could STALKER be a good analogy? Because combat in that game was intentionally clunky
Couldn't say, haven't played those.
could STALKER be a good analogy? Because combat in that game was intentionally clunky
The girlfriend is coming over to play some multiplayer, I'll give impressions for that soon.
it does hurt. It is devastating, the feeling of dying and losing everything. ahhh
my first survivor was so awesome too. A Female Pub Owner![]()
Game is amazing. Don't understand the negative reviews.
Game is amazing. Don't understand the negative reviews.
Got some questions for U guys.
- Are you encountering any unresponsive touchscreen issues for inventory management/ puzzle-solving that some reviews complain about ? Do you prefer using your finger or stylus pen ?
- Is combat fairly tedious due to having to beat down a zombie with multiple hits ?
- Is using the GamePad scanner mechanic not as fun as you thought it would be ?
- Are the graphics as unimpressive as they've been made out to be ?
- Are the puzzle-solving touchscreen aspects of the game gimmicky ?
- What's your favorite part about ZombiU ?
Thanks in advance.
1. Nope, everything responds well. Anytime it doesn't is due to my error, not the gamepad. Also, finger all the way.
2. The scanner is ok. I knew that overusing it would make things too...detached, so I generally loot containers myself and only scan bodies I suspect aren't fully dead.
3. Don't know what the big deal on graphics is, but it isn't anything fancy. The textures are pretty plain and muddy, there's a dirty lens effect on the camera which is neat, but it all lends to the atmosphere to where it doesn't really matter. The only distraction I see at times is environment clipping, but I see that in a lot of fantastic games where I don't see why it was so negatively noted.
4. There really isn't much puzzle solving (don't get why that's a big deal either). The keypad is nice. However, the tapping on barricades/manhole covers is about as gimmicky as it gets in the game, and really wasn't needed.
5. The atmosphere is the best part. Not many games can nail that down, but so far this one is doing great.
Edit: Regarding the melee combat, it depends. If you do the same thing 100% of the time, you are going to find it tedious and boring. It's the bi-product of conservative gameplay. As long as you mix it up and don't go at it one-dimensionally, it shouldn't feel like too much of a chore.
The one thing I really dislike is the constant "look at your gamepad" prompts. We have a tutorial that teaches us all of these things, so the prompts should have been put to rest aside from new mechanics being introduced. I don't need to be reminded that I'm playing a video game when the rest of the game is trying to draw me into its world.
This game is incredible. It keeps getting better and better.
This is the WiiU's killer app.
EU second-rate citizen here: Has anyone worked out how to deploy a mine without insta-assploding? Saw that happen in the QL, on a random stream, and in the GameSpot video review.
The one thing I really dislike is the constant "look at your gamepad" prompts. We have a tutorial that teaches us all of these things, so the prompts should have been put to rest aside from new mechanics being introduced. I don't need to be reminded that I'm playing a video game when the rest of the game is trying to draw me into its world.
yeah I dropped a mine and backed away fine. Its possible the GB guys may have walked into it by mistake or a zombie tripped it right away while he was in range.
From what I am hearing, I like the "Dark Souls" style of survaving.
Question: how is the graphic side of the game? Reviewers seems to be complaining about the low res textures and so on.
I am still unsure,but if I pick up a WiiU it will be solely for this game. This game definitely is a system seller, although not as huge as others in the past were.These impressions, HNNNGH
30th can't come soon enough