Eggplant Wizard
So I was just randomly thinking... Could a 3D Kirby game work? I don't really know how it would, but I also didn't think they could pull off Metroid.

Sounds like HAL had problems when they were trying to develop a 3D Kirby during the series' development hell. As someone who was introduced to console gaming through SM64 and Banjo-Kazooie, I'm always up for more 3D platformers, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.
So whats the deal..Is anyone buying a extra WiiU gamepad at launch? I dont see the need to yet, that and Im buying a WiiU pro controller.
I'm not getting a Wii U at launch, but I also don't see the need for a second pad at the moment. I'd need a really strong reason to convince me.