Reverse groomer.
THESE MODS ARE SO OUT OF TOUCH!!!! All i did was say "God of War Ragnarok is nothing but DLC for an interactive movie made for fanboys and morons and if you like it you're a sheep who can't stop licking playstation's dick" and they DELETED MY MESSAGE AND GAVE ME A WARNING FOR CONSOLE WARRING!!! I didn't even insult the people who liked the game i ONLY STATED MY OPINION!!!! .... What do you mean i was being a cunt who is derailing the thread and trying to get a rise out of people?!?! You do this but when somebody else says the exact same thing about Halo Infinite you give them a pass?!?!? THIS MOD TEAM IS SO BIASED
I've been here since the beginning, 3 YEARS ago and you CRAZY mods have made my experience on this site WORSE! EVERYONE needs to know about this because I AM an influential user and i deserve better, i've paid a total of 0 DOLLARS for gold and yet THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT ME?!?!
*insert incredibly specific homophobic insults here* I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR PLAYSTATION SONY PONY PARADISE YOU BLUE SNAKES!!! IM GONNA BE GOING TO *insert worse off less popular forum that was created purely as a response to NeoGAF here* BECAUSE THEY TREAT THEIR USERS RIGHT AND ARENT AWFUL MODERATORS LIKE THE NEOGAF MODS!!
this is a giant parody, please spare me evilore. everything i said towards mods was not at all genuine
wow thanks a lot for the gold bro
I've been here since the beginning, 3 YEARS ago and you CRAZY mods have made my experience on this site WORSE! EVERYONE needs to know about this because I AM an influential user and i deserve better, i've paid a total of 0 DOLLARS for gold and yet THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT ME?!?!
*insert incredibly specific homophobic insults here* I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR PLAYSTATION SONY PONY PARADISE YOU BLUE SNAKES!!! IM GONNA BE GOING TO *insert worse off less popular forum that was created purely as a response to NeoGAF here* BECAUSE THEY TREAT THEIR USERS RIGHT AND ARENT AWFUL MODERATORS LIKE THE NEOGAF MODS!!
this is a giant parody, please spare me evilore. everything i said towards mods was not at all genuine

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