Just realized while playing Ch9 on NG+ thatthe CP ribbon for Federation exists.
Federation vs Empire mod DLC campaign when
WTF.The best thing about the anime are Alicia's reaction faces. Example below, my reaction after somehow finishing the entire 20 something episode adaptation
There's also a super weird love triangle between Faldio, Welkin and Alicia. Faldio also gets his own tsundere male assistant who has a tsundere thing for Isara... Yeah it's a bad adaptation.
Yeah, Homer, Emile and Oscar. Highly inferior to the true best characters. It was a crime. A crime I say.Who are the bottom three? The sniper bros and.. Homer?
Also who are these nobodies in general? Where are Theold, Dallas, Catherine and Melvin, the real squad 7?
Worst mission, even worse than the Maiden's Shield.So chapter 14...
Odd that people are having troubles with this mission, or rather, the amount of damage done. I just got through it, using Jane (with no Potentials activated) and the Demolition Boost order and the APC went down in a single CP
Are you guys not upgrading your weapons or is it a bug hitting some of you?
I didn't have Demolition boost either and it worked out fine. You don't need more than one Shocktrooper, since the car isn't driving that far and a shock can shoot as much as she or he want.I didn't have demolition boost when I was doing that mission. I'd imagine that makes it super fucking easy. The only way I could beat it was to set up a trap with 4 shocktroopers waiting for the APC to drive past, then just wailed on the weak spot with all four of them sitting there attacking each turn.
I didn't have Demolition boost either and it worked out fine. You don't need more than one Shocktrooper, since the car isn't driving that far and a shock can shoot as much as she or he want.
Oh, they do attack the radiator? I always thought the were shooting in the general direction, only hitting the armor of the APC.Why would you not have at least 2 though? You get extra damage every turn by having more of them with the team attack.
There's also a super weird love triangle between Faldio, Welkin and Alicia. Faldio also gets his own tsundere male assistant who has a tsundere thing for Isara... Yeah it's a bad adaptation.
Just had my first crash in chapter 13, when I tried to look up details for a character (I believe it was Wavy, at least one of my scouts).Selvaria had appeared at that point. I heard there were problems on Ghirlandaio too? I guess you can't call stats anywhere she is near.
Ok seriously now, where's my playable bikini mod?!
I hate being ignored. That's just rude. Like I don't exist.
I asked for an increase in shadow res mod and got ignored too...
I believe the shadow resolution scales with the rendered resolution.
That's a weird one. VC has more weird ones than regular ones.I haven't had a crash yet, but I've been getting this temporary issue where if I ALT+TAB the game enough times, my GPU clock will drop to 504, and stay there permanently until I restart my PC. If I go onto other games after closing VC, like BF4, it'll chug because it's staying at 504 clock speed. Lol.
You can access the DLC missions at any time from the title menu under "Extras". Albeit you should at the end or after you finished the main story since it's balanced for an endgame squad. Or so I heard.How do you play the DLC mission? I think I'll play them when I finished the main campaign since it seems that the selvaria's one unlock some OP weapons
That's a weird one. VC has more weird ones than regular ones.
I am currently hunting aces down that I missed and to my devastation I realized that I had not one of the first empire weapons because their aces were hidden as fuck. Especially Segular the Wall. Fuck him. Now I am only missing the two 30er royal weapons, then I should have every weapon and weapon upgrade and thus the last achievement before I just can do what I want. (Killing 1000 units, unlock the full personnel profile and earning A Rank everywhere goes luckily hand in hand). I also think of taking the Splintered Horn Cezary that racist dick weed.
I think we may be the only two people in this thread trying to 100% this game. Haha
I'm considering trying for 100% since I just beat it and never touched it again on PS3.
*brofist*I think we may be the only two people in this thread trying to 100% this game. Haha
I wish. It's especially annoying at missions where the enemy pile up points until a certain event happens and then keeps using all of them and that one mission where you have this slow ass walking enemy you just wanna kill for being that terribly slow. Usually I am going to take a piss, make some food or start watching youtube on my phone. Sometimes everything at once.I hate the crappy AI in this game. The computer waits 13 turns and then moves it's lancer up twice and one shots my tank.
Is it possible to speed up the computer's turns cause this made me rage quit several times.
I am usually not an achievement hunter, but damn, I want to complete the game.
I hate being ignored. That's just rude. Like I don't exist.
Not really a advocate of that stuff but as soon as someone figures out how to make the higher quality cutscene models be playable you'll get that.
Hasn't Sectus made that already?
I think we may be the only two people in this thread trying to 100% this game. Haha
What, you already got 100%? D:Naaaaah
See if you guys can catch up to me.
GaryOldmanEveryone.gifThis is possible by editing the value in a save the game uses to "is x unit going to get deployed to y camp next turn?" on a PS3 even. (Framerate drops tho.)
No, but I'm apparently close
The big one honestly would be getting 1000 kills.
Thankfully it's not as ridiculously far out as FF8 Steam's 10,000 kills.
Maybe they have patched it?
Love triangles are terrible, and any writer using them should feel bad.Kind of glad I skipped the anime for VC.KorraGAF knows all to well about this.
It's still there
I believe it's hidden on personal achievement panes till you get 1,000 kills like a regular tiered achievement.
So that is what that line of Ellet dialogue means. I never knew.Each soldier has one personal hidden potential. You deploy them and get 5 "Ellet Points". Off top of head, deploying is 1, killing an enemy is 2, rescuing a downed squaddie is 4, among other actions. Once you get 5 (cumulative across battles), talk to Ellet at Castlefront St. and it unlocks their potential.
Very informative, thanks.Each soldier has one personal hidden potential. You deploy them and get 5 "Ellet Points". Off top of head, deploying is 1, killing an enemy is 2, rescuing a downed squaddie is 4, among other actions. Once you get 5 (cumulative across battles), talk to Ellet at Castlefront St. and it unlocks their potential.
Never really cared about the other actions since deploying someone and rescuing a downed squaddie with them pretty much insta-unlocks hidden potentials.
Other than personal potentials, each class also has a set of potentials that are unlocked by levelling.
Each soldier has one personal hidden potential. You deploy them and get 5 "Ellet Points". Off top of head, deploying is 1, killing an enemy is 2, rescuing a downed squaddie is 4, among other actions. Once you get 5 (cumulative across battles), talk to Ellet at Castlefront St. and it unlocks their potential.
Never really cared about the other actions since deploying someone and rescuing a downed squaddie with them pretty much insta-unlocks hidden potentials.
Other than personal potentials, each class also has a set of potentials that are unlocked by levelling.