Bad Art
You guys can use it because I won't
Milhouse31 said:You guys can use it because I won't
Post it!!!!The Shadow said:Is SolidSnakeX registered already or under a different name? I have something for him related to this topic that he might want.
GuntherBait said:Post it!!!!
PM me to you little pimp!The Shadow said:If I did, it would get me banned and rightly so.
That site is off. A celebrity wouldn't get a boob job where the scars are so evident with a low neck line, then wear one when she could have easily gotten one where the scars are near her armpits.Praetorian said:
w00t.Wario64 said:
Wario64 said:
Done.Error Macro said:If you guys want all those pics of the infamous nippy slippy, drop me a PM.
The Shadow said:Duff Strikes Back!
aparisi2274 said:I know u know that is fake right???? Please tell me u know thats a fake right.
The Shadow said:Lighten up and/or go outside for a spell.
aparisi2274 said:I know u know that is fake right???? Please tell me u know thats a fake right.
I know u know that is fake right???? Please tell me u know thats a fake right.
aparisi2274 said:I cant do magicI failed that class.
The Shadow said:Read some Harry Potter. Televangelist say it'll make you a demon-class wizard after the first chapter.
levious said:I'm not saying hers are fake at all, but you shouldn't base your judgments soley on porn star boob jobs... most of them get cheapo 1000 dollar or less procedures just to break in the industry, others sometimes gets sizes bigger then their frame can handle, thus you get the overly separated tits. Not all boob jobs are equal, and not all are rock hard torpedos.
And how!!!!Vicious said:It's hilarious how every thread dealing with Lindsay Lohan immediately becomes the most active topic of the day.
Funny thing is, she doesn't even care.Socreges said:
GuntherBait said:Funny thing is, she doesn't even care.
aparisi2274 said:Are u honestly trying to say she is not amazingly hot??? If u are, I hate to see what u consider hot.
Dreamfixx said:She looks like a mess of freckles and sunless tan to me... it's crazy how hollywood can persuade the entire nation that this girl is anything special when it comes to looks.
Dreamfixx said:I don't think the average American girl lotions herself orange like she does. I mean, are we looking at the same person? It's hideous.
I see the sarcasm in your resonse, and while I don't think she is "HAWT", I do think she is cute. But nothing more than that.Socreges said:Forget it, Belgurdo! We've all been played for fools! Damn you, Hollywood!
Dreamfixx said:I see the sarcasm in your resonse, and while I don't think she is "HAWT", I do think she is cute. But nothing more than that.
I would guess you're a member, if not an admin? Y'know, considering you made a thread [at another forum] saying you would "hit" JoJo, a 13-year-old, "something fierce".SKluck said:Some of you would fit in just nicely at thatsjustnotright. Site dedicated to underage celeb girls pretty much...