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Cyberpunk 2077 Angry Review


I watched this the other day, great review as always. 6/10 is kinda low, but it is what it is.

For me it’s currently an 8/10 game on PS5
I don’t even really care about all the bugs or crashes, I just want an overhaul of the AI. It’s immersion breaking.


Was an ok review. Really it just confirms that once the game is finished, it'll be pretty sweet. 2022 is going to be a good year.


always chasing the next thrill
I watched this the other day, great review as always. 6/10 is kinda low, but it is what it is.

For me it’s currently an 8/10 game on PS5
I don’t even really care about all the bugs or crashes, I just want an overhaul of the AI. It’s immersion breaking.

That’s ok man some people are just different


Another enjoyable review but let's face it, the game's troubles are low hanging fruit for his schtick.
I swear I have played hours and hours of the game on all 3 systems (XSX,PS5, and PC) and maybe ran across 10% of what he is showing.
I wonder if the bulk of the review was scored on the day one patch version.
I freaking love the game but 6/10 is probably a fair score if you access everything wrong with it.


I think a lot of low scores from reviewers boil down to being disappointed with how the game turned out vs. expectations, not really about the merits of the game. At the same time a review is a personal opinion, so he has the right to score it however he wants.

Well I can't see giving this game more than 6/10 tbh. My main grip is that beside cool story and outstanding world the game is medicore in every other aspect (progression, shooting, role-playing, riding) and core gameplay is broken because of very bad AI - I am really bored with any kind of fights because enemy AI is so bad that I feel like i'am using cheats. Using stealth build (without any kind of optimization of gear) is no challange because AI can't react at all. Or using tech weapon that shoots through walls - AI cant react. Or using hacks - AI cant react.

Airbus Jr

Didnt take long until the usual suspect from Era to show up

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Darkness no more
So much time spent complaining about bugs. I get it, but after every other review already doing the same thing it’s hard to get through this one weeks later. I skimmed past a lot of it. Some of the footage he used is even the same YouTube bug clips we’ve seen used over and over in a dozen other reviews. I know he puts a lot more effort into his reviews then most, but this isn’t really a good watch this late.
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I"m really looking forward to playing this even with all the controvery. Just not in my budget currently. I can't wait though. I've heard great things mostly for PC.

And I had kind of forgot angry joe. I need to get back into watching him.
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Well I can't see giving this game more than 6/10 tbh. My main grip is that beside cool story and outstanding world the game is medicore in every other aspect (progression, shooting, role-playing, riding) and core gameplay is broken because of very bad AI - I am really bored with any kind of fights because enemy AI is so bad that I feel like i'am using cheats. Using stealth build (without any kind of optimization of gear) is no challange because AI can't react at all. Or using tech weapon that shoots through walls - AI cant react. Or using hacks - AI cant react.

what open world rpgs have you played where you liked the enemy ai? because i think cyberpunk's enemy ai is fine. i guess not bethesda's because progression shooting/combat are way worse in those games.

So much time spent complaining about bugs. I get it, but after every other review already doing the same thing it’s hard to get through this one weeks later. I skimmed past a lot of it. Some of the footage he used is even the same YouTube bug clips we’ve seen used over and over in a dozen other reviews. I know he puts a lot more effort into his reviews then most, but this isn’t really a good watch this late.

he is just riding the hate wave.
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I think a lot of low scores from reviewers boil down to being disappointed with how the game turned out vs. expectations, not really about the merits of the game. At the same time a review is a personal opinion, so he has the right to score it however he wants.

this. a very unique case where a game that clearly has a head over most titles in many areas, by a dev that's proven it has the ability to be a head over most devs in most cases, is getting lower scores because of it's....pedigree and expectation. whereas a more mediocre title that's essentially another meaningless blimp in the gaming culture will score an 8 lol (watch dogs, AC etc)

also, some reviewers are suddenly trying to show that they are "hard" on games also...Joe who didn't own a playstation console until last gen has apparently such high standards that cyberpunk is a 6.

are we really gonna tell people to play watch dogs over cyberpunk lol no

are we really gonna tell people to play tomb raider over cyberpunk lol no

are we really gonna tell people to play Ass creed over cyberpunk lol no

recent call of duty? lol no

yet here we are.
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what open world rpgs have you played where you liked the enemy ai? because i think cyberpunk's enemy ai is fine. i guess not bethesda's because progression shooting/combat are way worse in those games.
For a game with so many cool weapons and implants the AI is definitely disappointing. The enemies don't react when you use advanced weapons/hacks and don't surprise you with anything except for the overheat hack, but even that can be easily made less problematic thanks to a tracking perk.

But the police in the game is definitely the worst. The game just makes them pop out of nowehere when you gain police stars, it's clear they're not capable of arriving at the scene and hunting down V. Losing the cops is also a joke, there aren't even police chases in the game.
Well I can't see giving this game more than 6/10 tbh. My main grip is that beside cool story and outstanding world the game is medicore in every other aspect (progression, shooting, role-playing, riding) and core gameplay is broken because of very bad AI - I am really bored with any kind of fights because enemy AI is so bad that I feel like i'am using cheats. Using stealth build (without any kind of optimization of gear) is no challange because AI can't react at all. Or using tech weapon that shoots through walls - AI cant react. Or using hacks - AI cant react.

shooting and role playing being mediocre in comparison to...?

and when you say "roleplaying" what exactly do you...mean.
For a game with so many cool weapons and implants the AI is definitely disappointing. The enemies don't react when you use advanced weapons/hacks and don't surprise you with anything except for the overheat hack, but even that can be easily made less problematic thanks to a tracking perk.

But the police in the game is definitely the worst. The game just makes them pop out of nowehere when you gain police stars, it's clear they're not capable of arriving at the scene and hunting down V. Losing the cops is also a joke, there aren't even police chases in the game.

you basically just said that because the game has cool shit, you expect more lmao

because bethesda games have no cool shit, you expect less.

human psychology is a problem.

and what exactly are you trying to do in this game that the police are even that much of a focus for you? they certainly aren't for me, trying to go on GTA rampages or something?
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I think a lot of low scores from reviewers boil down to being disappointed with how the game turned out vs. expectations, not really about the merits of the game. At the same time a review is a personal opinion, so he has the right to score it however he wants.

This type of critique of the critique continues to dumbfound me. "Call the game for what it is, not what you wanted it to be" or something along those lines of nonsense. You consider the game for what it is, relative to what it should have been. Thats how it always was. You dont just take a product in a vacuum and be all merry.

Its a game advertised as being a thing, and the result is something else.

All in all, the game, regardless of bugs, is very shallow in all its systems, highly unbalanced, there is no difficulty of any kind, the game feels like its on god mode, no choice and consequence, no choices really. And the game is 90% looking at npcs talk. You start a mission talking with an npc, you go in another location to talk some more, you go to 2 or 3 more locations to talk yet some more, maybe have 3 minutes of actual gameplay then you talk some more to complete the mission. Its a poorly designed game. Even if its had zero bugs


I watched this the other day, great review as always. 6/10 is kinda low, but it is what it is.

That's a generous score all things considered imo. We shouldn't have gotten what we got.

I mean ultimately as long as you enjoy the game, that's what matters. But I feel numbered scores are irrelevant. Give me pros and cons and I'll decide for myself.

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not sure whats more tiresome, joe's schtick or your bootlicking
bootlicking is kinda buying most of these games with no real ambition at all.

you'll likely buy the next bethesda game despite the fact they have less artistic and creative juice in them and despite the fact they will just give you a procedural system.

THATS bootlicking.

buying the next Ass creed game when it's clearly not ambitious in pushing things forward, but instead recycles the same engine and uses procedural systems to make a game by numbers

buying that game IS BOOTLICKING.

I only buy shit if I see the dev is trying to push things forward and trying to fucking wow us, hand writing each and every quest, and trying to make the best game of the era.

Cyberpunk was trying to do that. so it's one of the few types of games that make this hobby interesting.

get your gaming priorities straight.
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not sure whats more tiresome, joe's schtick or your bootlicking

joe's schtick i guess because my bootlicking is non existent

I think a lot of low scores from reviewers boil down to being disappointed with how the game turned out vs. expectations, not really about the merits of the game. At the same time a review is a personal opinion, so he has the right to score it however he wants.

like i said a month ago

AC Valhalla: solid entry. we knew what to expect every game is the same. 8/10
Cyberpunk: didn't end the pandemic 6/10
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And the game is 90% looking at npcs talk. You start a mission talking with an npc, you go in another location to talk some more, you go to 2 or 3 more locations to talk yet some more, maybe have 3 minutes of actual gameplay then you talk some more to complete the mission. Its a poorly designed game. Even if its had zero bugs

God, this. Characters just talking talking talking. This game is a conversation simulator more than anything else.
joe's schtick i guess because my bootlicking is non existent

like i said a month ago

AC Valhalla: solid entry. we knew what to expect every game is the same. 8/10
Cyberpunk: didn't end the pandemic 6/10

I mean, this is exactly what it is. and it's complete bullshit lol

I'm just surprised so many people aren't catching themselves doing it.
God, this. Characters just talking talking talking. This game is a conversation simulator more than anything else.

you must've really not liked the witcher 3 then...

like I said bunch of bro gamers gravitating towards this not realizing the same people that made the witcher 3 made this fucking game lol

if you see development and quest context as just "talking" then you are a certain type of individual lol
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No, the difference was that the talking in Witcher was actually interesting and Geralt was a fucking fantastic character.

so suddenly CDPR doesn't know how to write interesting context? it suddenly went away with cyberpunk? lol that's not how talent works buddy.

if the "talking" was compelling in the witcher, then the talking was likely just fine in quests like the one with river where you track a cereal killer manipulating young boys. or many others

and the fact that you keep calling it "the talking" makes me think you are...12 years old.
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such bro takes, for people that enrolled on a gaming forum.

I expect a fraternity brother to say "too much talking" lol not a gamer who actually knows wtf he's playing.

Dialogue-heavy games can get intensely boring when that dialogue is not interesting. I don't know how that's a "bro take" but you do you.
Yep, clearly they struggled without the Witcher source material and characters. Talent isn't magic, "buddy," just because you have success once doesn't guarantee it again.

so you're going to act like the panam quests, river quests, main quest content weren't better written than the majority of open world rpg's right now lol okay.

let me guess, skyrim killed it though with it's kill draugrs in caves quests lol

I swear you guys act like games are killing this right now. they fucking aren't lol
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so you're going to act like the panam quests, river quests, main quest content weren't better written than the majority of open world rpg's right now lol okay.

let me guess, skyrim killed it though with it's kill draugrs in caves quests lol

I'm not "acting like" anything. The quests and characters in this game eventually bored me the longer I played. Different opinions, people have them.
I'm not "acting like" anything. The quests and characters in this game eventually bored me the longer I played. Different opinions, people have them.

okay in comparison to which open world rpg? recommend me the open world rpg with quests and presentation and combat that are killing this shit right now.

must be incredible.

I really want to know


I don't have to give you an essay on what games are better to offer up an opinion on this one. This conversation has run its course.


I'm not "acting like" anything. The quests and characters in this game eventually bored me the longer I played. Different opinions, people have them.

you know. of course different opinions are valid. you just have to express your opinion in a fair way. for example saying "this is talking simulator lol. i go here npc talk i go there npc talking wtf is this jhahahahahahajalkjfsl" is not the same as saying "i have no problem with games with a lot of dialogue. i just didn't find cyberpunk interesting"

because the problem here is not that the game is a "conversation simulator" the problem is you didn't like the conversations. the witcher 3 was a conversation simulator too and you liked it.
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I don't have to give you an essay on what games are better to offer up an opinion on this one. This conversation has run its course.

doesn't have to be an essay, just the name of the game lol surely you have insight to reference from?

and in other words, you can't fucking give me one so now it's time to run away xD
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doesn't have to be an essay, just the name of the game lol surely you have insight to reference from?

and in other words, you can't fucking give me one so now it's time to run away xD

You get way to defensive when someone's negative about cyberpunk lol

You gotta turn everything into an open world contest even when they're not even making any comparisons to other open world games
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Just off the top of my head both Witcher 3 and DA Inquisition were much better. We can get into stuff like AC Odyssey too if you consider that an RPG.
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