Yeah it says you upload it. To where? I still haven't figured that out!![]()
Same here mate, me and the wife want to put ours on facebook hehe.
I've sat and watched Viki play it all day for 10hrs now, not like me at all but been happy to
Yeah it says you upload it. To where? I still haven't figured that out!![]()
Time to use what I have, no matter what I guess, I die too often... I kinda like that the normal zombies are quite fast in this, you can't just outrun them and line up shots safely etc.
In Buckingham Palace, there's a room with a huge fire and some scaffolding. There's one bit which has an item on in and a hole in the wall to an adjacent corridor. There doesn't seem to be any way to get on to the scaffolding on either side of the hole.
Anyone know what you're meant to do there?
Time to use what I have, no matter what I guess, I die too often... I kinda like that the normal zombies are quite fast in this, you can't just outrun them and line up shots safely etc.
Just had a glitch in thewhere I fell through the floor but never hit the ground. I quit, reloaded, and I'm a different survivor. Ok fine. Well, I go back to thenurseryand suddenly see my name falling for a split second, then it's gone. I think my chick actually died AFTER I stared my new character o.onursery
I finally got around to playing this game, despite buying it at the Wii U launch.
I played for roughly 30 minutes. I immediately was digging the gritty and gloomy atmosphere and how the GamePad screen is used as an inventory screen; the scanner is damn interesting, too--it reminds me of the scanner from Metroid Prime and now that I think about it, Heavy Rain as well. The starting weapon, a wooden bat, is a good melee weapon, but not useful for a group of zombies. Heck, even the pistol requires several shots to down a single zombie. I got killed by a horde of zombies at a certain point, then restarted at a save point and I was playing as a different character. I'm assuming this is where the roguelike element comes into play.
My question is, is your previous character permanently dead?
I finally got around to playing this game, despite buying it at the Wii U launch.
I played for roughly 30 minutes. I immediately was digging the gritty and gloomy atmosphere and how the GamePad screen is used as an inventory screen; the scanner is damn interesting, too--it reminds me of the scanner from Metroid Prime and now that I think about it, Heavy Rain as well. The starting weapon, a wooden bat, is a good melee weapon, but not useful for a group of zombies. Heck, even the pistol requires several shots to down a single zombie. I got killed by a horde of zombies at a certain point, then restarted at a save point and I was playing as a different character. I'm assuming this is where the roguelike element comes into play.
My question is, is your previous character permanently dead?
Ah, cool!
That's a useful tip.
Yeah it says you upload it. To where? I still haven't figured that out!![]()
Before killing my latest character off, I spent a few reloads playing around with the Molotovs.. the timing of throwing them, the arcs/angles, their flame radii, burn time, etc. it definitely helped.I am terrible at using the molotovs. Always set myself on fire due to panic and poor crowd control.
I am terrible at using the molotovs. Always set myself on fire due to panic and poor crowd control.
Use flares to round up zombies first, then use molotovs/grenades on the group so you get them all at the same time.
I should mention that the nursery was nightmare fuel the whole way through.
Quick and dirty tips for newbies:
- Always clear rooms of corpses. Always. Go up to a corpse and swing your bat to decapitate. Corpses have a random animation variable and are strategically placed to screw over less cautious players.
- When you can, bat, don't shoot. Save ammunition for when you actually need it, and try not to waste it on lone stragglers that can easily have their brains batted.
- No matter the enemy, bat swings faster than their recovery period. It might seem like you swing slow, but if you can keep hitting infected there's no way they can attack back. Missing is what will screw you.
- Don't waste ammo on armoured infected unless it's a rifle or high powered weapon. Those will knock the helmet off with one shot, leaving one more to clean the head. Pistol takes too many rounds just to knock a helmet off. Even so, same rules apply: if you can bat instead, bat away.
- Infected take time to open doors. I found boarding up doors relatively useless. An easier tactic when pursued by a group is to keep a molotov/grenade/mine on hand, rush through a door, close it, and wait. If you have a mine, lay it in front of the door and back away. Grenade/molotov, wait until they burst open the door and throw it directly at the group. The bottleneck should destroy them all.
- Crossbow is easily one of the most effective weapons in the game if you use it intelligently, as bolts can be recovered. As soon as you spot an infected, if you're safe, scope up and aim for the head. One shot to the head will kill most, and you can recover the bolt from their corpse. Essentially gives you an unlimited super weapon. Don't waste rounds on armoured infected.
- For the love of all unholy do not swing your bat at explosive infected.
- Pistol is very effective at headshots, usually taking ~2 headshots to kill an average infected. For this reason it's a good weapon to upgrade first, especially if you tend to die. Skills are survivor specific, but weapon upgrades are universal. And since every survivor spawns with a pistol...
- Scanning a room the moment you enter is an excellent way to locate all corpses on the ground, and thus identify potential infected. Corpses yet to animate will not be pinged by your radar.
Quick and dirty tips for newbies:
- Always clear rooms of corpses. Always. Go up to a corpse and swing your bat to decapitate. Corpses have a random animation variable and are strategically placed to screw over less cautious players.
- When you can, bat, don't shoot. Save ammunition for when you actually need it, and try not to waste it on lone stragglers that can easily have their brains batted.
- No matter the enemy, bat swings faster than their recovery period. It might seem like you swing slow, but if you can keep hitting infected there's no way they can attack back. Missing is what will screw you.
- Don't waste ammo on armoured infected unless it's a rifle or high powered weapon. Those will knock the helmet off with one shot, leaving one more to clean the head. Pistol takes too many rounds just to knock a helmet off. Even so, same rules apply: if you can bat instead, bat away.
- Infected take time to open doors. I found boarding up doors relatively useless. An easier tactic when pursued by a group is to keep a molotov/grenade/mine on hand, rush through a door, close it, and wait. If you have a mine, lay it in front of the door and back away. Grenade/molotov, wait until they burst open the door and throw it directly at the group. The bottleneck should destroy them all.
- Crossbow is easily one of the most effective weapons in the game if you use it intelligently, as bolts can be recovered. As soon as you spot an infected, if you're safe, scope up and aim for the head. One shot to the head will kill most, and you can recover the bolt from their corpse. Essentially gives you an unlimited super weapon. Don't waste rounds on armoured infected.
- For the love of all unholy do not swing your bat at explosive infected.
- Pistol is very effective at headshots, usually taking ~2 headshots to kill an average infected. For this reason it's a good weapon to upgrade first, especially if you tend to die. Skills are survivor specific, but weapon upgrades are universal. And since every survivor spawns with a pistol...
- Scanning a room the moment you enter is an excellent way to locate all corpses on the ground, and thus identify potential infected. Corpses yet to animate will not be pinged by your radar.
- I liked to always have a flare + molotov/grenade in my quick weapon selection for emergencies. Quick select and throw the flare, let the zombies bunch up and use the molotov/grenade.
- Your shove (right trigger alone) can completely bully a single zombie as long as you don't miss. This extremely important for a very specific situation in the late game that can be frustrating.
- If you can lure zombies into crawling to reach you this will activate the prompt to finish them with your cricket bat.
The end of this game is sitting poorly with me.i cannot get over the feeling of total failure! Most games, even the bad ending is some sort of mission complete. The bad ending in this game is utter failure, a negation of th entirety of the game, and provides you with no way of redoing it. I have never been so disappointed in myself for failing at a video game. On the one hand, this sucks majorly and I cannot shake the let down feeling. On the other, kudos for making the game have this kind of impact on me. The thing is, even if I had the time to invest in rebeating it, there is absolutely no way to guarantee I won't fail again.
It doesn't negate the entirety of the game in any way. It just seems like you wanted some kind of consolation prize or something, and are upset because you didn't even get that much. I think the endings are actually fitting (what there is of an ending anyway). Why would there be some kind of "good job" or focus to someone else when the goal was? I guess if you don't have the time to ever replay it, that sucks; but there's more than one ending for a reason.for your survivor to survive
Having beaten the game three times now without dying, I think I'm done. I can't believe how close I came to dying on my third run too after being somewhat overconfident. I didn't carry any medpacks on the final push, and was extremely low on ammo and was only carrying two flares. I reached a point to where one more hit from anything would have killed me. The only reason I was so low on ammo is because I was trying to run around and farm zombies, to call out the frauds on the leaderboards, but Jesus Christ. Running around for an additional 10 - 15 hours just killing respawns that give you 10 points each is incredibly boring. They should have had some kind of penalty/reward point system in regards to your clear time too. It's kind of dumb when the first people to beat the game in under 9 hours get eclipsed by those who sat around for 35+.
How can you make that statement?
ultimately, the point of the game was to get the panacea to the helicopter to attempt to save the world. When it comes down to it, that was the overarching purpose and the only thing you did that had any lasting consequence (or could). By dying at the last possibly moment and not getting the cure out, the world ends (or so it is implied). Thus, death at the end makes the entirety of the game a blip in the large scheme of the outbreak. I don't see how anyone couldn't be disappointed in that ending. It has nothing to do with consolation,it has to do with achieving the singular goal of the game. Even a scene showing somebody picking the virus off my dead corpse at the helipad would have been fine, just give me something to show that my efforts had a purpose.
I think that was the point though.The narrative is secondary to the story of survival. It's an experience driven by you, the survivor, or whatever survivor you happen to be playing at the time. All the other stuff that's happening, from the arena fight and scaling the Tower of London, to hunting down Dee's letters and securing the Panacea, are simply objectives and events that your survivor, again whichever happens to be alive, gets caught in.
The idea is it's not really a story about the infected apocalypse, John Dee, the prepper, the Ravens, or the Panacea. It's a story about your survivor and their personal experience. The final post credits stretch is essentially your final moments with whatever survivor you have alive. Either they perish to the hoard, or they make it out. And even if you do make it out there's no resolution for what comes after.
I can understand maybe wanting a bit more closure, but I don't really feel the narrative was trying to push anything like that. It was always a survivor/you driven experience more than an external narrative.
Yeah, I see your point. I tend to derive a lot of my satisfaction or enjoyment from a game's plot, leaving me feeling a bit cheated. In this case I simply have no choice but to accept it for what it is.
I can understand that, but I think it would be unfair to fault the game over that. It is a user driven experience. All the story cues are just mere events to give context to the player experience.
Personally I loved the final stretch. I was constantly saying to myself: "Not now, don't fuck up now, don't die now! Did anyone else feel bad for the Prepper? I mean he obviously means well but is just blinded by his fanatical sociopathic views.
I wondered if there is a way of "winning" the final safehouse onslaught. I kind of wished there was a way to at least leave the Prepper on good terms, but alas my ammo was running out, and I had no intentions of dying there.
Ah yeah, and since the update this morning, usk versions are able to post screenshots to miiverse and are recognized like owners of the game.
Loving this game. I've put in around 6 hours or so and still on my 2nd survivor (1st died just because I didn't finish the zombie off and got bit, with full health). I tend to take it slow rather than run into rooms and used my radar thing all of the time before the upgrade.
Also, I find it funny when I see a gaffer die like every 5 minutes! I've only come across 2 of them to loot though.
I used the turret and mowed down most of the zombies and (stupidly) burned a fair chunk of ammo killing the remainder. As far as I could see, there were no more after I was done. So there is something good, at least I saved prepper. On that note, a question - can anyone explain to me a bit more about the prepper? I sort of thought he was that John guy referenced in letters but I didn't really get where he was coming from. Why was he so against the cure?
In the Brick Lane Markets, there's a door that needs a 4 digit passcode. I noticed when scanning through the window and aligning the markings, I find somewhat of a code... But I still can't make it out lol. I feel like I've solved the puzzle but still can't get the answer. If there's anything I'm missing, let me know D:
Ah ok then, that makes sense. Lucky I asked otherwise I would have been so confused as to what I'm doing wrong...You'll need to get a pad upgrade in the Tower of London before you can do anything with that one.