Oh shiii..... They f'd up this game?? It could have been the best survival horror game in decades...
Oh shiii..... They f'd up this game?? It could have been the best survival horror game in decades...
God damn I hope some of these responses to the review is a joke. Wes got some insecure people here otherwise.
Which ones?
This is going to sound funny .... but wrong thread :/
Was mixing up this with the Wii U Release Day thread :/
the gamespot review nails some of the problems i have when i played the game on the ubisoft days
Nah it's all good I just had a quick look through and couldn't see which ones so I was curious. Will check that thread out too soon![]()
I got a confirmation order from Newegg but no shipping email or tracking number...what gives? =/
As I said in the other thread I think most people missed the concept of character progression in this game. The longer you survive the better your shooting and swinging the faster you can move.
But people just picking up the controller and waking up a new survivor finding out they are not Badass so the melee must suck and not getting headshots the controls must suck. They forget that these characters are not suppose to be badass and gain skills as they progress Ubi even showed when a skilled survivor dies it becomes a stronger Zombie because those skills carry over that is why they track how many kills your Zombies get when they enter your friend's game. smh
what is that?
I still think it could have been awesome. Easily.unpolished as hell,controls are cumbersome the menu system on the pad feels off,game looks average at best
i liked the concept and i have still have my preorder for the zombiu pack ( gonna cancel it) in the hope of the final build solving these problems,but seems unlikely
i still get why people get hyped by this game,new game on a new nintendo system,a "hardcore game" from a third party,a good concept,etc etc
As I said in the other thread I think most people missed the concept of character progression in this game. The longer you survive the better your shooting and swinging the faster you can move.
But people just picking up the controller and waking up a new survivor finding out they are not Badass so the melee must suck and not getting headshots the controls must suck.
The "continually looking down at the gamepad breaks the immersion" thing is one of those arguments you can't really negate, as it's really subjective. Like, I get that's the point of ZombiU, and integral to the design, but for some people it just might not work. And in those cases, they don't really have any other metric to judge the game by. It's kind of like people who struggle with analogue sticks in a shooter, or can't manage motion controls for vehicle steering. It's not really a case of does/does not work, but a matter of preference. If somebody feels, for them, it breaks immersion, there's no way to 'prove them wrong' or fix it. As that's what it does: it breaks immersion, for them.
I feel that aspect alone is going to be hugely divisive among people.
Then saying touchscreen based inventory and weapon selection is less ideal than pushing buttons to cycle through shit. Its like the Wiimote launch all over again. Hating on stuff that makes things easier because its different.
Too bad almost no one is judging those things as personal gripes but mostly states them as broken beyond repair, and extrapolates their personal taste as some form of universal metric.
How often do you see someone say: Well I don't like Motion Controls, but I've seen others do just fine with them, so take that as a personal gripe more than anything.
Reviews too often state things as universal truths, and what's more problematic, they're interpreted that way even more.
One review and you guys have lost your erections? C'mon! There have been so many instances when one review has put me off a game, but I've played it later and it's been fantastic. Jim Sterling giving Kid Icarus a 5.0 is one of those times. Sometimes a game doesn't click with a reviewer, and that's fine. Doesn't mean it's trash.
I know, just saying I expect this to be a common complaint in reviews. And regardless of how aggressively that opinion may be pushed as fact, I hope people are able to look beyond it and realise that whole gamepad/screen thing is something they won't know is right for them until they experience the game first hand.
I never understood the control gripes. I played 2 demos, the nursery demo and the buckingham palace demo. The 2nd had a much more stable framerate and better lighting. Both felt like they controlled absolutely fine. And apparently this is before they "fixed" the controls according to ign (i think?).
I mean, you can't play it like CoD but you're not meant to either.
But that's the whole problem with reviews. There seems to be large percentage of people who take reviews as objective truths.
Objectively the game uses the gamepad to create immersion (As that was the goal of the team who created this). Subjectively the reviewer felt it broke his immersion.
One review and you guys have lost your erections? C'mon! There have been so many instances when one review has put me off a game, but I've played it later and it's been fantastic. Jim Sterling giving Kid Icarus a 5.0 is one of those times. Sometimes a game doesn't click with a reviewer, and that's fine. Doesn't mean it's trash.
I don't know. The character is weighted rather strangely, sometimes feels like I was just sliding along the ground.
I've seen a few videos of zombies being stuck behind barriers to know its true enough.I don't really care about the score. Usually, I never even read or watch reviews and just trust my instinct.
But what makes me really cautious about "ZombiU" is the fact that you can easily exploit the fighting system and just get rid of every Zombie with using melee weapons. And that with that strategy, no Zombie will ever pose a threat to you.
What I need now would be another review that claims that you can not expolit the fighting system like that.
I don't doubt people's testimonies. They are what they are, and experiences will vary. I just a different one it seems.
I don't really care about the score. Usually, I never even read or watch reviews and just trust my instinct.
But what makes me really cautious about "ZombiU" is the fact that you can easily exploit the fighting system and just get rid of every Zombie with using melee weapons. And that with that strategy, no Zombie will ever pose a threat to you. That's just like if "FIFA" featured some spots on the pitch from where you will score every single time. That would be just a broken game.
What I need now would be another review that claims that you can not expolit the fighting system like that.
I don't know. The character is weighted rather strangely, sometimes feels like I was just sliding along the ground.
You can easily exploit the enemy AI/combat in all sorts of great games (like luring zombies in Remake onto stairs), so I wouldn't hold that against ZombiU unless the design was especially bad.
The "continually looking down at the gamepad breaks the immersion" thing is one of those arguments you can't really negate, as it's really subjective. Like, I get that's the point of ZombiU, and integral to the design, but for some people it just might not work. And in those cases, they don't really have any other metric to judge the game by. It's kind of like people who struggle with analogue sticks in a shooter, or can't manage motion controls for vehicle steering. It's not really a case of does/does not work, but a matter of preference. If somebody feels, for them, it breaks immersion, there's no way to 'prove them wrong' or fix it. As that's what it does: it breaks immersion, for them.
I feel that aspect alone is going to be hugely divisive among people.
I know, just saying I expect this to be a common complaint in reviews. And regardless of how aggressively that opinion may be pushed as fact, I hope people are able to look beyond it and realise that whole gamepad/screen thing is something they won't know is right for them until they experience the game first hand.
It got a 7 in EDGE!
EDGE 7 is like a normal not anally retentive person 10.
The only legitimate criticisms I took from that Gamespot review was
1| Having a (generic) guy you're always in contact with seems pretty counter intuitive to the entire genre.
2| Melee combat gets repetitive.
ZombiU 7 in Edge.
7 is an ok score from edge, but you really need the review text
1) I think the generic guy makes sense, you're a survivor and he's looking to get in touch with survivors. The odd part comes from him seemingly talking to you as though you are a continuing character. When you restart as a new survivor the context is odd.
7 is an ok score from edge, but you really need the review text