something glowing where the giant man-eating plant thing was.
So I decided to investigate by walking slowly into the plant in first person mode (because you get knocked away if you run into it) and I discovered something amazing:
This is a more zoomed out picture:
Unfortunately I'm too low level to kill the plant seeing as it's a lvl 60 Tyrant. But that'll be the first thing I do when I get some strong ass skells
sidequest related
So what's the best level to tackle Chapter 9 at? Currently 37 and I'd like to be closer to the more recommended level because being 35 for chapter 8 removed basically any tension from all the fights because I just stomped everything.
So what gives. I found aLifehold Unit in the northern end of Primordia and no one seems to care.
Possible Spoilers
Damn, that high huh? Good thing the sidequests that keep popping up give me an excuse to take the time to 42 with a good grasp on your skills imo.
That side quest seems really dumb though.sidequest related
If you see stuff like that and it isn't addressed immediately then it's either main or side story related and will be brought up eventually. It does kinda break immersion when you find something important but the game is like "shhhhh... ignore this.".
Damn, that high huh? Good thing the sidequests that keep popping up give me an excuse to take the time to grind.
If you see stuff like that and it isn't addressed immediately then it's either main or side story related and will be brought up eventually. It does kinda break immersion when you find something important but the game is like "shhhhh... ignore this.".
It might have been a good idea for them to assume the player could have stumbled on it already -, it wouldn't have been as much of a plot hole. It's a pretty minor thing, but since they made the decision to give the player the ability to find them early on, they should have tried to write around that wherever with the one near the falls in Oblivia, if they had referred to it as having been already discovered but not retrieved or analysed in that chapter briefing
I mean they couldn't even bother to give party members dialogue at any point in cutscenes or discussions where they weren't required so I'm not surprised they didn't make some kind of alternative for these situations either. Granted, there's a crap ton of characters in the game so that'd probably be more work but still.It might have been a good idea for them to assume the player could have stumbled on it already -, it wouldn't have been as much of a plot hole. It's a pretty minor thing, but since they made the decision to give the player the ability to find them early on, they should have tried to write around that wherever with the one near the falls in Oblivia, if they had referred to it as having been already discovered but not retrieved or analysed in that chapter briefing
That's what I was kind of figuring in retrospect since 10 whole levels over the previous chapter's boss seemed like a massive leap in difficulty.42 is way too high in my opinion. I'm going to start chapter 11 next and I'm 39 with my highest party members being 35-37. Just start the mission and grind levels later if necessary.
I mean they couldn't even bother to give party members dialogue at any point in cutscenes or discussions where they weren't required so I'm not surprised they didn't make some kind of alternative for these situations either. Granted, there's a crap ton of characters in the game so that'd probably be more work but still.
There was an article a while back, well before the Dec 4th release, about Monolith responding to the text issue in the JP version and basically saying they were attributing it to being new to HD gaming and will use the feedback going forward with other games. Basically that came across to me as though they aren't doing anything else for this game with regards to patching/fixing it. I'll try to add the link back in if I can find it.Finally someone said something about the text size:
Also yay for me finally getting a Y cable for external HDD. Didnt know i'd have to move my save file to the HDD to actually use the download packs though.
Damn, that high huh? Good thing the sidequests that keep popping up give me an excuse to take the time to grind.
I mean, like I said I'm aware I'd probably be far too much extra work and require more costs but there are some points were I've felt that some kind of interaction from an extra party member would be nice. Namely, and I'm pretty sure I mentioned this before, but in chapter 5 when Elma, Lin, and Tatsu are talking about their different languages and the like Lin directly mentions L and talks about him for a bit while he happened to be in my party standing right there. Of course he said nothing since he wasn't a required character but it really took me out of the moment.That was clearly just a budget/time thing, given how many possible combinations you could have - though it wouldn't have hurt to give certain party members dialogue in scenes where most players will have them in the party, like Lao in Chapter 4; they probably wouldn't have been able to give non-essential party members dialogue in the vast majority of cases without having costs balloon. I would have liked to see a few interjections during text-only exchanges in affinity missions, though - there's already something similar implemented where having certain characters in your party adds to or alters conversations with some NPCs. But again, the amount of work to make it anywhere near substantial would probably be prohibitive unless they gave them stock dialogue, which misses the whole point of wanting your other party members to have more presence - unless they did something similar to how affinity increases in conversations in accordance with your responses, and had 2 or 3 alternate lines in the script for text-only scenes, which would only be said if one of the characters they're tied to is in the party.
With theLifehold thing, I wasn't suggesting alternate dialogue so much as writing a scenario which made sense whether the player had run into the pieces or not.