The Mad Draklor
I think the XBO will still win October (ableit, not running away with it easily). However, the PS4 price cut will have a more long term effect than Halo 5.
LOL, I guess you got your wish..
I would go for MGS.
But it's not the only question.
How will mario maker chart might also be of interest.
Top 3? Top 5?
And another question for debate in this slow-going circle:
What do you think will be the best-selling bundle in 2015 after all is said and done?
Fallout? Halo5? Star wars? COD? Uncharted collection? Lego movie? Kinect?
Just make a guess.
That's reasonable, but October will be close.September - Sony
October - MS
November - Sony
December - Sony
September - Sony
October - MS
November - Sony
December - Sony
And that should just about do it for 2015. See you all in January for NPD 2016: Even More Interesting!
Also where is Cosmic when you need himWe need to decide what will happen to his avatar when he loses the 30m bet lol
What bet?
Why you lie?
Nah man, that was my... my little cousin. He stole my GAF account and then bought a lot of MTX on PSN.
Oh.... OH...... so that's how it's gonna be huh.
Must say I'm disappointed Cosmic....
September - Sony
October - MS
November - Sony
December - Sony
And that should just about do it for 2015. See you all in January for NPD 2016: Even More Interesting!
Well then... what do you want me to do?
April can be a XB1 victory thanks Quantum Break, but is too soon for know.
[3DS] 144K
[PS4] 200K
[WIU] 80K
[XB1] 230K
We have been expecting the 500GB PlayStation 4 to get a price cut to $349 since confirmation of a 1TB model last June. The pricing dynamics in Japan are much different than they are in North America. Here, the PS4 has been a consistent leader in sales and SCEA has not faced market pressure to reduce the MSRP despite the $50 advantaged ceded to the Xbox One the last four months. But the fall is a different matter. With the delay of Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End to next spring, Sony does not possess an exclusive with the weight to compete with Halo 5: Guardians. In fact, all of Sonys big hitters from this years E3 The Last Guardian, Horizon Zero Dawn and Ratchet & Clank are 2016 releases. For the rest of this year, Sony is relying on exclusive content for multi-platform titles, which isnt as big a consumer inducement to buy. Faced with Microsoft Corp.s penchant for releasing a slew of bundles tied to back door discounts during the holidays, SCEA had little choice but to realign PS4 pricing. It is one thing to pitch the PlayStation 4 around great games coming next year, but Halo 5 is arriving late this month and we fully expect Xbox One sales to get a significant boost through the end of December.
LMAO at x1 beating ps4 by 30K in sept, why?
October is going to be fun.
Not every month has a price drop and Halo.I read this every month.
Not every month has a price drop and Halo.
Amazon bestsellers points to PS4 winning Sept and tracking PS4 winning October. Amazon are pretty inaccurate though right?
Amazon bestsellers points to PS4 winning Sept and tracking PS4 winning October. Amazon are pretty inaccurate though right?
I read this every month.
It's become a meme here, but for October it's actually accurate.
Hardware ranking wise they are 22 out of 23 months correct on the monthly ranking.Amazon bestsellers points to PS4 winning Sept and tracking PS4 winning October. Amazon are pretty inaccurate though right?
For hardware they have been nearly perfect.Amazon bestsellers points to PS4 winning Sept and tracking PS4 winning October. Amazon are pretty inaccurate though right?
True, but when I see posts that go against all facts and pretty much everyone else it would be nice to hear their reasoning. If not it looks like nothing more then wishful thinking. His prediction is pretty unlikely.Because it's his personal prediction? He may be wrong, he may be right. All part of the prediction thread fun.
I really want to see Halo's influence outside the US, I know it's difficult to gather.
Well xbox one is doing pretty terrible outside of US/UK, I am guessing same with halo?
I really want to see Halo's influence outside the US, I know it's difficult to gather.
[3DS] 144K
[PS4] 200K
[WIU] 80K
[XB1] 230K
Also don't ever look at hourly charts and post it here.
Actually, Amazon has been right for every single month since both consoles launched except for one, April 2015. Even then, the monthly charts for April showed two XB1 SKU's being very close to a PS4 SKU, basically hinting at a win for the XB1. Too bad none of us got it.Amazon bestsellers points to PS4 winning Sept and tracking PS4 winning October. Amazon are pretty inaccurate though right?
Dude, I don't mean to be harsh, but I have to speak my mind. It's quite annoying that you are questioning everyone who predicts the XB1 being ahead or tied to the PS4 for this month. It's just their predictions. Wouldn't change a damn thing at the end. Would you rather have this thread (and other NPD threads) be more inactive instead? Let me kindly remind you that you are still a junior. This is quite a dangerous attitude for you to have right now. Don't take offense to this post, I'm just advising you.LMAO at x1 beating ps4 by 30K in sept, why?
QB a system seller? No way. Will sell similar to alan wake if that.,
Dude, I don't mean to be harsh, but I have to speak my mind. It's quite annoying that you are questioning everyone who predicts the XB1 being ahead or tied to the PS4 for this month. It's just their predictions. Wouldn't change a damn thing at the end. Would you rather have this thread (and other NPD threads) be more inactive instead? Let me kindly remind you that you are still a junior. This is quite a dangerous attitude for you to have right now. Don't take offense to this post, I'm just advising you.
I know I'm going to drive Zhuge (and Rex) crazy, but only mentioning it for current hourly trend:
The price drop impact has began on the Amazon (Hourly) ranking.
Destiny bundle dropping like a stone, and the more expensive bundles (LE BF and COD) got a nice boost, while the $349 UC Collection got a big one as well (The UC bundle just jumped from rank 114 to 63 in the last update).
The Halo 5 bundle was slowly creeping up, but seems to now be hovering around #35.
OBVIOUSLY this means nothing for the larger picture of the monthly, it's just the "right now" picture.
Now adressing the monthly pre orders of the Halo 5 bundle, these will play a big role, but probably mostly the August ones (when the bundle was revealed).
They charted relatively high in August on Amazon (#24, highest XB1 SKU on Amazon), but failed to chart at all in September.
We'll see
Still saying there will be a nice bump in October, but with the price drop I think the PS4 will win it.
And for Nov/ Dec, it will all edge on an XB1 price drop imo (for a longer period than just BF).
Now that you mention it, it might seem like he is. He even has a sloth in his avatar. Either way, I just hope we can have more reasonable posters in sales threads so we can have rational discussions.
Now that you mention it, it might seem like he is. He even has a sloth in his avatar. Either way, I just hope we can have more reasonable posters in sales threads so we can have rational discussions.
Yeah, even with pre season over (LOL!), this thread still slips away from the first page easily. The holidays will be interesting though!I hope we have more posters at all. Sales threads are slow.
Pre season should be over by now here, too.
Yeah, even with pre season over (LOL!), this thread still slips away from the first page easily. The holidays will be interesting though!
Yeah, I know. Guess it's typical for every generation.NPD threads have been dying ever since launch hype cooled down. Makes me sad.
I know, it's been that way since the 1 day sale between Amazon, BB and Target.Destiny bundle is sold out and sold by third party anyway.
I know I'm going to drive Zhuge (and Rex) crazy, but only mentioning it for current hourly trend.
Either way, I just hope we can have more reasonable posters in sales threads so we can have rational discussions.