Gotta go back to title menu and reload save.
Stupid, I know.
Gotta go back to title menu and reload save.
Stupid, I know.
For god's sake. I'm Lvl12, reached Ch.4 and the f*cking tracking ball tells me to go to a zone full of lvl40 insects to reach another lvl12 zone.
I'm killing random Tyrants, I hope it's not like Xenoblade where you had to wait to pick up the mission or else you risked to lose the monster!
Yeah use R+Y/A to switch left and right respectively.
Gotta go back to title menu and reload save.
Stupid, I know.
Well, most of the 20-ish hours I've been playing have really felt like I've been playing a single player MMO. I've been doing mostly optional content, though, so if you're planning on doing mainly main missions and affinity missions, it'll probably feel a bit more like a traditional JRPG. Hard to say.
But yeah, so far totally like an MMO.
For that? No. I said I felt it was needlessly complex not too complex to get. Just frustrating to go out to a probe location and find you don't have a high enough skill to actually plant the damn probe because you got the wrong skill or same with treasure. Wouldn't be as bad if the map was then updated with those locations with a marker of which skill you need leveled. I'd rather the type of probe you plant being limited by a field skill than just planting a basic data probe.Did check the manual ?
A lot of basic things are explained over there.
It's not that they're hard to grasp it's that they're fucking clunky.Except for the jump button, I think the controls are basic to grasp...
I don't really give two shits about intent here. Personal opinion of the gamepad being a flaming pile of shit aside I'm all for giving players options and the gamepad is unfortunately the pack in controller. It of course then should support the gamepad. That said, unlike Splatoon it does support the Pro Controller and there are things you should be able to do with the Pro Controller that you can't and I don't think people should give a pass to Nintendo because of stupid reasons like that. And from a UI design is it really an issue for something like naming your character to put a prompt on the screen telling you to use the gamepad? Nintendo's usually good about basic usability shit like that in their games. But still, I find it silly that you can't bring up an onscreen keyboard or map with the Pro Controller.... This game was designed to be played with the gamepad... Just like Splatton is and Mario Maker...
For as stupid as your intent on making me look can you read what you respond to? On the top left you get Squad reports and sometimes notifications pertaining to yourself. On the bottom left now that I've been looking for them you get random messages explaining the region you're in and also apparently small talk from travel companions like Tatsu. Tatsu's the one telling me to report shit and I just found that odd because, well, I can't report shit. But it's hard to tell with the short amount of time a message is up if it's a character making bland small talk, or a social message meant for miiverse functionality or what.The heck ?
You only have to report certain quests to npc.
Squad quests are automatically completed.
I'm figuring it all out, the main point of my rant was to explain why I felt the shit was so clunky and needlessly unintuitive. It's not rocket science. Needlessly unintuitive doesn't mean too hard to grasp though.Seriously, I advice to pause your game and go read the manual a bit and even the npcs. Both of them give advice. Like How Eleanor intriduce your to division more in deapth and anoter npcs.
This game need you to take your time and READ.
What am I doing wrong?
I'm doing an affinity quest that requires me to earn 3,000 credits through frontierNav in a single sitting. I've comboed like 5 probes together but I've been sitting here an hour and nothing has happened.
Do I have to click something to earn the credits or does it happen automatically.
Replace one of the probes with a research probe. They generate credits faster.
A five link mining chain + research probe get you about 60% of what you need for that mission.People are having problems with the "A New Rival?" quest? All it takes is one research probe that you can get by accepting the sidequest from Kirsty (which you can do while on the affinity quest) and a couple of regular probes.
Is there a way to fix the when the camera gets super sluggish to pan around? I have it set So I can whip it all over the place, but if I'm in some indoor areas or near a wall it loses like 90% of its sensitivity.
A five link mining chain + research probe get you about 60% of what you need for that mission.
That's not even the problem really, the problem is the complete lack of information you have going in.
The only thing the affinity quest tells you is that it caps your party to 3', requires level 13, and cannot be abandoned.
My expectation going in was that Mc Douchelord was going to join my party, we would fight some enemies, and he would (based on my dialog options) become a potential party member. No expectations that the quest would have fuck over so many players (glad you went by with just a handful of the standard probes though, natch). All from an affinity quest that will be one of the first that players even see since it's right next to the mission board. Hell, it IS my first affinity mission and with how frustrated I am at the moment it will also be the last.
Hey, I get it, though. The affinity mission system is great. The game is great.
Shame that the last 2 hours of my playtime have been filled with nothing but anger and frustration.
Shame that it appears this affinity mission has gotten so many people stuck before and, exactly like I mentioned in my original post, gotten nothing but "well, that was easy for me, did you try [x that doesn't work]?"
7 mining (in a chain), 2 research, 1 storage[x that doesn't work] worked perfectly for me. This quest is basically a glorified tutorial for managing your probes in order to get what you need.
How many probes do you have set up?
If toggling targets just switches to different monsters the manual implies it is like you say due to the phrase "Get close to the appendage you want to attack," under the Appendage Lock sectionIs there a better way to target appendages other than running around a mob and adjusting the camera hoping it selects the right one?
I already know how to lock them once the right one is highlighted...
Caved in and bought it, have no space on the Wii U to install the data packs, but I'll have to stomach that and get on with it, the base game seems the same so I can deal with a few secs loading time and pop in. Havent played the Wii U much apart from a month of MH3U addiction and the odd Mario session with my daughter, this looks like something to really get my teeth into.
Can you only have one save file at a time in this? Also what happens if you start a new game? Does it create a new save file or overwrite the one you have?
Also are there missables in this?
Does the Follow Ball not work with quests that ask you to get items or kill monsters?
Pretty sure chain bonuses for mining probes doesn't affect their money output, just miranium. But tourist spots give 1000G each at a probe spot if you have a research probe set there. They scale with the probe's effectiveness, too, so a single G1(200%) should be nearly enough. FN Spot 117 would be perfect for that, as there's an easy to reach cave under the larger rockdome that should count for its tourist spot.A five link mining chain + research probe get you about 60% of what you need for that mission.
7 mining (in a chain), 2 research, 1 storage
Want a new save file, make a new user account.
no missable quests.
it can't possibly lead you to items and monsters you could find in multiple spots.
Liked the prologue, but a tad overwhelmed. I'm sure the game points out everything though, yeah? Like when I'm able to select a class or what have you. Also, where do the items I pick up go? How to I access the glowing things I picked up?
Cool, next time I know that trying to help you isn't worth it.Shame that it appears this affinity mission has gotten so many people stuck before and, exactly like I mentioned in my original post, gotten nothing but "well, that was easy for me, did you try [x that doesn't work]?"
Who else got his ass kicked by Sirene the Lost? (lvl13) That god damn monster destroyed me in 5 seconds and I'm lvl12 xD
where do I find a california sunset?
im wondering how the fuck FFXV's road trip landscapes will possibly compare to this lol
There is one little trick you can do. The data on an external drive takes priority so by having an external drive you disconnect and Xenoblade X data on both you can effectively run two save files. Bit of a pain though. I'm please I'm one of those people who is fine to start over no looking back when it comes to RPGs.Lol wot? So you can never start a new game because you will always only have one save file unless you make a new account?
It is even viable to make open worlds as big as those without heavy asset reuse? Xenoblade on the Wii U had crazy different areas but even between them they shared assets like textures, monsters designs, etc...It'll reuse assets the same as this does. Let's not pretend they aren't reusing assets all over the place here. Looks great, but it's not as hand crafted as people have been letting on.
Can you only have one save file at a time in this? Also what happens if you start a new game? Does it create a new save file or overwrite the one you have?
Also are there missables in this?
Liked the prologue, but a tad overwhelmed. I'm sure the game points out everything though, yeah? Like when I'm able to select a class or what have you. Also, where do the items I pick up go? How to I access the glowing things I picked up?
Should be a semi-common drop around the circled area
How do I access this glowing quest tracker ball thingy that shows me where to go
How do I access this glowing quest tracker ball thingy that shows me where to go
Who else got his ass kicked by Sirene the Lost? (lvl13) That god damn monster destroyed me in 5 seconds and I'm lvl12 xD
The Mastema or Amdusias models with a paint job could look very similar to the Ultragunner =DDid you guys tried to make your Avatar like someone specific?
I tried to make mine look like Bastion from Vanguard Bandits on PS1. (Except I thought he had green eyes at first. -_-)
And I'll try my best to have a Skell that will have similarities to the Ultragunner.
Watching your last stream now, gotta catch up. You are my saving grace since I'm still waiting on the freakin game....