Maybe I'm the only one that missed that tweet from Major Nelson retweeted by Phil Spencer but I've seen it today and my mouth dropped to the floor.

He's right, it is over, Microsoft lost.Maybe I'm the only one that missed that tweet from Major Nelson retweeted by Phil Spencer but I've seen it today and my mouth dropped to the floor.
Why is the tweet an image and not an actual tweet? Now I have to click to Twitter for the source myself. #lazy
the war is over when valve crushes the industry
Phil Spencer; lie dispenserBut Phil said there is no console war?
Now he's retweeting this?
I can't keep up.
More of a small regional conflict.There was a war?
Damn that’s rough, hope everyone is okay.More of a small regional conflict.
But Phil said there is no console war?
Now he's retweeting this?
I can't keep up.
that's the only game worth playingThere is no war if your always on the loosing end.
You guys realize that he's just retweeting this article that basically says that the war is over because each company is going for different things, right?
This makes me wonder if Phil is just a tad bit out of touch
If that was their grand play they failed miserably.They want to calm fanboys so they can stop making/sharing Halo Infinite memes.
What did he say? He quoted the title of the opinion piece and even put quotations around it.The fucking cheek of people like Nelson- who were quite happy to stoke the console war flames when their products were doing well - coming out and saying shit like this, now that they’ve realised their poor business decisions have resulted in the ‘war’ being lost, is quite staggering.
Xbox fans deserve better.
Don't piss into their kool-aid, let them have it. Its just another console warrior bait thread. This is now the standard operating procedure on here.
I think it changes like the windWell I mean the article states that the "console war is over" because each company is going for different things. Microsoft going for more of an ecosystem that supports multiple platforms (cough - sega), Sony going for the mainstream hardcore gamer that wants new exclusives and Nintendo just doing whatever they do.
Microsoft bowed out of the console race when they announced they will no longer make exclusives...
The only way Gabe will crush the industry is if he trips up and falls on it.the war is over when valve crushes the industry
The only way Gabe will crush the industry is if he trips up and falls on it.
TBF the dude looks less besada and more God, so it might that might be a cheap shot
Wiser wordsthat's the only game worth playing
Which manufacturer is declaring that?So you don't find it surprising/relevant the way Xbox messaging is all over the place for the past 6 months or the fact only one of the 3 console manufacturers is declaring the end of the war 4 months before a next gen launch? Ok.
So you don't find it surprising/relevant the way Xbox messaging is all over the place for the past 6 months or the fact only one of the 3 console manufacturers is declaring the end of the war 4 months before a next gen launch? Ok.
Which manufacturer is declaring that?
He didn't even imply whether he agreed or disagreed with the article he retweeted.
Sorry but melty blood refuses to work with my controller.the war is over when valve crushes the industry
Many of us have got to feel like these Japanese soldiers who held islands for decades after WW II.