I just started playing Drakengard. Nier is now officially on my radar.
TheApatheticOne said:So GAF, let me be clear, Im very poor. Every game I have preordered has been covered in full by trade-ins. Now, I can squeeze out one more game. Now, I previously had 0 interest in this game (not in a negative way, it just was never on my radar), but you all have pretty much made it seem like I'm a horrible person that enjoys pushing old women holding babies down steep flights of stairs for not owning this game.
Damn you GAF, I assure you that I do NOT enjoy that! So, let me ask you this...
1)How hard is the game? Length? Any grinding required? Also, how about the saves? If I die, do I have to travel the world again to replay the part that killed me, or do I start right where I was?
If the answers are to my liking, I will be picking this up today.
TheApatheticOne said:Damn you GAF, I assure you that I do NOT enjoy that! So, let me ask you this...
1)How hard is the game? Length? Any grinding required? Also, how about the saves? If I die, do I have to travel the world again to replay the part that killed me, or do I start right where I was?
If the answers are to my liking, I will be picking this up today.
Just play the game, it's essentially the same damn thing.UnblessedSoul said:Would of bought if Nier replicant was released with english subs over here instead of just Japan only
UnblessedSoul said:Would of bought if Nier replicant was released with english subs over here instead of just Japan only
Sacha said:Did you openthe star key door ? It's near where you find Emil. It leads to a corridor with 6 doors. You'll get another key to access the butler's chamber in one of the rooms on the left or on the right (I don't remember which one). It's a bit hard to see, just scan the six rooms thoroughly and you'll find it.
Jinaar said:This cannot be reiterated enough:
When you first get your fishing pole and lure, DO NOT start fishing near the old man that gives you it.
Then DO NOT head left of him to fish on the pier closer to the huge fishing boat.
Please run towards the lighthouse, and instead of turning left in the caverns of the town to the lighthouse, continue running to the beach area where the kids are playing with the fat seals. Fish there.
Or else you will waste 40 minutes swearing at the top of your lungs at why fishing is SO GOD DAMN HARD!
I got good enough to fish a shark out with level 0 fishing skill thoughbut man was I frustrated. Then fishing at the proper location and getting the
first try was nice.Shaman Fish
Jinaar said:Its really a hoot. Too bad the Main Character looks like Gary Busey merged with Nick Nolte and then came back in zombie form.
pancakesandsex said:Yes I can get to the 6 chambers but cannot find the next key.
JonStark said:So many added scenes in NG+ ! Some things make... way more sense... Mindblown.
matmanx1 said:And replying to TheApatheticOne Nier is pretty friendly about save points and game overs. I died to one of the bosses a couple of times and it starts you back out in the boss room instead of back at the last save point. And I had used all of my healing items in the previous fight and it even gave me those back also!
lljride said:Ok, GAF hype + $45 at Kmart means I'll be getting this soon. Quick question though, most people that are praising the game are saying it makes up for the disappointing FFXIII (which I loved). Can someone reassure me that this game is really good on its own and not just compared to FFXIII? Or alternatively, anyone that genuinely likes both?
I saw a lot of similar comments regarding Resonance of Fate, and to be honest that game never really grabbed me (played for about 12 hours). I know they're 3 completely different games but comparisons are still being made.
lljride said:Ok, GAF hype + $45 at Kmart means I'll be getting this soon. Quick question though, most people that are praising the game are saying it makes up for the disappointing FFXIII (which I loved). Can someone reassure me that this game is really good on its own and not just compared to FFXIII? Or alternatively, anyone that genuinely likes both?
I saw a lot of similar comments regarding Resonance of Fate, and to be honest that game never really grabbed me (played for about 12 hours). I know they're 3 completely different games but comparisons are still being made.
lljride said:I saw a lot of similar comments regarding Resonance of Fate, and to be honest that game never really grabbed me (played for about 12 hours). I know they're 3 completely different games but comparisons are still being made.
TheApatheticOne said:I picked up Resonance of Fate due to all the praise it was receiving here, and already sold it. Not that it was a BAD game, just not my cup of tea, although everything about the game and that I saw of it said that it should be. GAF rarely leads me the wrong way though. With this being a bit more simplistic and action-y it looks like, Im sure that it will lead itself to be a bit more my style at least.
thetrin said:Damn you GAF. I'm going to have to go out and buy this today (even though the Reach beta is adding new playlists today!)
WickedLaharl said:this game is fucking awesome.
JonStark said:Can't... stop... playing ! So much story revealed in NG+ TT
cosmicblizzard said:I should've asked this a while ago. If I liked Drakengard, will I like this?
luxarific said:In many ways, Nier very much feels like the Bastard Son of Drakengard, even though the plot connection between the two is pretty tenuous. (I haven't finished my first play through of Nier though, so the relation between the two gameworlds might be more than just. (At least, I assume that's the connection (besides weapons with the same name)? I haven't finished Nier yet though, so I could be wrong.)Caim and his dragon bringing the Black Scrawl disease to Nier's world in Drakengard's Ending E
You didn't play Drakengard 1 did you? This is pretty bog standard for Cavia titles.ULTROS! said:This game isdepressing: almost everyone you know dies or something really horrible happens
ZephyrFate said:You didn't play Drakengard 1 did you? This is pretty bog standard for Cavia titles.
FrostuTheNinja said:I'd like to go back to Nier as soon as possible but I don't want to burn myself out.
Is there really that much more story? Are they extended or new/extra scenes? And are they voiced cut scenes or more written dialogue likeat the beginning of new game+?
No Bullet Witch's universe isn't as developed as Drakengard or Nier I guess. It doesn't really have many characters and I don't think any of them die.ULTROS! said:So Bullet Witch is also like that?![]()
mjc said:I'm going out to get a copy, this better not let me down GAF!
dude, you need to learn how to spoiler tag properlyULTROS! said:This game isdepressing: almost everyone you know dies or something really horrible happens
ULTROS! said:This game isdepressing: almost everyone you know dies or something really horrible happens