I thought that after 4 pages it would be pretty nice to make a summary of your arguments so far :
You have been basically insulting anyone that stated things not going your way.
And one final thing :
Without VDP1 / With VDP1 :
VDP2 is meant to handle backgrounds and planes. Not sprites.
And no need to insult me, it won't change this fact.
typical narrow-minded fanboy
anyone complaining about the controller never used it or already had bias.
however the Jaguar had been most impacted by early internet revisionism
That's a good summary for people who like to make shit up and lie about what was said I guess.
You just don't understand
This blaming CD media thing is also poorly thought out
At best this is a bad faith reply.
Another bad faith argument
I didn't forget anything, you are the one who is ignoring information to validate your false beliefs.
"looks" are not relevant, and this is the cruz of your bad faith argument.
No you aren't using common sense.
This is something that shouldn't be hard to understand.
you have proven your ignorance
Trying to swerve around that fact is worthless.
Except that doesn't make sense, in this case we KNOW the jaguar is stronger than the Neo Geo in 2D capabilities with actual proof/examples
Continuing to prove you have no clue what you're talking about.
because you have no knowledge
because you never really had an argument and have been trolling in bad faith
You have not only proven you don't know anything
This is a common problem with people who don't understand this but this is just silly
This is coming form the guy
How many goal posts are you going to move?
have no clue about
are making fanboy oversimplification arguments
So you project that lack of knowledge onto other people
Trying to pretend Dezooming is "scaling" is also a desperate attempt
you are just making a pointless argument
Are you hallucinating? The only one lying is you
So now you're either just imaging things or lying yourself
I don't think you understand
Ridiculous, much subject changing going on moving away from the thread
You are the only one moving away from losing topics in your posts
and switching to something else, projecting, and spreading misinformation with ever changing inconsistencies
Your suffering
as the proof has been compiled above all in one place
The above comparison post removes your ability to continue your vain attempt at trying to be misleading on what the topic is about, and has provided indisputable evidence
But if you're just going to continue making false statements
It seems to me you have some problems to work out, being wrong is one thing
that just shows you're having some real problems in life.
(I really liked this one)You're on a role with the fake quotes you made up.
You literally don't understand
You're ignorance
The bias is actually with you by intentionally refusing to learn.
is just emotional outputs nothing more
I am not as one would claim in their outburst a Jaguar fanboy
It only seems like there's a high admiration due to the pushback to those who don't want to give the failed console credit on ONE thing that it's second best in.
Here's a thought that may not have crossed your brilliant mind while you were adding nothing of value to the thread,
I'd ask you to elaborate on how I'm trolling, but I highly doubt you could articulate how the gifs above that clearly show an advantage in sprites are trolling
Also you clearly are either just completely brainless or are incredibly stubborn
dummy it makes the other systems look worse
you're making a misleading argument
The guys is so full of himself he's now positioning his ignorance as fact
best you educate yourself before going further
Already the N64 boys are moving away from the topic
People are just being emotional about consoles
You either aren't reading
You do a lot of projecting
you have no idea what you're talking about
how hard to I have to downgrade my examples until you actually get how this works
Let me tell you how poorly uneducated
is just lolworthy at best
But then you won't go that far because you know the argument is poor
You're stubbornness on being ignorant and being dishonest is impressive
It's clear you have nothing of worth to discuss
You are no longer worth even attempting to have discourse with
I'll save my energy for people who actually know how to have a discussion
That's not a game I play.
Can't waste time on anything when you don't even know what the thing is
You have been basically insulting anyone that stated things not going your way.
And one final thing :
Except that all sprites are handled by VDP1. Again, you have no clue what you are talking about.In terms of number but not what's done to them, and the VDP2 greatly aids in that.
Without VDP1 / With VDP1 :

VDP2 is meant to handle backgrounds and planes. Not sprites.
And no need to insult me, it won't change this fact.
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