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Commies, ADL, and supported by EA, teaming up for another "Gamers are Dead" scenario


Nice to see EA's hypocrisy on full display. They're one of scummiest examples of capitalism in America yet they can't see the double standard of supporting a bunch of communists out to purge wrongthink.

This is why SJWs are a joke. They call themselves activists yet support corporations that affirm their beliefs as a marketing ploy.
I've been noticing this type of shit for years. It got played off a lot with stuff like censorship and adding """progressive""" ideas into gaming, and I was like "Whatever, I can ignore it and just play the games I like".

Then it just kept increasing and increasing, and I actually stopped for a minute and asked myself "Why?" Like why are they doing this in video games of all things? I've come up with a few answers myself, no sources, just what I think.

  • Videogames are relatively young/new as a platform. There are a lot of people that want to see videogames as a legitimate art form instead of just consumable entertainment, so there's a pressure on those people to seem more adult or progressive or whatever to be taken seriously. I think this is the first problem that allows for the rest. This is also why for a ton of bigger AAA games, the idea of presentation and hollywood like story has taken over for gameplay and fun mechanics, in my opinion.
  • Children and teens play games. Children and teens are much more impressionable than adults, who mostly have their worldview set already. This is a great target for people that want to instigate change, because it's not obvious to the targets. If I keep playing games that tell me that LGBQTIA+ people are the new norm, that will start to seep in. At least that's my opinion of the idea behind it.
  • Graphic violence has become totally acceptable, where as women fanservice has become such a ridiculous taboo. This one isn't so much of an answer, but it's something I've definitely noticed over the past 10 years. In the early days of gaming, even before we had hyper realistic character models, violence was the big scare, that we would desensitize ourselves to violence and become violent ourselves. Now, violence is praised and awarded (MK11, TLoU2), but any provocative women fanservice should be immediately shut down. Then you get shouted at from the top of Mt. Morals if you don't agree. To be honest, I'm not really sure of the reason behind this one. It's been happening in movies, trade events, etc, all over the world. If this was truly a progressive stance, you would think you'd just see more equality of fanservice, not a complete shutdown of only the straight version of it.

I also don't understand how in the early 2010s, there was almost an immediate and complete sweep of game journalists that used to write about games, babes, other fun stuff, etc, to almost exclusively reporting on outrage, censorship, and virtue signaling. I'm not sure if it was just a domino effect of one journalist doing it, or if there really was something nefarious at play behind the scenes, but it was like a light switch that instantly "journos" were completely against the fans and patrons that they had been writing to for years.

Then Gamergate happens when some people finally had enough, and they were vilified and shat on from orbit. Fringe cases of idiots doing death threats and other garbage were made to seem the norm from people that opposed this shift, and there's no way that could have happened without some sort of organization or leadership guiding the whole movement. That one journalist that posts on GAF wrote a great article about this in detail, there was a thread that was definitely worth a read.

I realize some of this sounds like conspiracy theory stuff, but this movement has been way too quick and way too effective to just be a simultaneous massive swing of opinion in the industry. Then you read stuff that has been posted in this thread, and I at least can't help but get a little bit angry. I doubt I'll ever actually find out the truth about all of this bullshit, but god dammit I'm gonna at least make sure I think for myself and question all of this absolute horseshit that seems hellbent on changing this industry into something, frankly, not fun.
Great post.
Re the violence I wouldn't say it's totally accepted. The Anita Sarkeesian crowd has been pushing the violent games makes you aggressive-thing for a while and there's been quite a few articles on it. But when media darlings like Naughty Dog go and do hyper violent games it kinda puts a cap on the criticism I guess.


They specifically say:

And it is used as KKK symbol. You should be mad at the KKK, not the ADL for simply complying info and actually saying that it's use in Zelda isn't racist.

...Or you could keep on lying to push your agenda 🤷‍♂️

I mainly wanted to make a joke about hoods and tunics, but if you wanna defend an organization that thinks cartoon frogs, milk, and the ok hand gesture are racist symbols of white power, feel free to do so.


  • Graphic violence has become totally acceptable, where as women fanservice has become such a ridiculous taboo. This one isn't so much of an answer, but it's something I've definitely noticed over the past 10 years. In the early days of gaming, even before we had hyper realistic character models, violence was the big scare, that we would desensitize ourselves to violence and become violent ourselves. Now, violence is praised and awarded (MK11, TLoU2), but any provocative women fanservice should be immediately shut down. Then you get shouted at from the top of Mt. Morals if you don't agree. To be honest, I'm not really sure of the reason behind this one. It's been happening in movies, trade events, etc, all over the world. If this was truly a progressive stance, you would think you'd just see more equality of fanservice, not a complete shutdown of only the straight version of it.
Videogames were initially perceived as a toy of sorts, with "serious" gaming being more of an underground culture. I suppose the outrage against game violence on the 90s and early 2000s was caused by a mix of these two factors, with parents thinking their kids were being exposed to graphic violence by the things they thought of as simple toys, and politicians trying to blame violence (i guess mass shootings more specifically) on the "weird subculture".

The notion that games are for kids has mostly disappeared these days, and the "blaming mass shootings on games" came mainly from right-wingers (that lost a lot of political power in the last decade or so) so theres not a lot being said about violence. However, gaming has become huge and "gamers" aren't a single cultural segment anymore, with some of these segments being mainstream and others still remaining as a niche thing.
As you mentioned, the intent is most likely to fill cultural freighters like games and movies with a specific type of narrative. At the same time, certain subdivisions in gaming still get the "weird subculture" treatment, being used as political strawmen and receiving the short end of political discourse.

I also don't understand how in the early 2010s, there was almost an immediate and complete sweep of game journalists that used to write about games, babes, other fun stuff, etc, to almost exclusively reporting on outrage, censorship, and virtue signaling. I'm not sure if it was just a domino effect of one journalist doing it, or if there really was something nefarious at play behind the scenes, but it was like a light switch that instantly "journos" were completely against the fans and patrons that they had been writing to for years.
Gaming journalists were always more of advertisers than actual journalists. They didn't side with "the fans" in regards to gaming violence, they sided with the companies that were making and selling those games. That still how it is today, they're just defending their real patrons. (Of course, there's serious game journalism out there, but they're still a dime in a dozen)
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This spurious alliance between Capitalism and Wokism seems odd. Why are they joining hands at this point in time?

Big corporations probably think it's good PR, judging by Twitter trends and Oscar acceptance speeches. Activists probably could use the money. Each probably turns a blind eye at the other.

You would think big corporations wouldn't support movements where their downfall would be celebrated on end, with toasts to the impending Revolution, recyclable glasses filled to the brim with local organic blood orange juice. Maybe next time Jason Schreier - who thinks it should be illegal to be a billionaire, - interviews CD Projekt RED's founder and CEO Marcin Iwinski , the newest billionaire to come out of the gaming industry, the two can chat about it. Maybe Marcin can educate him, on what it takes to build and grow a successful business from the ground up, risking your own money and at times facing bankruptcy. After decades of Marcin's hard work, risk-taking, savviness, industriousness, and foresight, Jason wants to socialize the profits. He, so to speak, wants a piece of the CDPR pie. Marcin bakes, Jason wants to nibble.

Jason hasn't explained why it's moral to be a millionaire but immoral to be a billionaire. Something mystical happens along the way. The magical threshold of morality must sit somewhere around the 500 million mark. Conveniently, Jason hasn't explained why it's immoral to be a billionaire, but moral to be employed by one either. He will be actively helping his new employer inch closer to trillionaire status. That interview of his with Marcin is going to be aplenty with Jason dry swallowing.

There's this fable about the Scorpion and the Frog.
EA sure looks like the frog in this story.


I guess this comic is still relevant.

Reminds me of a post i've seen from a Game master, about the time he and his mates tried to play with a crazy feminist.
She complained about the setting (the medieval setting) of the game for not allowing gay marriage. After he had to carefully explain that this is just how things were at the time, she spent the entire campaign fighting for its legalization in the kingdom.
When she was in the middle of getting approval from the kingdom leaders, demons invaded and killed everyone. Naturally she complained to the GM, to which he explained " Ma'am, you knew there was a army of demons preparing to invade and yet you spent all that time fighting for gay marriage instead of getting ready. What did you expect?"

She never played with them again.
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This spurious alliance between Capitalism and Wokism seems odd. Why are they joining hands at this point in time?

Big corporations probably think it's good PR, judging by Twitter trends and Oscar acceptance speeches. Activists probably could use the money. Each probably turns a blind eye at the other.

You would think big corporations wouldn't support movements where their downfall would be celebrated on end, with toasts to the impending Revolution, recyclable glasses filled to the brim with local organic blood orange juice. Maybe next time Jason Schreier - who thinks it should be illegal to be a billionaire, - interviews CD Projekt RED's founder and CEO Marcin Iwinski , the newest billionaire to come out of the gaming industry, the two can chat about it. Maybe Marcin can educate him, on what it takes to build and grow a successful business from the ground up, risking your own money and at times facing bankruptcy. After decades of Marcin's hard work, risk-taking, savviness, industriousness, and foresight, Jason wants to socialize the profits. He, so to speak, wants a piece of the CDPR pie. Marcin bakes, Jason wants to nibble.

Jason hasn't explained why it's moral to be a millionaire but immoral to be a billionaire. Something mystical happens along the way. The magical threshold of morality must sit somewhere around the 500 million mark. Conveniently, Jason hasn't explained why it's immoral to be a billionaire, but moral to be employed by one either. He will be actively helping his new employer inch closer to trillionaire status. That interview of his with Marcin is going to be aplenty with Jason dry swallowing.

There's this fable about the Scorpion and the Frog.
EA sure looks like the frog in this story.

Liberalism is a about painting a virtuous image of corporations and media to the masses and turn everybody into a blind consumer.
It's also using virtuous causes as a shield from criticism. It also makes it easy to attach labels.
When you dismiss every criticism as "racist, sexist, homophobic" whenever you can't use political buzzwords you can still use one word, like let's say...purist, and you get away with it.

Have you noticed how it's getting impossible to say "that's because I'm a bigger fan of this than you" anymore even though that's definitely possible? That's why.
It's become offensive to have standards, that's the hidden purpose. A lot of people have also started associating buying everything from a brand with being a bigger fan.

Someone in the past said society rejected religion then made consumerism into religion, which is true.
It's about making everything as safe and unoffensive as possible to cater as many people as possible while making people more and more vulnerable to marketing.

I've read comments in here, which is not as bad as reddit, like
"As long as the game sells well and gets good reviews, I'm happy". These people retroactively redeem Nintendo zealots.
Liberalism the way it's used in modern times is a tool of capitalism, most of the "improvements" in the gaming industry were about snowflake safe spaces, hardly any about unions, paid overtime, paid leave and all that kinda stuff usually a left-leaning person would strike to obtain.
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What else is new. The far left (supported by their communist masters) has had to resort to indoctrination tactics for a while now because they lack the mental capacity to debate their ideas with others. They throw around the words fascist and Nazi when anyone dares to challenge them with a difference of opinion. No surprise that they have moved on to video games after destroying the movie industry.
Liberalism is a about painting a virtuous image of corporations and media to the masses and turn everybody into a blind consumer.
It's also using virtuous causes as a shield from criticism. It also makes it easy to attach labels.
When you dismiss every criticism as "racist, sexist, homophobic" whenever you can't use political buzzwords you can still use one word, like let's say...purist, and you get away with it.

Have you noticed how it's getting impossible to say "that's because I'm a bigger fan of this than you" anymore even though that's definitely possible? That's why.
It's become offensive to have standards, that's the hidden purpose. A lot of people have also started associating buying everything from a brand with being a bigger fan.

Someone in the past said society rejected religion then made consumerism into religion, which is true.
It's about making everything as safe and unoffensive as possible to cater as many people as possible while making people more and more vulnerable to marketing.

I've read comments in here, which is not as bad as reddit, like
"As long as the game sells well and gets good reviews, I'm happy". These people retroactively redeem Nintendo zealots.
Liberalism the way it's used in modern times is a tool of capitalism, most of the "improvements" in the gaming industry were about snowflake safe spaces, hardly any about unions, paid overtime, paid leave and all that kinda stuff usually a left-leaning person would strike to obtain.

That's a good post,

I fundamentally disagree with you on most of what you have to say about Liberalism, though. I'll save it for the appropriate thread.
Keep them coming.
No pixel for fascists is not a bad idea, my problem is that I don't get to decide who gets to play and who don't.... You have to trust the experts on the matter, if you disagree you must be a Nazi.

There must be so many trash talking 14 years old nazis that escaped prosecution after WWII, I hope they catch them.

So enjoy.


That's a good post,

I fundamentally disagree with you on most of what you have to say about Liberalism, though. I'll save it for the appropriate thread.
Keep them coming.

This is definitely the appropriate thread, you have ADL in the title, and gaming in general is now pretty damn political anyway.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
So fucking Stasi agent is going to dictate something in gaming industry? ARE YOU FUCKING REAL??

She is in there for revenge, not to protect anyone. But fuck sake, this bullshit that looser were bad guys and winners were good ( in WW2 no less ), is fucking PROBLEMATIC (in real sense of word), it makes my head hurt.

I hope someone destroy this bullshit, soon. And I mean soon, not soon™


Communists really do belong in ovens huh?
They do, but it seems like they cannot stop winning. Everyone's being China's bitch is one example, but even in the west, being commie, is appearantly good thing. FUCK makes my blood boil.

I have some story of "inclusivity", when my family had a big house and they have to "include" other member of working class there and live in the cellar, because it was "left thing to do". This was for 23 years, by the way, that long they were AirBNB, since they weren't in commie party. So fuck that. FUCK EVERYTHING. A fuck those fucking fucker inside my country, which still allows KSCM (Commie party of Czech and Moravia) to be still allowed.

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Am I on a watchlist for fascists now?

Blue-haired TRAs are congregating outside your door as we speak. Oh wait, they’re all a bunch of reclusive, socially-stunted fetishists without the spines necessary for actual dialog/ conflict/ resolution. “Congregating outside your Twitter account”. Fixed.
This spurious alliance between Capitalism and Wokism seems odd. Why are they joining hands at this point in time?

Big corporations probably think it's good PR, judging by Twitter trends and Oscar acceptance speeches. Activists probably could use the money. Each probably turns a blind eye at the other.

You would think big corporations wouldn't support movements where their downfall would be celebrated on end, with toasts to the impending Revolution, recyclable glasses filled to the brim with local organic blood orange juice. Maybe next time Jason Schreier - who thinks it should be illegal to be a billionaire, - interviews CD Projekt RED's founder and CEO Marcin Iwinski , the newest billionaire to come out of the gaming industry, the two can chat about it. Maybe Marcin can educate him, on what it takes to build and grow a successful business from the ground up, risking your own money and at times facing bankruptcy. After decades of Marcin's hard work, risk-taking, savviness, industriousness, and foresight, Jason wants to socialize the profits. He, so to speak, wants a piece of the CDPR pie. Marcin bakes, Jason wants to nibble.

Jason hasn't explained why it's moral to be a millionaire but immoral to be a billionaire. Something mystical happens along the way. The magical threshold of morality must sit somewhere around the 500 million mark. Conveniently, Jason hasn't explained why it's immoral to be a billionaire, but moral to be employed by one either. He will be actively helping his new employer inch closer to trillionaire status. That interview of his with Marcin is going to be aplenty with Jason dry swallowing.

There's this fable about the Scorpion and the Frog.
EA sure looks like the frog in this story.

I think the obvious answer is if the government won't censor things then they can get corporations to do so. It's just weird because it must kill profitability but in some cases it can't because you have the government helping to ensure you aren't taken to task for your monopoly, the government sits back while Youtube, Facebook and Twitter have monopolies on internet speech and censor viewpoints they don't like. It's sickening.


With EA failing so hard with anthem and various other missteps ( battlefront 2, andromeda etc.) will actions like this eventually push EA to the brink? While they do have their profitable sports games, i don’t think casual gamers will take kindly to having trans/sjw/‘anti fascist’ things lumped in to their games. How long until they do try something with their sports titles and it backfires? They sure seem to want to annoy as many people as possible.
Also I want EA to just rerelease the battle for middle earth games, they can figure it out somehow. If they re release those games and then go under, I will be happy. :messenger_beaming:


Reminder that the ADL believes the Triforce is a KKK symbol.

You like Legend of Zelda? Sorry kid, but you’re a KKK member now. You may pick up your complementary hood, tunic, and torch in the dining hall.

"The triangular Klan symbol bears a certain resemblance to the "Triforce" symbol that appears in the popular Legend of Zelda video games, with which it should not be confused. " LOLOLOL Its the exact same symbol you morons. The rest of us understand the basic nuances of life and knew immediately that LOZ was not Klan propaganda. But thanks for the warning ;)
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No pixel for fascists is not a bad idea, my problem is that I don't get to decide who gets to play and who don't.... You have to trust the experts on the matter, if you disagree you must be a Nazi.

There must be so many trash talking 14 years old nazis that escaped prosecution after WWII, I hope they catch them.

So enjoy.

My sources say they can all be found at your mom’s house, doing perverted things to her.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Would any of you be even aware of this "campaign" if not for this thread and the single article its based on?

A quick Google search only shows people reacting to this "No Pixels For Fascists" thing, and not the thing itself...

I'm not saying this is "fake news" but umm... at least as of right now it looks pretty shady.


Would any of you be even aware of this "campaign" if not for this thread and the single article its based on?

A quick Google search only shows people reacting to this "No Pixels For Fascists" thing, and not the thing itself...

I'm not saying this is "fake news" but umm... at least as of right now it looks pretty shady.

Wouldn’t they want it shady though? I don’t imagine this is the kind of campaign they’d want widely publicized, now that the pendulum is starting to swing the other way.


Would any of you be even aware of this "campaign" if not for this thread and the single article its based on?

A quick Google search only shows people reacting to this "No Pixels For Fascists" thing, and not the thing itself...

I'm not saying this is "fake news" but umm... at least as of right now it looks pretty shady.

Because it’s German. It’s not called ”no pixel for fascists” it’s called “Keinen Pixel Den Faschisten”.

Heres their website:

Here’s a german EA PR guy confirming its existence and talking about it:

Here’s german gaming sites (and their writers) talking about it and how much they love and support it:

Would you like to try again?
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such bullshit that these narratives are pushed

all they are doing is actually radicalizing people. they are literally doing the thing they fear.

the truth is that more people than ever play games. so the more we focus on the negative stereotypes, the more it harms everyone.

of course the goal isn't really acceptance, it's virtue signalling. it's culture shaming. the people doing the shaming get a big ego boost. they profit from being divisive. this directly fuels radicalism. congrats, i guess, you idiots.

what is the point of pushing public shaming narratives? you want to silence people. you are the real fascists.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Because it’s German. It’s not called ”no pixel for fascists” it’s called “Keinen Pixel Den Faschisten”.

Heres their website:

Here’s a german EA PR guy confirming its existence and talking about it:

Here’s german gaming sites (and their writers) talking about it and how much they love and support it:

Would you like to try again?

Yeah I knew that, and once again: SO FUCKING WHAT?

Its still in substance a German twitter account with 1000 followers. Which shows how insignificant this is, especially in the Anglophone world.

Its still being blown up into something far more than what it actually is for ideological purposes.

And in case the penny hasn't dropped yet. I dislike extremists and their tactics on both fringes.
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Yeah I knew that, and once again: SO FUCKING WHAT?

Its still in substance a German twitter account with 1000 followers. Which shows how insignificant this is, especially in the Anglophone world.

Its still being blown up into something far more than what it actually is for ideological purposes.

And in case the penny hasn't dropped yet. I dislike extremists and their tactics on both fringes.

So your tactic goes from “it’s fake news” to “it’s not fake, but it’s not that bad”

Just say you’re trying to be a contrarian and go. No one cares about the thoughts or opinions of a concern troll like you.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
So your tactic goes from “it’s fake news” to “it’s not fake, but it’s not that bad”

Just say you’re trying to be a contrarian and go. No one cares about the thoughts or opinions of a concern troll like you.

LOL I explicitly write "I'm not saying this is "fake news" but umm... at least as of right now it looks pretty shady. "

Someone even quotes me on that, and you still get it wrong!


Jebus I thought the SJW's weren't the sharpest tools in the box, but the rabid anti-SJW's seem even less capable of basic reading comprehension....

I'm not being contrarian, I'm pointing out how right-leaning English sites are blowing up this otherwise insignificant German group as a bogeyman to further their paranoiac agenda.

Both sides are as bad as each other. How the fuck can you not see this as being a massive problem?
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I'm German and I've never heard of any of the people/sites who are supposedly involved in this. This looks like little more than an inconsequential PR stunt to me.


I'm German and I've never heard of any of the people/sites who are supposedly involved in this. This looks like little more than an inconsequential PR stunt to me.

The Amadeu Antonio Foundation is involved and has partnerships with dem Stern, der Zeit and as mentioned in the OP the ARD. They're frequently mentioned in the news (suprsingly more than you'd believe)

You probably and most likely DID hear of them, just not such as you noticed like you wouldn't notice when a organization is mentioned in passing for example regarding a statistic.
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LOL I explicitly write "I'm not saying this is "fake news" but umm... at least as of right now it looks pretty shady. "

Someone even quotes me on that, and you still get it wrong!


Jebus I thought the SJW's weren't the sharpest tools in the box, but the rabid anti-SJW's seem even less capable of basic reading comprehension....

I'm not being contrarian, I'm pointing out how right-leaning English sites are blowing up this otherwise insignificant German group as a bogeyman to further their paranoiac agenda.

Both sides are as bad as each other. How the fuck can you not see this as being a massive problem?

muh "both sides"

One side is advocating for trying to force certain ideologies out of certain hobbies because the enthusiasts of those hobbies aren't 100% on board with progressive agendas. They are claiming that white supermacists and nazis are all over gaming, without any evidence to back that up other than pointing to some groyper profile pics, and they are demanding all gamers and content creators abide by their standards or else they are considered implicit vectors for nazi ideology.

The 'other side' is saying "That's stupid, and you're stupid for thinking that."

If you truly believe these are one in the same, then you are not mentally capable of grasping this topic and should spare yourself from further embarrassment.

The issue is not even the website itself, its the fact that the website is being supported by EA, the ADL, and many gaming sites. They are all openly telling you that they are 100% onboard with this website's dogma. This is yet another case of progressives both inside and outside the gaming industry proclaiming that gamers are dead, and instead of standing against this gross misrepresentation you wish to bitch and moan about the people who do stand against it.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
Both sides are as bad as each other. How the fuck can you not see this as being a massive problem?

Because both sides are interested in radicalising their base and win the culture war. You cannot have a war without people picking a side and sticking to it.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
The 'other side' is saying "That's stupid, and you're stupid for thinking that."

If you truly believe these are one in the same, then you are not mentally capable of grasping this topic and should spare yourself from further embarrassment.

I believe there is a middle ground which you identify as the other side, but I see that group of reasonable people in the middle between two group of radicals hell bent on focusing your attention against the enemy and fight a war.

Dishonesty, stretching the truth, lying, spreading fear, exaggerating, etc... are all fine as long as they get more people to pick a side and get out of the middle.


I believe there is a middle ground which you identify as the other side, but I see that group of reasonable people in the middle between two group of radicals hell bent on focusing your attention against the enemy and fight a war.

Dishonesty, stretching the truth, lying, spreading fear, exaggerating, etc... are all fine as long as they get more people to pick a side and get out of the middle.

What radical extremist views have been espoused in this thread?

Be specific.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
What radical extremist views have been espoused in this thread?

Be specific.

Nothing radical in this thread specifically that I can remember, but if I had to pick something a bit over the top well... your tone is being way overly aggressive IMHO and Clear entered the thread without throwing insults and aggression towards anyone (we agree the content of that Twitter account and that initiative is deeply troubling, but this tone of voice and reasoning seems very much a “part of the solution or part of the problem/with us or against us” kind of rethoric or leaning that way):

Whitesnake said:
Just say you’re trying to be a contrarian and go. No one cares about the thoughts or opinions of a concern troll like you.
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Nothing radical in this thread specifically that I can remember, but if ai have to pick something a bit over the top well... your tone is being way overly aggressive IMHO and Clear entered the thread without throwing insults and aggression towards anyone:

“Just say you’re trying to be a contrarian and go. No one cares about the thoughts or opinions of a concern troll like you.”

I am being aggressive because this person, in the face of news of this group whose purpose is to proclaim that we are all nazis for not being onboard with progressivism, decided to effectively say "if you complain about this, you're just as bad as them!"

That is a stupid opinion, and one that I can't really see not coming from a place of malice. That kind of behavior (concern-trolling, downplaying, "both sides", whataboutism, contrarianism) is not indicative of someone who is coming from a place of good faith. Rather, it reeks of someone who is either sympathetic to the cause that is being ridiculed, biased against the general tone of this forum, or merely here to troll.

I call it like I see it.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
I am being aggressive because this person, in the face of news of this group whose purpose is to proclaim that we are all nazis for not being onboard with progressivism, decided to effectively say "if you complain about this, you're just as bad as them!"
Can you show me where merely the pure act of complaining about it would have made you just as bad as them (the mere act I am being specific... if here I insulted you heavily while disagreeing with you and you got majorly offended I would not be right in saying that you got offended because I simply disagreed with you)?

Is the problem with the cancel culture fanatics that they think there is sexism and racism in this world? No, there is and idiots are born/groomed every day... the problem is how they go about it, how it is worth destroying society in the process, how it feels this is more about gaining power and lying your way to victory and humiliation of the other side than fighting for people’s rights, etc...

That is a stupid opinion, and one that I can't really see not coming from a place of malice. That kind of behavior (concern-trolling, downplaying, "both sides", whataboutism, contrarianism) is not indicative of someone who is coming from a place of good faith. Rather, it reeks of someone who is either sympathetic to the cause that is being ridiculed, biased against the general tone of this forum, or merely here to troll.
I have seen the exact same reasoning and aggression (at the mere thought of being called upon exaggerating and being too aggressive) by the fringe SJW fanatics, not saying this to offend you at all, but this “I feel like your argument is the same as the one people friendly to that cause would use, you are one of them!!!! “

I genuinely think you are misunderstanding Clear’s intentions and opinion (then again I do not know what the poster things, not in people’s heads), but why could not an opinion be stupid and not coming from a place of malice? Again, that is the same war like “shoot first, ask questions later” approach you hate in the “enemy”.
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