I came to realize with the most recent Tomb Raider thread is that the best thing about Zombi U is that it actually dares to avoid the regenerating health system and use honest to goodness consumable health kits.
I came to realize with the most recent Tomb Raider thread is that the best thing about Zombi U is that it actually dares to avoid the regenerating health system and use honest to goodness consumable health kits.
It's a fantastic title in that sense but today we have been so held by the hand in gaming, alot of people equate these mechanics to "game sucks".
Just so I'm not crazy. Zombies do have a 1-hit KO attack which is the grab?
Just so I'm not crazy. Zombies do have a 1-hit KO attack which is the grab?
My first death was so devastating -___-
And I thought I was doing good. I just got swarmed out of no where.
Even on my second playthrough, I never quite feel safe.
Xavier: ...At first we didn't even know if survival mode could be completed until just a few days before development was finished.
Iwata: Really? (laughs)
Xavier: I believe someone reached the end of the game just 2 or 3 days before it was complete. Among the debug comments for survival mode were bug reports that we had never seen before in our life as developers. "This is too hard, I can't beat it". (laughs).
Can anyone tell me how far I am in the game? I like to know how long and I usually know by looking at the table of contents from a faq on gamefaqs but there isn't one yet..
Welcome to ZombiU
Even on my second playthrough, I never quite feel safe.
Iwata Asks: ZombiU (Japanese). I might go through it and pick out the more interesting bits later.
I've got kind of a love/hate thing going on with this game at the moment.
On the one hand, I love it. It's everything I've wanted out of a modern survival horror game in that there's some actual startles and it's not just a straight up action run and gun. It's slow, it's methodical, it's actually tense because there's a sense of danger when you die.
On the other hand, I hate how fucking awful I am at this game. I haven't even gotten to Buckingham Palace and I'm on, like, my 15th survivor. I just really really suck at this game soooo much. ;_;
I've got kind of a love/hate thing going on with this game at the moment.
On the one hand, I love it. It's everything I've wanted out of a modern survival horror game in that there's some actual startles and it's not just a straight up action run and gun. It's slow, it's methodical, it's actually tense because there's a sense of danger when you die.
On the other hand, I hate how fucking awful I am at this game. I haven't even gotten to Buckingham Palace and I'm on, like, my 15th survivor. I just really really suck at this game soooo much. ;_;
I'm trying to get to Buckingham myself. On my 2nd survivor so far and playing the game in 3o to 40 minute doses a day.
Yeah that is basically me. I'm further than you and I can tell you it does seem to get a bit more manageable.
I just got the game and while I'm still getting used to the controls, I like it so far.
It feels like an actual game (you die, start over) when there's not that much hand holding going on.
And I'm on my 2nd survivor. I it was kinda refreshing having to die because I was the one not fast/careful enough. I like the fact that you are not an overpowered zombi(e) killer because now I have to plan my loot runs better. I had heard some bad stuff about the melee combat in this game but I think that helps the survival horror theme.
This game is incredible. A sequel with tighter controls and a bit more RPG elements would be even more amazing.
Are you all using the push mechanic when handling more than one zombie? It helps a lot, especially when dealing with them in numbers.
I've got kind of a love/hate thing going on with this game at the moment.
On the one hand, I love it. It's everything I've wanted out of a modern survival horror game in that there's some actual startles and it's not just a straight up action run and gun. It's slow, it's methodical, it's actually tense because there's a sense of danger when you die.
On the other hand, I hate how fucking awful I am at this game. I haven't even gotten to Buckingham Palace and I'm on, like, my 15th survivor. I just really really suck at this game soooo much. ;_;
I love the way they implemented the melee combat for the most part. You can take on one zombie in a melee fight, but it can still be risky if you're not careful because the game makes you commit to your attacks. But two zombies and you have a problem with melee. Three zombies and you're doomed.
Yeah, getting the rhythm down for push -> smack -> push -> smack helps a lot, but I almost always pull out my gun with more than one unless surprised. Way too risky, and I'm rarely low on ammo now with all the Survivor zombies giving me goodies.
So what's with the graffiti around the world? Am I able to write messages on walls and stuff similar to Demon's Souls? If so, how?
I am only 20 or so minutes into the game.
So what's with the graffiti around the world? Am I able to write messages on walls and stuff similar to Demon's Souls? If so, how?
I am only 20 or so minutes into the game.
This is both one of the best things about the game, and one of the reasons the combat is always labels cumbersome or sloppy. The fact that you can't just swing willy nilly and don't recover quickly is often a problem for a lot of people in gaming. It's the same with games that have really meaty type movements and whatnot.
So what's with the graffiti around the world? Am I able to write messages on walls and stuff similar to Demon's Souls? If so, how?
I am only 20 or so minutes into the game.
This is both one of the best things about the game, and one of the reasons the combat is always labels cumbersome or sloppy. The fact that you can't just swing willy nilly and don't recover quickly is often a problem for a lot of people in gaming. It's the same with games that have really meaty type movements and whatnot.
This post has been removed by the moderating administrator. For more info, please check the code of conduct.Definitely deeper though and more satisfying/rewarding. (that's what she said)
Pro Tips:
(It isn't game ruining spoilers by any means, just tips for dealing with zombies)
Sloooowly inch your way into areas. Many times you can activate the zombies one by one. Once a zombie comes towards you, back track a bit so when you hit them with the cricket bat they don't move so far forward that they activate the other zombies. In many instances you can take out zombie hordes one by one. Also, flares and grenades/molotovs are essential for crowd control in instances where scripted events throw a massive horde at you. Lastly, riot cops are invulnerable to fire. Grenades work best against them.
Pro Tips:
(It isn't game ruining spoilers by any means, just tips for dealing with zombies)
Sloooowly inch your way into areas. Many times you can activate the zombies one by one. Once a zombie comes towards you, back track a bit so when you hit them with the cricket bat they don't move so far forward that they activate the other zombies. In many instances you can take out zombie hordes one by one. Also, flares and grenades/molotovs are essential for crowd control in instances where scripted events throw a massive horde at you. Lastly, riot cops are invulnerable to fire. Grenades work best against them.
I came to realize with the most recent Tomb Raider thread is that the best thing about Zombi U is that it actually dares to avoid the regenerating health system and use honest to goodness consumable health kits.
Any ideas on what is coming up on Wednesday that the devs hinted at in their last graffiti message?
My god, this game is so good. I was hoping for a good launch title, and it didn't just meet those expectations, it blew them away.
Souls series + Original Resident Evil + Original Silent Hill + First Person perspective = So much win.
Yeah, it's not perfect, but as launch titles go, it's stellar.
So happy with my Wii U right now.
So should this be a Game of the Year contender? Because it is pressing all the buttons of "thing I wish I had money for so I could buy."
I also don't get much survival horror from it at all. It isn't really scary to me personally (I realize this is a matter of taste) but for me the "Dark Souls" style death system actually makes it less scary than say a game where you lose story progress and your items and have to reload a previous save. Since I'm using the cricket bat 90% of the time anyways, if I feel like I'm going to enter a difficult section I just shortcut back to the safe room, drop off my valuables and then suicide run until I get past it. Clearly that's a decision I'm making on how to play the game, but even looking past this system (which I'm assuming is meant to add suspense) I don't find the environments, or frankly silly looking zombies, to be scary.
On the whole it reminds me a lot of Dead Island. It's not really survival horror to me, it's just a very slow-paced FPS that has zombies in it, but it's fun.
You get a can of spraypaint and have like 20 or so default "doodles"
You drag up to 6 of them in any order that you think will be beneficial and then spray paint them onto the wall.
IMO, it's pretty worthless but still neat nonetheless. It seems like a lot of people just spam nonsense for the hell of it. Not anywhere near as useful as demon's/dark souls, IMO.
I try to be helpful with pointing out where the CCTV boxes are. Those things can be extremely tricky to locate.
The messages I like the most are the ones the development team leave within the safe house. Those are pretty cool.
is that all? Man this game is seeming longer and longer. Dunno how much more I can take but I can't wait. I think I am due for a short break though. Or only playing t every other day or something heh.Little more than halfway.
Have fun with the next missions......
Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha =D