What’s peoples problems with Pick Up Trucks?


Between fuel costs being ludicrously hig here, and the government taxing your car based off weight, power and fuel type I could not afford a big pick up truck if I wanted to.

They're cool though.


Only reason I dont own one or a minivan anymore is because of gas prices. Loved the cabin space and being able to just haul absolutely everything I needed.


Absolutely Cozy
I actually like the smaller kei trucks they have in japan. I could see myself using it around the yard
Heck yeah! I'd even make it a sauna truck and travel around my country.

Every car in Florida is fucking huge. Giant pick-ups and SUVs abound, driven by a weird mixture of high school kids and rich old people.
I don’t really care, other than two things.

It makes backing out of parking spaces a guessing game. I can’t see shit with two monoliths on either side of me.

If I get in an accident with one in my lil Toyota I’m probably dead instantly while they get a scratch on their bumper.


Gold Member
You ever look around the internet and see people lose their mind over the existence of pick up trucks. Like they are so insecure with their own lives and immediately think

“Oh they are trying to be tough “
“Role playing the tough guy “
“Status symbol thing “
“It’s the new small penis vehicle”

And these individuals will repeat this to one another until the point they actually believe what they are saying.

In reality though……you could not work construction and own a pick up truck.

Have you ever tried bringing home supplies from Lowe’s in a fucking sedan?

Yeah good luck with that shit.

You ever try picking up furniture in a fucking sedan? Or hell, helping out your neighbors that need something moved.

I got an idea, let’s go strap a dresser you want to refinish at your house to the top of a fucking Prius.

Rant over
“Oh they are trying to be tough “
“Role playing the tough guy “
“Status symbol thing “
“It’s the new small penis vehicle”

These are all true. Not for everyone but there's a reason the small penis truck thing has been around for 40 years.

Lots of men are fucking bitches. It goes into all of what you are saying. Insecure so they get a large truck to compensate.

You ever see anyone else drive around town with political flags fluttering on their vehicle? You don't cause those truck drivers have little balls.

Rolling coal? Real tough!

Lots of truck drivers don't use their trucks for hauling or construction. Plus you think construction workers need to drive trucks to work? They don't use their personal trucks at the job site.

Lots of truck drivers are little bitches who need an f350 to feel good about themselves.

El Muerto

Trucks are meant for work, not for grabbing groceries. I live in the south, and everybody feels the need to have a truck, especially a big 'ol compensator truck. Some of these guys treat their trucks better than their wife too. I seen dudes who dont want their dog in the backseat because they're afraid of getting the interior dirty. Also seen several trucks afraid to run over stuff in the road like a flattened cardboard box. Then you have dudes who put 22in rims on their trucks so they're unable to go offroad or haul anything. I have a pickup, i also have a couple cars. If i need to run errands i use a car. But if i'm doing handyman stuff or going fishing i use my truck. I dont make my truck my whole personality like some of these fragile dudes.


I'm pretty sure I've seen studies showing that the vast majority of pick-up truck owners don't actually ever use it to haul anything. Not saying that's you OP, but probably where the stereotype comes from.


The American ones are too big for British infrastructure, so inconsiderate wankers are more likely to be the owners of them here.

Japanese kei trucks are pretty cool.


I don't have anything against the truck, but it's weird how often the people who drive them end up being jerks on the road.
“Oh they are trying to be tough “
“Role playing the tough guy “
“Status symbol thing “
“It’s the new small penis vehicle”

These are all true. Not for everyone but there's a reason the small penis truck thing has been around for 40 years.

Lots of men are fucking bitches. It goes into all of what you are saying. Insecure so they get a large truck to compensate.

You ever see anyone else drive around town with political flags fluttering on their vehicle? You don't cause those truck drivers have little balls.

Rolling coal? Real tough!

Lots of truck drivers don't use their trucks for hauling or construction. Plus you think construction workers need to drive trucks to work? They don't use their personal trucks at the job site.

Lots of truck drivers are little bitches who need an f350 to feel good about themselves.
God who hurt you?

Seriously….sounds like you had one bad encounter with a conservative and then painted the rest of truck drivers with a wide brush.

When someone buys a car, it should come down to what makes sense for you. When I was in the northeast, I always had a truck for all the reasons I have one today….plus for snow and driving on beaches in the summer.

Jeep Wranglers, that’s an against your own self interest status symbol. Built like shit, always fall apart, horrendous windshield for visibility, cramped, the list goes on and on.

A pick up truck? Shit it’s in the name, I’ve been in Florida 3 years now and the amount of expensive ass shit these rich folks in million dollar houses get rid of for free, with nothing wrong with it simply because they are getting new furniture the next day? Fuck yeah I’m picking that shit up for myself or selling for profit on marketplace. I can’t do that with a suv without destroying the interior. Neighbors basically throwing me enough money to fill my gas tank just to drive 5 minutes away and pick up a couch for them. Yeah sure. Gas is expensive I’ll take your money.
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My main vehicle of choice has been a pickup for 40 years

Fuck the haters and enjoy your truck

Have a truck and a small 2-door coupe.

- get cut off, people riding my bumper, etc. all the time when driving my car.
- completely different story when driving my truck.

I wonder if people who say things like that are projecting. Just ignore them.

I think that's generally always the case.

If you were to follow them around long enough, you'll likely see that they suck at driving, are aggressive, etc.
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One of the green rats
I have an f250 .. I'm super bad ass!!

Has nothing to do with my dogs, kids, constant hauling things, living in a snowy climate, and pulling my travel trailer. 🤣
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Most of the problem is people jealousy.

I don’t own a truck but they are fine by me.
Such a stupid take.

I don't give a shit if you drive a truck or envy you. As someone who used to work trades I do judge the shit out of you if you're driving a pristine scratch- and dirt-free Ford F150 around that has clearly never had anything in the bed.

Way too many people buy a truck as an identity. Which I wouldn't care about except now we have giant-ass gas guzzlers on the road blocking vision and being a hazard in crashes.

No one is arguing about tradies using trucks, people are complaining about soccer moms and suburban warriors driving them around, and acting like it's anything else that we're complaining about is disingenuous at best and outright bullshit at worst.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Such a stupid take.

I don't give a shit if you drive a truck or envy you. As someone who used to work trades I do judge the shit out of you if you're driving a pristine scratch- and dirt-free Ford F150 around that has clearly never had anything in the bed.

Way too many people buy a truck as an identity. Which I wouldn't care about except now we have giant-ass gas guzzlers on the road blocking vision and being a hazard in crashes.

No one is arguing about tradies using trucks, people are complaining about soccer moms and suburban warriors driving them around, and acting like it's anything else that we're complaining about is disingenuous at best and outright bullshit at worst.

You sound jealous and foolish.


I'm now driving a truck after this sequence:

1987 ford f-150
1989 probe
1993 probe
2001 eclipse
2009 sienna minivan
2017 pacifica
2023 tuscon
2022 ram truck (bought used)

Modern trucks don't haul stuff great. I find for construction work, the minivans are way more functional. The only reason you'd want a truck over a minivan for construction would be:

a) you're hauling a trailer
b) you're driving through snow a lot

Frankly, I don't think they're worth anywhere close to the money they cost. If I was going to do construction full time with it I'd need a trailer for it 100%. Old trucks could haul 8 foot long plywood and 2x4's easy, modern truck the box is way too short due to the added seating on 99% of the models.


Dont worry OP,

Some people like driving pick ups. Some like driving BMWs.

I was at a Thanksgiving dinner once at a church I used to go to. I think I was 19 and with the youth group and college kids and there was a 10 year old kid we'd never seen before eating with us and he asks us "Have you ever seen a BMW?" and someone said "Yes..." and he goes "EW! You've seen a black man's weiner!?" and I think about this any time someone says BMW.


The annoying pickup truck drivers are mostly the teens in high school. Its like a status symbol in Texas. Or the folks that will muscle onto your lane or they will crush your little car.

I don’t like trucks because they are way too big and hard to park at malls. Long beds are just terrible trying to park in condo garages and just about everywhere. With that said, i have a GMC 2500 longbed but i prefer to drive my Lexus suv. Mainly use the truck for work.

Also if you buy a truck, go Diesel or go home.


If you asked me who the biggest douchebags on the road were, without hesitation I’d say pickup drivers and Prius drivers.
Obviously not all, but pickup drivers often come off as douchebags with their truck nuts, obnoxious flags, shitty road manners, and lifted trucks that never go off road.

That’s just based on years of observation. Having said that I’m looking to join the pickup truck club this summer. I still think they’re cool vehicles and with my kids grown I’m ready for something that’s not an SUV. Just trying to decide whether I want to go with sensible or cool.


One of the green rats
Such a stupid take.

I don't give a shit if you drive a truck or envy you. As someone who used to work trades I do judge the shit out of you if you're driving a pristine scratch- and dirt-free Ford F150 around that has clearly never had anything in the bed.

Way too many people buy a truck as an identity. Which I wouldn't care about except now we have giant-ass gas guzzlers on the road blocking vision and being a hazard in crashes.

No one is arguing about tradies using trucks, people are complaining about soccer moms and suburban warriors driving them around, and acting like it's anything else that we're complaining about is disingenuous at best and outright bullshit at worst.

You are jealous or you wouldn't give a shit. 😂


If you asked me who the biggest douchebags on the road were, without hesitation I’d say pickup drivers and Prius drivers.
Obviously not all, but pickup drivers often come off as douchebags with their truck nuts, obnoxious flags, shitty road manners, and lifted trucks that never go off road.

That’s just based on years of observation. Having said that I’m looking to join the pickup truck club this summer. I still think they’re cool vehicles and with my kids grown I’m ready for something that’s not an SUV. Just trying to decide whether I want to go with sensible or cool.
You aren’t wrong. Although I don’t think pickup road manners aren’t good, but trucks are literally everywhere up here so that would colour my reality. Prius though, or any really tiny car, I’d agree. Often they driven by young drivers who don’t know any better so they get a bit of leeway imo.

Truck nuts are the worst thing ever though. The worst.

Also, go cool. Sensible is lame once your kids are older. Get something for you.
I don't mind pickups. I used to drive a Tacoma. Just dont drive like a raging asshole. I'm always in the slow lane and still get constantly tailgated by trucks. I'm easily 5-10mph over.


Neo Member
Too many people with big trucks don't know how to drive. Its one thing to be an idiot behind the wheel of a sedan. It is a whole lot worse when the idiot is driving a truck


Gold Member
I grew up in Oklahoma & Texas and it's just trucks everywhere. They're just the default vehicle out there lol.

I love trucks though, I'll probably always drive either a truck or SUV.

I just like em. I like being up high so I can see over everyone. I like being in a big vehicle.

If WW3 ever starts and the Chinese/Russians drop paratroopers into my city I can round up all my friends in the back and head up into the mountains like Red Dawn. I've even been practicing my best "Wolverines" spray paint logo.

I mean if Patrick Swayze had a Honda Civic, they all woulda fuckin died. That movie wouldn't even exist. Trucks rock.
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