Monster Hunter Wilds | OT | There goes 2000 hours of your life!

How many hours are you investing in Monster Hunter Wilds

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I attacked the wrong chicken too the first time, but it turns out the paintballs are really useful in this game when you need to kill a specific one out of like 3. Hirabami I'm looking at you

The paintball gun is in your inventory, select it and shoot it at the right target and it will constantly ping on screen and on the map so you know which one to fight
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Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
I attacked the wrong chicken too the first time, but it turns out the paintballs are really useful in this game when you need to kill a specific one out of like 3. Hirabami I'm looking at you

The paintball gun is in your inventory, select it and shoot it at the right target and it will constantly ping on screen and on the map so you know which one to fight
Great tip thanks man. Yea I was sorta on the verge of a rage quit here lol I still need to finish it haven't gotten back on yet but glad I see what's up.


Gold Member
There is. And you are going to LOVE how convenient it is by talking to the farm management npc.
Lying Judge Judy GIF by Amazon Freevee
I know that what I meant was I don't know who was the dude named Guts (our squad leader) here in the thread's user name

Lol saw that original post. It's me btw!

Story for me was 100% skip skip. Reminds of Phantasy Star Online the story "campaign" is throw away.

Basically, though it gets tolerable and kind of interesting toward the end and in high rank.

Say what you want about story and their delivery, I do actually like the big mystery surrounding core story with the ancient civilizations and how they were cloning monsters and used them as weapons for war.

My issue is I wish they wouldn’t try to be “cinematic”, that type of approach doesn’t fit MH games.

Exactly, I can appreciate the lore that is being built up. The plot of the game, especially low rank is pretty bad though.
Say what you want about story and their delivery, I do actually like the big mystery surrounding core story with the ancient civilizations and how they were cloning monsters and used them as weapons for war.

My issue is I wish they wouldn’t try to be “cinematic”, that type of approach doesn’t fit MH games.
It's basically Final Fantasy X, Wyveria is Zanarkand and the Guardians are like little Sins

FFX is quietly my favorite FF of all time so I'm enjoying the vibe

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
the fact that shock trap doesn't work with Rey Dau and Gypceros is annoying but something I like. as someone who love capturing stuff, small things like these actually makes me happy.


What time is it?
Oh thank God the credits rolled.

Miserable dog shit. Nata is the single worst fucking character in a game ever.

I’d rather play veilguard or watch she hulk then ever play through Wilds campaign ever again.

I'm almost at HR100. The lack of difficulty is more offensive than the dog shit story.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
why there are no layered weapons to make up for the artisans all looking the same, especially after they put so much effort into unique designs for weapons, and already designed / implemented a layering system... really confuses me.
why there are no layered weapons to make up for the artisans all looking the same, especially after they put so much effort into unique designs for weapons, and already designed / implemented a layering system... really confuses me.

Layered armor and weapons come in future title updates. That's how it has been in the recent games.


Gold Member
So I’m nearing the very end of the story. I thought I ended it before, but I forgot MH splits its story between low and high rank. I’m about to fight Gore Magnagina.

Power Pro

Normally I'm someone who needs a story in games to really enjoy them. I like there to be context to the actions I'm doing in a game, and providing a world and characters to engage with is usually a plus with me.

HOWEVER...this game is like doing the impossible and making me really want the story to just shut the fuck up sometimes. I don't understand why it's paced like this. Cutscenes you can at least skip, but the damn slow walking and talking segments are so frequent. Sometimes I spot a mining spot I want to use during these, and I can't because the damn game won't let me.

Outside of that, the game is still pretty fun, but I just can't keep playing it because the story is pushing my limits. I still feel I need to watch it all, but I never look forward to it.
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Robot Carnival

Gold Member
absolutely not giving clicks to anything that starts with "YoU WoN'T BeLiEvE ThIs hIdDeN TrIcK!"

I do agree those are annoying. that said, this one talks about pressing down L2/LT and using the d pad up and down to pick and choose what you want to pick up with your slingertool so you don't need to turn and aim everytime you need to get something. that includes falling boulder traps.

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
Oh, knew about that, I mean that's why the UI shifts and the arrows appear when you press it.

Yeah I actually encountered this mechanic naturally and found the UI to be pretty intuitive. Don't people pay attention to the hud?

I never did pay attention to that and kinda just been using the experience I had in World/Iceborne to play, so discovering that was definitely a welcome surprise for me. thou I rare find the situation to fully utilize it.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I think I’m at rank 34 now but there’s no more yellow or main quests anywhere on map. Did them all. Normally when it says “get your HR up” as your main goal objective you still have side quests to do or find.

Nothing now.

So I’m expected to just repeat optional until the next rank threshold is hit to get new content I assume?

Man my list of complaints for this game is staggering. Im honestly playing it because I can turn my brain off mostly and just play. It fits the spot for that for a giga chill game but the issues really make enjoying it hard.

I hope whatever the rise team cooks up next is a massive departure from this.


Story portion done. Now for the real game grind. First time really sticking with MH. Should have known I'd enjoy since its Capcom and has old school PSO vibes.


Heavy bowgun absolutely sucks when solo having all the aggro, but in 4 player hunts I feel so dirty inside just sitting back and popping all the wounds. I must have done 50 multiplayer hunts like this, listening to music. Grind mode has never been more relaxing.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Man my list of complaints for this game is staggering.
I'd like to read them. Played Rise last night for a bit and stuff like getting bodied after getting knocked down is missing in Wilds since Wilds gives you very generous iFrames after knockdown.

Did tests with Charge Blade and Sword Boost in Wilds is 200% dead. You only use Sword Mode to recharge phials and you no longer worry about Guard Points when Perfect Guard gives you Savage Axe for 3 minutes...and so do wounds. Super charging the Shield is only used for a Savage Axe atk buff.

Load Shells 2 will supercharge/max out your phials when load then in when they are Red.

You really for the most part just press heavy attack over and over again until monster dead. May as well call the weapon Charge Axe now. Interesting direction.


Maybe a stupid question, lol, but what am I supposed to do with the B button here? I see four downward pointing arrows on it, it's not "hold" neither is it tap B four times. What is it though?


I'm dumb, it seems it IS tap B four times.

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Is there any way to have HDR not look shit for console?

Xbox Series X

The settings on Xbox and TV are correct. What are your ingame HDR settings?


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I'd like to read them. Played Rise last night for a bit and stuff like getting bodied after getting knocked down is missing in Wilds since Wilds gives you very generous iFrames after knockdown.

Did tests with Charge Blade and Sword Boost in Wilds is 200% dead. You only use Sword Mode to recharge phials and you no longer worry about Guard Points when Perfect Guard gives you Savage Axe for 3 minutes...and so do wounds. Super charging the Shield is only used for a Savage Axe atk buff.

Load Shells 2 will supercharge/max out your phials when load then in when they are Red.

You really for the most part just press heavy attack over and over again until monster dead. May as well call the weapon Charge Axe now. Interesting direction.

I’ll try to keep it a short hit list:
-Story mode was atrocious. The plot, the characters, the lack of challenge, the forced moving slow sections.
-Side quests are terrible to track. Some require you to go back to the npc who gave it, and they move places. One in particular I had not spawn in town until I waited 8 minutes for him to “pop”…wtf?
-Jumping off cliffs on Mount is busted. Sometimes it gives you hit O to drop off, sometimes it automatically does it when you get near the ledge, sometimes you have to come to a complete stop at the ledge to finally drop down.
-Hammer is my regret so it’s on me for going it, but every single monster fight plays out exactly the same with this weapon, and there is no challenge with it.
-Are the visual queues from breaking off a monsters tail gone? Maybe it’s hammer but I have not once actually seen a monster piece bust off— just says it did and I get the item in my loot automatically.
-I miss the ease of getting on a monsters back on Rise, fighting other monsters while on its back, driving it into walls, etc.
-A vast majority of gear looks awfully ugly.
-Music is a major downgrade from Rise.
-PS5 Pro but I constantly see the dithering.(think that’s the name for when you see a plaid effect for graphics stitching together with lines?)
-The series is extremely overdue for a rehaul of UI and button functions. There’s so much here and with how easy the game is now a vast majority of it is just junk.
-Lastly, and it ties back to the point before here, and is everyone’s largest complaint, the game is piss easy. From the first hunt to the hunt im on now, there has been no difference. I’ve yet to be knocked out even once. The game doesn’t need to be dark souls, but it needs to scale in difficulty, and it needs to have moments of tension.

As is, I do not plan to play another MH game ever again until a major overhaul takes place and a confirmation from players that it’s difficult is confirmed.
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