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XSX is 'under-powered'.


Same console. Give it some time.



More current:

Same hardware. Same developer. 6 years difference.

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But it does not appear to be a marketing ploy or an empty message at this point. Aiming for 4K/60fps should be praised IMO; especially the 60fps aspect. Most genres will just feature better playing games if they maintained a locked 60fps. I have a bad feeling Sony will settle for 30fps and dynamic 4K and, if so, they should be raked over the coals for it.
Yes they should. 1080p 60fps with a lush, vibrant, full world should be the minimum. 4k60fps is great, unless you have to sacrifice that many resources that you end up with a blank, bland empty world, like the Halo demo.
Lmao at the drive by insults to the OP.

Come on guys, he's making a good point.

I understand where those argue that the games should look better after their stupid "no exclusives for the first two years" mentality, but they shat the bed a little with this conference that doesn't show us the true power of XSEX.

And FFS:

Sees Hellblade 2 and Forza...comes back to thread :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:.

Why are you asking OP to watch these two trailers without gameplay?

HALO INFINITE initial reveal trailer made the game looked really amazing graphically, but it's gameplay reveal showed the opposite.

The same is applicable to any game released without actual gameplay shown, so what a terrible point to make.


The replies in this thread are a great example of why i fucking hate Microsoft fans. Most of you dipshits have been corporate ball-washers for a decade. While i've argued against shills on Kinect, Tv Tv TV, Xbone, NFl exclusivity, and the drought of games, you dipshits have said I and other fans were talking shit.

Well here we are, 10 years on and Microsoft still fucking up. Sometimes i think the MS Shills are actually Sony Shills egging Microsoft in to doing stupid shit.

Didnt you just say you're a long time Xbox fan in the OP?. I guess it didnt take much to get you to drop the sharade.


Lmao at the drive by insults to the OP.

Come on guys, he's making a good point.

I understand where those argue that the games should look better after their stupid "no exclusives for the first two years" mentality, but they shat the bed a little with this conference that doesn't show us the true power of XSEX.

And FFS:

Why are you asking OP to watch these two trailers without gameplay?

HALO INFINITE initial reveal trailer made the game looked really amazing graphically, but it's gameplay reveal showed the opposite.

The same is applicable to any game released without actual gameplay shown, so what a terrible point to make.



I think the wow moments will come. Technological diminishing returns are at the point where jaded gamers (myself included) can no longer easily be wowed by sizzle reels. You need to sit with a controller in your hand and explore the game world to be able to notice fine details or other less obvious graphical effects to understand how the power is being used.

Also, as per usual things will improve with time.
Didnt you just say you're a long time Xbox fan in the OP?. I guess it didnt take much to get you to drop the sharade.
Re-read it. I'm a Microsoft fan that wants Microsoft to make the right decisions, but i end up arguing more with other 'Xbox' fans who tell me i'm talking shit, yet historically, i've been proven right, time and time again.

Kind of like blacks and the old 'uncle tom' thing. I'm the uncle tom
Didnt you just say you're a long time Xbox fan in the OP?. I guess it didnt take much to get you to drop the sharade.

So, you're not a fan immediately because you disagree with the toxic mentality that comes with certain fans along with it?

Oh, okay.

I'll remind myself that I shouldn't criticize any of the abhorrent atrocities by terrorists who cower behind Islam because I was born a Muslim.

Thanks, Chief. You're truly a scholar.
Yes they should. 1080p 60fps with a lush, vibrant, full world should be the minimum. 4k60fps is great, unless you have to sacrifice that many resources that you end up with a blank, bland empty world, like the Halo demo.
Someone is going to have to correct me on this, but isn't the new Halo coming out on Xbox One as well? If so, blame the terrible Jaguar CPU cores for that "empty" feeling. Who knows, maybe you'll see more environments that don't seem as bland to you? I dunno. This will look so much better once ray-tracing is applied, and it will still run as smooth as butter.
Someone is going to have to correct me on this, but isn't the new Halo coming out on Xbox One as well? If so, blame the terrible Jaguar CPU cores for that "empty" feeling. Who knows, maybe you'll see more environments that don't seem as bland to you? I dunno. This will look so much better once ray-tracing is applied, and it will still run as smooth as butter.
We could, but then there's the X, where games look better than what has been shown here.

Also, i blame Spencer, Greenberg and Booty for thinking this was in anyway shape or form, a good idea.

Moore signed a $1 Billion cheque to upgrade the RAM in the 360 from 256 to 512 because of the difference he saw in Gears 1. These fucking clowns won't even move to a next gen properly.
First off, I'm a long time Xbox fan. So much so that I used to literally count down the weeks, days, minutes and seconds until the OG Xbox launched and I could buy one. Greatest console ever.

Microsoft have done a lot right this gen. The Elite controller is the greatest controller ever made, Game pass is one of the greatest ideas that gamers have ever had the pleasure to use and the X is a fantastic little box of magic. Forza looks life-like and i mean that without exaggeration. It is one of, if not the greatest looking game i have ever had the pleasure to see.

With that being said, I think the XSX is under-powered - as in, it doesn't or can't do what Microsoft are touting that it can do. Yes, I understand we haven't seen live gameplay yet, but from what we have seen, I am worried - in a gamer sense of the word. I want all companies to be at the top of their game, because we all win. I won't comment on the games, as it is entirely subjective as to what one prefers over another. One mans' COD is another mans' Sea of Thieves.

What i will say is from what we've seen, i don't see the 12 tflops being put to use. From what we've heard, which is statements counter-acting Sony's claims 'it eats monsters for breakfast' and 'consistently fastest console ever' I just don't get the vibe that Microsoft are confident with their console or messaging. All of their talking seems to be counter-acting what Sony have said and/or banging on about 4k/60fps, like that's important outside of console wars.

I find it hard to believe that a console with 10x~ the power of a PS4 and 3x power of the X, can produce such shoddy results so far. Never in my life of watching console launches (First one was the PSX) have I seen the lead platform in terms of power, deliver underwhelming trailers, gameplay and teasers.

If the XSX is genuinely powerful, then that's even worse, as it suggests that Microsoft has a complete lack of talent across the vast majority of their studios (Turn 10 are still one of the best devs in the industry). And no, I'm not 'waiting' any more. I've been told since fucking Kinect to 'wait for the games'.

I hope to God, for Microsofts' sake, that this console is considerably cheaper than the PS5

I wanted you to be great Microsoft. Why have you failed me again. #bringbackallard.

TL;DR: Old Microsoft fan cries in to his Duke because Microsoft are a shadow of their former selves.

This xbox machine is the best silicon we can get right now for an affordable price.

It looks exactly what a 12tf part is capable of putting out. People wanted native 4k and 60hz. If these games were targeting 1080/1440p and 30hz you'll be seeing that huge leap in graphics.

I'd be more worried about PS5, I have a feeling third parties on their console won't be hitting 4k regularly.


I don't see the correlation between a so far underwhelming game lineup and the power of the console. Like wat..


At the end of the day, a 2080ti can struggle for 60fps at 4k on some current gen games. People still dont seem to realize just how demanding 4k is.
Halo to me looked really good, even to the extent that i was watching the demo on stream, off of Gaf, and i was convinced that people were going to be raving about it on here (well apart from the obvious ones), how wrong i was lol.
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it's not underpowered,

it's held back by stupid management decisions.
Don't worry.

As soon as the SX starts having shitty sales they will drop the One (again :messenger_tears_of_joy: ) and will start making games exclusively for the SX.... But it will take some time... So Xbox fans will be waiting on empty promisses made by Phil and 1 dollar deals on game pass.... Unless is too late and the games are moved again to other gen and the cycle will repeat... again.

But for Xbox fans is always a big:

This xbox machine is the best silicon we can get right now for an affordable price.

It looks exactly what a 12tf part is capable of putting out. People wanted native 4k and 60hz. If these games were targeting 1080/1440p and 30hz you'll be seeing that huge leap in graphics.

I'd be more worried about PS5, I have a feeling third parties on their console won't be hitting 4k regularly.

I used to hate Sony (PS2 and PS3) i thought they were dog shit consoles. I have to hand it to Cerny though for what he managed to accomplish with the PS4 on almost 0 budget (if we believe the gaming press circa 2012).

I'm wondering if the XSX is the classic American Muscle car with a huge 5l V8 engine, that's got grunt, VS the PS5 as a Japanese 3L super-charged bi-turbo.


Gold Member
As primarily a PC gamer I chuckle over seeing the abundance of concern in the forum lately. Not for any PC related reason, but because I'm kinda watching at a distance and think both the XSX and PS5 are very much capable hardware that will for sure bring plenty of good experiences. I have no idea why some people are worried about boxes that seems to iterate things quite well.

Some cringe is good content though. Lol.
Holy shit, I just looked at your member Picture and laughed.

Anyway, they didn't make the exclusive jump to next-gen because they'd be leaving far too much money on the table. Low barrier to entry means Xbox One players are not left in the dust as well as low spec PC gamers (if it's coming out same day on PC?). Keep in mind, we're in recession fulled by a pandemic. Many people simply won't be able to upgrade to the Series X just yet. To have this game available to such a large audience is a benefit for Microsoft and whomever wants to play it.
I don't see the correlation between a so far underwhelming game lineup and the power of the console. Like wat..

The correlation is that the underwhelming game part has happened for 10 years. Even though Microsoft have gone through (soon to be) 3 generations, 4 different consoles (the X is not a One), Gamepass, Kinect, Matrick - Spencer...
As primarily a PC gamer I chuckle over seeing the abundance of concern in the forum lately. Not for any PC related reason, but because I'm kinda watching at a distance and think both the XSX and PS5 are very much capable hardware that will for sure bring plenty of good experiences. I have no idea why some people are worried about boxes that seems to iterate things quite well.

Some cringe is good content though. Lol.

Opinion on a gaming forum is cringe? Okay.gif

Holy shit, I just looked at your member Picture and laughed.

Anyway, they didn't make the exclusive jump to next-gen because they'd be leaving far too much money on the table. Low barrier to entry means Xbox One players are not left in the dust as well as low spec PC gamers (if it's coming out same day on PC?). Keep in mind, we're in recession fulled by a pandemic. Many people simply won't be able to upgrade to the Series X just yet. To have this game available to such a large audience is a benefit for Microsoft and whomever wants to play it.
Honestly, fuck people who can't afford to upgrade. Gaming isn't their primary hobby and i, as hobbiest/enthusiast/core gamer, shouldn't be held back because snot-nosed little timmy can't save up the money over 7 years to buy a new console.
The PS4 launched with underwhelming title such as knack, call of duty ghosts 2, angry birds Star wars. It's ending the console generation with last of us 2, ghost of tsushima, modern warfare.

Consoles need time and launch titles are rarely an indication of potential. I agree xsx has been underwhelming and I no longer have a reason to get one, but to call it underpowered doesn't make sense if you have looked at the specs.


Firstly Halo is an Xbox One game getting optimized for Xbox Series X too. They are putting in extra work for it versus just mastering it at a higher resolution and making adjustments but It‘s ultimately a game started 5 years ago primarily for the Xbox One. Not a game downgraded to also work on Xbox one. Gears definitive edition was more than a remaster but it’s not nearly as good looking as the actual games designed for next-gen first with all the advancements in technical game design.

The game looks pretty good in terms of picture quality. People are taking the games worse parts and comparing it to other games best parts. People think of how the Last of Us 2 looks in the cinematic opposed to how it looks when you actually play the game. There’s a pretty big downgrade when you play the actual game.

Also, they acquired most of their studios two years ago. You aren’t going to see a whole lot from them in a couple of years, especially as a lot of them only grew after being acquired and even released game’s shortly before or after being acquired. So people shouldn’t have expected a whole lot from them in only two years.

Unless you were expecting vertical slice tech demos you shouldn’t have expected much to blow you away. At least from Microsoft at this point. Maybe from third party but Microsoft focused the event on first party or companies they have deals with.


It's definitely not underpowered, but it looks to be under utilized.

We are at a point where graphics and performance are less dictated by the hardware it's running on and more on how much time and money went into the design of software. 95% of the games for next-gen won't even come close to maximizing the strength of the consoles, because it's just too expensive and time consuming to do so.

Xbox's focus is on games for GamePass. That's great for many, but it also makes it more difficult to put out many 100 million dollar or more AAA games, when they won't be selling many copies for $60-$70.

You also need to remember for the first couple years Xbox games will be made to run on Xbox One and Series X (and likely Series S too). Games specifically made for Series X will be easier to utilize the hardware to a greater potential.
The correlation is that the underwhelming game part has happened for 10 years. Even though Microsoft have gone through (soon to be) 3 generations, 4 different consoles (the X is not a One), Gamepass, Kinect, Matrick - Spencer...

Opinion on a gaming forum is cringe? Okay.gif

Honestly, fuck people who can't afford to upgrade. Gaming isn't their primary hobby and i, as hobbiest/enthusiast/core gamer, shouldn't be held back because snot-nosed little timmy can't save up the money over 7 years to buy a new console.
Okay, that got me. Ya' know, I don't agree with you, but I feel as if I get you. On some level, I respect the brutal honesty. I guess I should just state that I'm more looking forward to the PS5 at this point. Their game lineup, 3D audio, adaptive triggers and haptic feedback in their new controller are just too good to ignore. Not to mention, you know they're gonna drop the PSVR2 bomb. With that said, I'm still looking forward to Series X future, so we'll see how this pans out.
At the end of the day, a 2080ti can struggle for 60fps at 4k on some current gen games. People still dont seem to realize just how demanding 4k is.
Halo to me looked really good, even to the extent that i was watching the demo on stream, off of Gaf, and i was convinced that people were going to be raving about it on here (well apart from the obvious ones), how wrong i was lol.


That's why you'll be seeing more variable framerates and resolutions.

PS5 is gonna struggle with third parties. My vega is a 10tf part with blazing fast HBM and it just about handles 4k30. Now I'm personally fine with 30hz on a controller. But I know a LOT of people arent.
Okay, that got me. Ya' know, I don't agree with you, but I feel as if I get you. On some level, I respect the brutal honesty. I guess I should just state that I'm more looking forward to the PS5 at this point. Their game lineup, 3D audio, adaptive triggers and haptic feedback in their new controller are just too good to ignore. Not to mention, you know they're gonna drop the PSVR2 bomb. With that said, I'm still looking forward to Series X future, so we'll see how this pans out.
I cannot wait for psvr2 tbh. I did get a little laugh out of the TETRIS effect announcement. I'll play the shit out of it but psvr TETRIS effect is meant to be the bomb.

Which is another gripe at Microsoft; most 'powerful' console, no VR. In this day and age!


Based on what was shown today I don’t think invoking the “power of rdna 2” is really a good idea ....
The graphics overall from the games were a better example of next gen graphics than Sony's show. Thats just how it is. Everything at Sony's show looked like current gen games, except Horizons cutscenes, and Ratchet with the time warping thing.
Stop living up to your tag.
What i will say is from what we've seen, i don't see the 12 tflops being put to use.

The 12TF of power you speak of is a theoretical peak of the hardware, it doesn’t mean it will run at 12TFs for every game, this is MS’s marketing as you can see, they screamed “powerrrr” for ages and people believed it, stuff like “XGonGivItToYa” nonsense like this. finally when the time came to deliver, it was a disaster.

not looking to troll but Nothing I saw screamed next-gen, FPS looked solid on some games but even the some current gen games looked much better.


Ever since the show all i donis watching the reactions on youtube and feast of their meltdown hahaha.

Man this was just pure garbage.

Didnt philly boy say the july show will show the evolution of microsoft or some shit like that?

Ps5 it is. Gamepass for pc it is.

Xsx is obsolete at this point. Power means jack shit when you open the show with a 360 gameplay.

I felt embarrassed watching this.


How old are you?

Nothing cringier than coming in to post cringe with 0 opinion or response.

Stop being dumb as fuck and use your head, how can i be 12 if the OG xbox released 19 years ago and the PSX is over 25 years old?
I don't think you helped your case here.


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