Did the game not save internally as well? I always save to both the cloud and the SSD because it just does so automatically.I've lost progress due to Sony not supporting cloud saves as standard and me not knowing about it.
I had to start Ghost of Tsushima from 0.
90+ hours on Death Stranding. I got a PS5 and by the time I remembered that my PS4 did not have cloud saves active I had already given her to a cousin.
None I can actually remember due to tech issue, but echoing the post above me, lost my almost complete Pokémon Blue save to an idiot cousin. I like him now, but it took a long time to repair that friendship.
- My cousin accidentally overwrote my Monster Rancher save.
I collected all the hidden packages in Grand Theft Auto Vicy City (in 2003 so I had to switch between my pc and consoles since smartphones weren't a thing then. So it was a pain in the ass
My little cousin tried to start to game but ended up in my memory card. He saw the Vice City logo and thought it started the game. Ofcourse he pressed 'x' for the delete option.
He never slept in our house ever since
my stupid cousin overwrote my Pokemon Red savefile..
I was a child and just beat the Pokemon League.. and then one day my cousin and his family came over and my parents gave him my GBC with Pokemon Red to so he does not get bored....
I was so mad :<
My brother let his friend borrow my copy of Chrono Trigger, and his friend's younger brother deleted my end game save with a Bronze Fist-equipped Ayla.In 1991, my five year old sister erased my Zelda II save. I was very, very far into it. I never played it again.
•PCLets share some horror stories. My worst was probably Dragon Quest 8 when I spent an entire afternoon grinding at the casino in order to get the Gringham Whip (Jessica's ultimate weapon) and had gone to test it out on the Dragovian Trials (without saving, off course). Then i got called away by my mom for something so i turned off the tv and left the PS2 running as you do and didn't return until a few hours later. And guess what had happened during the meantime? My dad had tried to use the TV and found the console running, so he had turned it off for me. Throwing all my progress down the toilet...
Another bad one i remember happened when i was quite young playing the original PS1 Harry Potter (philosophers stone) game. I had made it after many tries to the final showdown with Voldemort, and after yet more effort i finally beat the actual battle portion only to have the game freeze on the transition cutscene (its followed by a QTE IIRC). And since i was 8 or something i had completely missed the fact that there are save points in the corridors preceding the battle (they are behind hidden doors, a mechanic which the game is really bad at explaining and which i didn't discover until a later playthrough) so i had to no choice but to redo the entire gauntlet which had taken me a good few hours....
Obviously there are many more times that i have lost progress in a game, but those are the ones i remember being the most pissed about.
(edit) another great one i remember. Had played Dungeons & Dragons Online for quite a bit back in the day, only to find out the hard way that the game saves your characters locally when i had to reformat the HDD. I hadn't even considered backing up the save beforehand because you know, its a MMO....
Man, I remember the Soul Calibur 3 oneCan't remember one, maybe Soul Calibur 3, game had an aweful save corrpution thing.
Outside, i used to play games without memory card, it was kinda rough, like RE2 and TR2, specially the latest, i could manage to go to lvl 10 (level 1 Snow) without memory card, it's insane when i think about it, guess the games were just too good, or i would have the motivation power to do so. Also used to unlock all Tekken 2 character everyday for a while lol