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Sony Blacklists Colin Moriarty

CM doing a pretty good job at using the cold shoulder to gin up popularity. Here’s to hoping that it doesn’t become his shtick and allow all of his content orbit around that premise (learn from Jim Sterling’s mistakes).


CM doing a pretty good job at using the cold shoulder to gin up popularity. Here’s to hoping that it doesn’t become his shtick and allow all of his content orbit around that premise (learn from Jim Sterling’s mistakes).

How did he give anyone the cold shoulder? Sony gave him the cold shoulder.



And what if his claims are unfunded, plain wrong? He is most likely on many blacklists, so what? He still has his audience ... do we have to blacklist Sony now?

nobody has to do anything. I found it interesting to speculate about why the number one ps pod is blacklisted. Sony’s fear of/pandering to militant millennial cancel culture mobs is probably why.

It is a little crazy that a guy like Colin can get totally unpersoned by his friends and an entire industry for no reason at all beyond finding himself cast as an the villain by other people wanting to feel like heroes by fighting a ‘culture war’.


About the joke.

He posted about how nice could be to have a day without women on the women's day.
He was ridiculous and I'm a straight man... I showed it to my wife and she rolled her eyes... it was low, unnecessary, I don't even consider a joke.

It is the same joke a guy at break off did here in Brasil and he was fired.
"This employee took my arm, said he wanted slavery to come back, that I would have to have sex with him, repeating all the time that I should do what he wanted, as if it were the most normal thing in the world."

These types or kinds of jokes there is no place anymore.
I feel ashamed when I see mans doing that.
Wow, you are a fucking idiot


That American Asians didn't seems to be doing better than Whites in America?
But key point I never tried to say there is no racism in America or in my country (Brasil).
Colin Moriarty's ideia are the same of our actual Bozo President... sad reality.
I had some questions before but now I think they've been answered already. You're just projecting racism everywhere because people are disagreeing with your political correctness.


Neighbours from Hell
Big fan of Colin, and I lost a lot of respect for the game industry for not standing up for him when many should have. He was railroaded for no reason at all, and you have a bunch of fucking pussies in the industry afraid to do the right thing because they will lose standing with crazy people. Cowards.


Gold Member

I debated whether to join in on this fiasco of a thread, but since there seems to be SO MANY of you who don't know wtf you're talking about, I'll try to enlighten you.

Colin's tweet about Asian American's is not innately racist. However, it is indirectly racist. Allow me to explain.

Just because he mentions factual information does not mean he can conclude that racism does not exist. The existence of racism is not determined by the facts Colin presented. Financial well being, location or affluence are not the only realms where racism lives. What's really offensive is he simplifies racism to this one facet of society as if that completely obliterates any other arena where racism obviously occurs.

Jesus...come on guys, it's not that hard.
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I debated whether to join in on this fiasco of a thread, but since there seems to be SO MANY of you who don't know wtf you're talking about, I'll try to enlighten you.

Colin's tweet about Asian American's is not innately racist. However, it is indirectly racist. Allow me to explain.

Just because he mentions factual information does not mean he can conclude that racism does not exist. The existence of racism is not determined by the facts Colin presented. Financial well being, location or affluence are not the only realms where racism lives. What's really offensive is he simplifies racism to this one facet of society as if that completely obliterates any other arena where racism obviously occurs.

Jesus...come on guys, it's not that hard.
So what determines whether racism exists? I'm talking about racism at a large scale here because obviously there are always going to be individual racists and i doubt anyone is arguing otherwise. As for the explanation, it seems to me there is a step missing here. I get that you're saying he is oversimplifying a complex issue but i don't see how that makes it indirectly racist. Wouldn't it be more likely that this simplification is simply due to the nature of Twitter?
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Remember back in the day when you could freely give your opinion as long as it wasn't hateful or cruel, and you could actually be a productive member of society.

Remember back in the day when people could separate politics and ideals from professionalism, and focus on the topic at hand rather than feeling the need to push said ideals and politics into every conversation...

Remember back in the day when we weren't so afraid of walking on the proverbial egg shells that we have placed everywhere Due to our over sensitive nature in this current woke, outrage, cancel culture civilization?

Pepperidge Farm r...or I mean I remember

Colin has opinions, many that clearly differ from the rest of the industry. The sad part is that he also has many opinions that are similar to said industry too...

In a proper world that wouldn't be a crime and he would still be a valued member of said industry but sadly in the current over sensitive nature of the video game realm that's not the case...

The tweet he made wasn't offensive and people need to lighten up lol


Gold Member
So what determines whether racism exists? I'm talking about racism at a large scale here because obviously there are always going to be individual racists and i doubt anyone is arguing otherwise. As for the explanation, it seems to me there is a step missing here. I get that you're saying he is oversimplifying a complex issue but i don't see how that makes it indirectly racist. Wouldn't it be more likely that this simplification is simply due to the nature of Twitter?
What is racism at a large scale? Are you referring to institutionalized racism? If so, do you think corporations, governments and the like think up racism on their own? No. All racism has a common ancestor in the individual. It starts with the singular person and spreads like cancer. It seeps into the institutions, it's not born there.

Ignoring the existence of racism, whether on a large scale or not, is in and of itself, racist. It applies in other ways too. Like when black people say, "Black people can't be racist" that's actually a racist thing to say. For one, it's not true, I have family who are definitely racist and I'm black. The notion says that because black people were the victims of racism for the totality of American history, they can't be racist. It's bullshit.

Colin had plenty of characters left in reserve for this tweet and could have also followed up with further tweets clarifying if he actually gave a damn. He doesn't seem to have done that based on what I'm seeing in this thread.
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Ignoring the existence of racism, whether on a large scale or not, is in and of itself, racist. It applies in other ways too
Colin had plenty of characters left in reserve for this tweet and could have also followed up with further tweets clarifying if he actually gave a damn. He doesn't seem to have done that based on what I'm seeing in this thread.
How is it racist? You're still not explaining how you arrive at that conclusion. One i disagree with but i'd like to hear your argument as to why it's racist. If your only context is this thread then it seems unfair to conclude he is racist, doesn't it? I mean, my only context is this thread and i'm happy to admit that i have no idea what went before or after the 2 tweets. I'm just saying that i don't see how those particular tweets are remotely racist
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Jigsaah Jigsaah His argument is white supremacy is stupid, that's it. He is not arguing that racism does not exist, talk about disingenuous.

Twitter is an abomination when it comes to putting fourth arguments because everyone is trying to score points and and destroy people instead of communicate.
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About the joke.

He posted about how nice could be to have a day without women on the women's day.
He was ridiculous and I'm a straight man... I showed it to my wife and she rolled her eyes... it was low, unnecessary, I don't even consider a joke.

It is the same joke a guy at break off did here in Brasil and he was fired.
"This employee took my arm, said he wanted slavery to come back, that I would have to have sex with him, repeating all the time that I should do what he wanted, as if it were the most normal thing in the world."

These types or kinds of jokes there is no place anymore.
I feel ashamed when I see mans doing that.

Ah man, must suck to have a wife with no sense of humour. I showed it to my girl and she thought it was funny.

What's the rationale behind it not being a joke? Maybe if Colin was a known misogynist then you may have a point. He's worked with plenty of women, not one of them has a story about him mistreating them.


Ah man, must suck to have a wife with no sense of humour. I showed it to my girl and she thought it was funny.

What's the rationale behind it not being a joke? Maybe if Colin was a known misogynist then you may have a point. He's worked with plenty of women, not one of them has a story about him mistreating them.

I think he is trying to say Brasilian women lack a sense of humor.

Which is funny, because I showed his post to my girlfriend, and it elicited a derisive chortle from her


Gold Member
Well, for a Northern European like me it kinda is.

For the United States of America in which the language/phrase is from, it isn’t. No matter the spin the powers that are doing said taxing, propagate.

It is one of the core foundations of our independence from Imperial rule. No taxation without representation.
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For the United States of America in which the language/phrase is from, it isn’t. No matter the spin the powers that are doing said taxing, propagate.

It is one of the core foundations of our independence from Imperial rule. No taxation without representation.
Fair enough.


The name of his twitter account is evidence on it’s own, really.
"No Taxation" is alt-right? Have you ever read a history book in your life? Also, people are waking up to the fact that labeling someone alt-right because they hold a conservative position on an issue is utterly moronic. Please educate yourself and stop listening to strictly liberal news media. Expand your horizons. CM is not labeled a conservative or "alt-right" in any universe.
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A certain someone in this thread really needs to shut the hell up. Colin being a racist? Get the fuck outta here.

You - and your SJW movement - are nothing but thugs and fascists. You are probably too dumb to realize that you are against freedom of speech.
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Neo Member
Attacking someone like CM as "far right" is a stupid move. He holds some conservative opinions, but also some clearly some quite liberal opinions. On the balance of things if you have to reduce everything to "left / right" then you'd end up with him slightly right of centre, I expect.

By acting like a couple of vaguely sexist/racist remarks make this man the second coming of Hitler, the people doing so make it much harder to fight the good fight against those who truly are far right and deserve to be fought against.

They make it harder because by chucking pretty reasonable and rational people like CM in with "the far right" they inadvertently create allies for the real neo-nazi and neanderthal pricks.

As for Sony, they can do what they like, though. If they don't want to work with him, that's fine. Everyone is free to make these decisions. I don't feel it's something worth getting upset about, but maybe others do. I personally think it's highly unlikely to be anything to do with his politics because a) he's not extreme and b) his politics have been public for ages.
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