Tence said:I had never heard of this game before reading this thread. Now somehow I want to go buy it. Isn't there a demo available on PSN?
sarcoa said:I'm nearly positive gaf exists in a sort of alternate dimension. On the blogs and other boards Nier's getting eaten alive, both by people who have played it as well as the inevitable dipshits who pile on "lol thx for saving me $60" comments. It's outright dismissal is insane.
15 hours in and loving it btw.
Oyashiro said:How the hell are you guys beating the game in 14-15 hrs? :lol I'm 11 hrs in and I'm barely at the temple/dungeon place you go to right after Facade. Granted, I'd say about 3 or 4 of those hours are idle time, but still.
glaurung said:Does it make sense to turn the game to HARD from the get-go?
I managed to get killed by the shades in the tutorial because they managed to surround me and then I could no longer get up.
Is there a new game plus mode that I can utilize to get the hard difficulty ending trophy - provided there is one?
glaurung said:Does it make sense to turn the game to HARD from the get-go?
I managed to get killed by the shades in the tutorial because they managed to surround me and then I could no longer get up.
Is there a new game plus mode that I can utilize to get the hard difficulty ending trophy - provided there is one?
Baloonatic said:Hard mode can be pretty tough. Some of the bosses take a long time to kill. Also, they're harder the second time round and take even longer :lol Other than that, it's manageable. I struggled mainly at the beginning when I didn't have magic.
I was just hoping for the combat to fun, if not incredibly deep, especially since it seems to be such a enormous component of the game.Cep said:Shit, is he allowed to do that?
I do not put much stock in reviews, so I really do not care what he says, but those two things are like the kiss of death when it comes to me and games.
pancakesandsex said:Oh I figured out the "Level" words last night. If you combine the word set that starts with an H, that grants... "Level 8" let's say, with a word that grants a status effect, like "Paralyze lv1," it increases it to level 8. So you can make status effect swords :-D
schennmu said:Nier Gestalt|Replicant: The Official Thread of epic fishing
Jinaar said:"You're a WHAT!?" Nier Gestalt|Replicant: The Official 'X Marks the Spot' Thread of Epic Boar Drift Fishing"
jinaar said:"You're a WHAT!?" Nier Gestalt|Replicant: The Official 'X Marks the Spot' Thread of Epic Boar Drift Fishing"
I got mine from the hut for 38. I hope it gets here before the weekend.desverger said:I caved in and ordered this! 45 eurobucks with delivery.
Jinaar said:How do the endings work?
Is it incremental in the sense that Playthru 1 is Ending A, and Playthru 2 is Ending B, etc etc?
Or is it based on actions in the game that will change the Ending you will receive in the end?
Sacha said:Playthrough 1 -> Ending A, Playthrough 2 -> Ending B
Playthrough 3 ->At the end of the game, you get to choose between Ending C and D. As Ending D deletes your save, it is recommended to do a save at the last save point and to backup it on an USB key. Then, finish the game, choose Ending C. Load your save, choose Ending D, accept to delete your save. If you want to play more, transfer back your save on your console.
Sacha said:Playthrough 1 -> Ending A, Playthrough 2 -> Ending B
Playthrough 3 ->At the end of the game, you get to choose between Ending C and D. As Ending D deletes your save, it is recommended to do a save at the last save point and to backup it on an USB key. Then, finish the game, choose Ending C. Load your save, choose Ending D, accept to delete your save. If you want to play more, transfer back your save on your console.
ULTROS! said:Will (non story spoilers though)having multiple saves work or will it delete all the Nier files?
thetrin said:I just finished the second visit to Aerie, and I'm loving the game.
Second said:The music in that place always give me the chills. :lol
That place is so eerie. And the people who live there aren't really nice.![]()
Durante said:The second post really needs a link to the New York Times review of the game, it's well-written and informative.
schennmu said:Is anyone going for 1000g/Platinum? I'm still fighting with myself if I should do it.
I guess I will go for the last two endings first and maybe do the grinding at some point later on. I already put around 50 hours into it, so I might as well continue xD
Sacha said:I did the four endings and I'm currently doing all the side quests (I'm at 81%). Then I'll go for Platinum !
Jinaar said:"You're a WHAT!?" Nier Gestalt|Replicant: The Official 'X Marks the Spot' Thread of Epic Boar Drift Fishing"
ULTROS! said:I got Ending A, time to get the other endings.
Sacha said:I did the four endings and I'm currently doing all the side quests (I'm at 81%). Then I'll go for Platinum !
cosmicblizzard said:I'm liking the game so far. It's not amazing or anything but it's a good distraction. Of course I'm very early in so it could get better.
Anyway, I'm about to go to the east gate and was wondering if I should buy better weapons or if there's any reason I should save my money.
luxarific said:I thought the 4th ending deleted your save, or was that just internet BS?