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One Piece Treasure Cruise |OT| Golden Hammer ---God--- Usopp


So what's everyone been using for Brook?

i've been using double zoro leads, with subs Sergeant Helmeppo and GP Usopp on the left, and Mihawk and Law on the right. More than enough bulk to survive multiple screw ups on the way to Brook, 20K HP even when gloomed, instant elimination of Bind status. Essentially whittle him down several hundred K until he binds half the team (at which point he's easily down to 1/2 HP), then helmeppo and Usopp ensure 5 turns to use all 6 team membrs to kill him before he can even get off another attack. Completely free, probably even with unleveled specials, low level characters, and non-maxed merry/mihawk ship.

asura zoro x2

charge all the specials before the boss,than use mihawk,the two zoros,khalifa and then zeff
you should be able to kill brook in one turn


So what's everyone been using for Brook?

i've been using double zoro leads, with subs Sergeant Helmeppo and GP Usopp on the left, and Mihawk and Law on the right. More than enough bulk to survive multiple screw ups on the way to Brook, 20K HP even when gloomed, instant elimination of Bind status. Essentially whittle him down several hundred K until he binds half the team (at which point he's easily down to 1/2 HP), then helmeppo and Usopp ensure 5 turns to use all 6 team membrs to kill him before he can even get off another attack. Completely free, probably even with unleveled specials, low level characters, and non-maxed merry/mihawk ship.
Law law
Smoker apoo
Mihawk asura zoro

No Stalling, no hits and psy Samurai guys only downside is that the Stage Needs 2 Turns instead of one.


Neo Member
So what's everyone been using for Brook?

i've been using double zoro leads, with subs Sergeant Helmeppo and GP Usopp on the left, and Mihawk and Law on the right. More than enough bulk to survive multiple screw ups on the way to Brook, 20K HP even when gloomed, instant elimination of Bind status. Essentially whittle him down several hundred K until he binds half the team (at which point he's easily down to 1/2 HP), then helmeppo and Usopp ensure 5 turns to use all 6 team membrs to kill him before he can even get off another attack. Completely free, probably even with unleveled specials, low level characters, and non-maxed merry/mihawk ship.

I've been going with double apoo lead with mihawk/law/zoro subs. i dont stall and clear each wave in one turn, with full perfects i do about 597k to brook first turn, my izo is max special so when i get to turn 2 brook if i get all bad orbs i can just izo special them to dex orbs. Not even Ryuma is trouble.

I've died only once when i wasn't paying attention and one turtle hit me. i still got to brook but i didnt get enough meat to heal and died to him hah.


Then I'm fucked. No way I'm gonna reach that damage if I don't have Robin and I can't use an orb booster.

I'll still try to level up my X-Drake a bit this Monday (mine is evolved and at 50) right now.

if you pull log nami this sugofest she's an int unit who orb boosts for 1.5x she also does 5k flat damage, so be careful when you use her. starts at 15 turn cooldown.


I can't wait for the upcoming skill up event... I have 187 books/copy ready to be fed, as well as a few turtles (since it'll be cheaper to feed a few turtles at 80 instead of feeding copies at 95).


So this is the team I'm going to settle on. I should be able to clear 800,000 damage easily. First of all, using Franky stage to deal this damage is almost impossible; the best I could get is 300,000 damage. Instead, there's a stage that consist of 3 high defense psy unit with low hp and a psy crab. I have to stall enough to use Robin and Helmeppo at once, which for now is 17 turns (hopefully these 12 robin books pay off...), which is where it's pretty difficult. I've tested this on the damage meter and with matching orbs on Drake, Buggy, and Robin (with the other Drake unmatched), I will deal 955,000 damage.

Robin looks to be essential for this mission, I've tried switching her out for Hogback for the x1.25 damage to fighters but came out short. It might be possible if you get Franky with the 2 girls on the last stage though. Good luck to those who are going to try this mission, it should be easy if you have Robin.
Why is Helmeppo used for this? And Helmeppos CD is 20 at max or am I missing something?


Why is Helmeppo used for this? And Helmeppos CD is 20 at max or am I missing something?
The Helmeppo I'm talking about is the one that reduces defense to 0. The reason I'm bringing him is because I'm unsure how much defense the units have on the wave I'm going to try to hit 800k on. You're right though, he does have a CD of 25 so he may not be viable for this build. I may sub in Hawkins instead.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Seems like you are really screwed on these ranking missions without specific gacha units. Kinda sucks but it's understandable from Bamcos point of view.


The Helmeppo I'm talking about is the one that reduces defense to 0. The reason I'm bringing him is because I'm unsure how much defense the units have on the wave I'm going to try to hit 800k on. You're right though, he does have a CD of 25 so he may not be viable for this build. I may sub in Hawkins instead.

But with zero defense those high defense / low hp units will be one shotted or not?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I stopped playing cold turkey at around (I think) Franky - that's the last fortnite I remember. Getting busy with work + never being able to do Turtle Time due to a full box + downloading a big update EVERY time I booted up the app made it pretty easy to quit.

So... what have I missed?

I see there's some kind of Bounty system, character box is now 500(!!!), and other than that it doesn't seem like I missed anything too massive or non-obvious. Obviously I missed several fortnites, Sugofests, and Raid Bosses too.

Luckily the first day I randomly picked to fire up OPTC in a couple months was the day Blackbeard was active, and I managed to take him down on 30-stam with no strat or special team - just Jozu/Jozu hammering away at perfects. And he dropped on my first run. So that's nice.

Thanks to banked gems and the gems from two story islands I have 65 total, which is nice. If I would have at least opened the app once a day I'd probably be closer to 120, but oh well. :)


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Glad to see that you are back... I was hoping you would come back eventually after seeing how long it's been since your last login on my Friendlist.

Also stopped playing a while because of the box space issue... Gladly that dark age of restriction is now over. And yes Double Jozu was great for BB, cool that you got him on your first day back.


I stopped playing cold turkey at around (I think) Franky - that's the last fortnite I remember. Getting busy with work + never being able to do Turtle Time due to a full box + downloading a big update EVERY time I booted up the app made it pretty easy to quit.

So... what have I missed?

I see there's some kind of Bounty system, character box is now 500(!!!), and other than that it doesn't seem like I missed anything too massive or non-obvious. Obviously I missed several fortnites, Sugofests, and Raid Bosses too.

Luckily the first day I randomly picked to fire up OPTC in a couple months was the day Blackbeard was active, and I managed to take him down on 30-stam with no strat or special team - just Jozu/Jozu hammering away at perfects. And he dropped on my first run. So that's nice.

Thanks to banked gems and the gems from two story islands I have 65 total, which is nice. If I would have at least opened the app once a day I'm probably be closer to 120, but oh well. :)

We're getting a special turtle time next week that let's you can choose whenyou want it. It's there for 24 hours, and once you enter for the first time you can do as many times as you want for 30 minutes.

And there are 3 raid bosses too in early December. Monster Chopper, Garp and Ivankov. With 2x Jozu you should be able to farm Monster Chopper if you want to try and get ready for Doffy or something.

Those probably are the two biggest things you should look for in the short term.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
We're getting a special turtle time next week that let's you can choose whenyou want it. It's there for 24 hours, and once you enter for the first time you can do as many times as you want for 30 minutes.

And there are 3 raid bosses too in early December. Monster Chopper, Garp and Ivankov. With 2x Jozu you should be able to farm Monster Chopper if you want to try and get ready for Doffy or something.

Those probably are the two biggest things you should look for in the short term.

Farming MC seems like a good bet. I got 1 the first time around but I had to gem once. Should be able to pretty easily farm this time.


But with zero defense those high defense / low hp units will be one shotted or not?
Yeah, on my damage calculator I took out 2 units because they would have factored into the damage multiplier. I was still able to deal 955,000 with only 4 units but I may sub in Crocodile and let him have the orb matched from buggy and Chopper.


Yeah, on my damage calculator I took out 2 units because they would have factored into the damage multiplier. I was still able to deal 955,000 with only 4 units but I may sub in Crocodile and let him have the orb matched from buggy and Chopper.

Cool. Have all those units, so I will try it out. :)


Nice, glad I can help :D

Has anyone tried farming Ms. Monday? She's the last mission I need to finish Alvida's island and those 3 extra gems would be nice for box space.

i got her at first try during a double drop period..so probably anyone can get her at first try either :p


My white whale these days is Mr 1. Every time double drop comes around for him I spend the day trying with no luck.
I've been farming for Crocodile the last few days, to no avail.

But Cloggerdude, didn't you already post that you farmed Crocodile before?

You would be right, but I decided to evolve him to his non-slasher form, because I am an idiot.


I've been trying to get a T-Rex in Little Garden because he's the first unit I'm missing, chronologically. 7 tries so far, nothing. But I'm going to go in order, regardless of island drop rates and all of that.


I tried farming Braham on Skypiea yesterday (mostly out of boredom). No luck, and man is that stage annoying. Reduced stats and a blind debuff on the boss stage.

I've had iffy luck on story drops. I got Mr. 1 on my sixth try, and Wapol on my second, but I've spent many 2x drop days on Mr. 3 and never got him (no need anymore, now that we have H.Zoro). Maybe I'm just lucky when it comes to STR units? I guess I'll go for Ohm this week.
I've been trying to get a T-Rex in Little Garden because he's the first unit I'm missing, chronologically. 7 tries so far, nothing. But I'm going to go in order, regardless of island drop rates and all of that.

Doesn't the t-rex drop during a certain fortnight, animal party or something?


Duck Squad, that's the one.


Well, I've advanced quite a while with the OT. Here is the link. Quote to see:

I'd say it's almost finished. The Tier is already done (though I should add Log Luffy to the list). And I want to add a "useful farmable characters" section or something, but that won't be today lol.

I did some reading to the early stuff and changed a bunch of things, mixed my text with Qmzn.

Right now I mostly need to re-read everything in a few days, say what's necessary and what isn't and I'll probably try to reduce some descriptions a bit. My objective would be diving the OT in two different posts, since one won't be enough for the whole thing lol.

If I can't make the whole thing small enough I may put the second half of the Tier list on a Google Doc linked to the OT and only keep in the thread the Tiers 0 and 0,5.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Probably would be better if you had to quote the post to see the link...not too worried about OPTC-GAF, but you never know with other visitors.


Yeah, I forgot it lol.

I've put it behind the email tags. In any case, I'm going to copy paste everything in a Word document just in case.

"requested file does not exist"

is the link incorrect?

It should. Clogger was able to enter. If you can't I can PM you though.


Ah, there it is. Looking good, under youtube recommendations, there's... I'm gonna butcher the dude's name, but zenigami or something like that? Seems like he comes up fairly often in links and stuff.


Smoker has the shitties drop rate... Reminds me of the Kuro Isle and Usopp manuals. I want to max his special and have been running him non-stop. I only have 10 copies lol... there's no way i'm spending gems on this shit though.


Ugh I havent managed to get a single one yet, good job

Seriously. The only one I've put any actual time into is Braham, but that's some luck. How much time did it take?

As a side note, I really wish we had some idea of story mode drop rates. I've run Mr. 3's levels so much that I have trouble believing that he has even a 1% (2% on boosted days) rate. On the other hand, some story drops (specifically, Morgan and Alvida) must be a lot higher, as I've gotten them several times (during missions and whatnot).

I'd hope the Skypeia pt.1 units had a decent drop rate (something like 2%-4%, which would be viable during boosted days) since none of them are particularly useful in the long run.


Smoker has the shitties drop rate... Reminds me of the Kuro Isle and Usopp manuals. I want to max his special and have been running him non-stop. I only have 10 copies lol... there's no way i'm spending gems on this shit though.
Ouch that sucks. It seems like his drop rate is better late at night, and I'm sitting at 24 copies without spending a single gem. You'll end up farming him again anyway when they introduce sockets so there's no point in spending gems to max him.
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