Hey guys, I just posted a Wii U box template in the custom box art thread. I thought I'd post it over here too in case some of you want to make a rad Wii U game case.
Did you create these? Thanks for posting/creating.
Hey guys, I just posted a Wii U box template in the custom box art thread. I thought I'd post it over here too in case some of you want to make a rad Wii U game case.
Love the tickle attack. These games show such creativity.
IGN has a number of new Zombi U clips from Gamescom uploaded to youtube. Off screen footage but includes the player using the Wii U gamepad at the same time.
What would happened If someone broke their WiiU gamepad though? Will you be SOL?
I’ve not worked on any Wii U version of anything (luckily). But, y’know, I very early on raised my major concern about this. Anybody buying any Wii U game that’s a port is probably buying it almost exclusively and specifically for how it can play differently through the Wii U’s alleged innovated UI. I’m already a known skeptic on whether the interface paradigm is at all anything but idiotic. But if you’re gonna do it? Fine. Then, you HAVE to do it right. You HAVE to innovate on the UI. You HAVE to enhance game mechanics and gameplay in a MATERIAL way that justifies all the hassle and a $400 Xbox 360 seven years late. I can’t comment on THQ / Vigil specifically. However, just in general, I doubt any studio or publisher is truly giving it the kind of proper UI design and thinking it deserves. Hell, apparently this is a huge leap for regular triple-A console releases. From what I’m hearing from people who have actually played a Wii U as recently as a month ago, the games pretty much suck and the tablet is pretty much a complete gimmick.
Really interesting NotEnoughShaders interview with Xander Davis, talking about THQ, Vigil and Darksiders II.
Warning: he doesn't hold back about the Wii U.
There are some nice assets around inside the palace. Nice dynamic shadows on this one.
Really interesting NotEnoughShaders interview with Xander Davis, talking about THQ, Vigil and Darksiders II.
Warning: he doesn't hold back about the Wii U.
IGN has a number of new Zombi U clips from Gamescom uploaded to youtube. Off screen footage but includes the player using the Wii U gamepad at the same time.
Really interesting NotEnoughShaders interview with Xander Davis, talking about THQ, Vigil and Darksiders II.
Warning: he doesn't hold back about the Wii U.
Hopefully his indie studio works out, because I doubt he'd get a job anywhere else after that. New thread shit-fest imminent. Baton down the hatches.
Meh..Really interesting NotEnoughShaders interview with Xander Davis, talking about THQ, Vigil and Darksiders II.
Warning: he doesn't hold back about the Wii U.
I think that, graphically, the best mini clip is the "light my fire" one. really liked the fire effects, but also the different lights (artificial and natural filtering from the windows)
other clips (such as ladder of the death) instead are a little disappointing in terms of texture and polycount. I hope they'll take care of the technical aspect to level up everything.
gameplay wise, I'm loving this game, both for its gameplay and for its gamepad integration.
Oh, and also Raymna looks so cool. Ubi rules on the Wii U, up to now.
Really interesting NotEnoughShaders interview with Xander Davis, talking about THQ, Vigil and Darksiders II.
Warning: he doesn't hold back about the Wii U.
I can only speculate, but as a UI Designer applying experienced critical thinking to game mechanics UI and the Wii U tablet, none of it makes sense to me to truly add value to gamers, even if you try.
Well that guy sounds a bit salty. I thought the last sentence in that paragraph was a bit more telling about the guy though...
He flinched pretty hard in the mansion creepy stairs video lol!IGN has a number of new Zombi U clips from Gamescom uploaded to youtube. Off screen footage but includes the player using the Wii U gamepad at the same time.
Yeah, this guy doesn't sound like he knows jack shit. Also sound like he has an axe to grind for whatever reason. The last sentence removes all doubt.
$400 360 seven years late. Lol.
Ive not worked on any Wii U version of anything (luckily).
Really interesting NotEnoughShaders interview with Xander Davis, talking about THQ, Vigil and Darksiders II.
Warning: he doesn't hold back about the Wii U.
I looked on youtube and this game was at E3..Ive never heard about it at all.Sorry if this has been posted, didn't see it, and it looks new to me.
ubisoft's Sports Connection
Really interesting NotEnoughShaders interview with Xander Davis, talking about THQ, Vigil and Darksiders II.
Warning: he doesn't hold back about the Wii U.
Sorry if this has been posted, didn't see it, and it looks new to me.
ubisoft's Sports Connection
Is he suppose to be important? Can't read the article. Guy sounds like he hates the system full stop. So he's admitting to not have worked on it or even played any games on it. He admits to having no inside information either. Which makes his opinion on the subject 100% worthless. I would go as far to say the "people" he references don't even exist. Meaning he's sitting there talking bs and lying in hopes of getting attention.
Edit: I see in the other thread in gaming he's an ex Vigil employee. He also wasn't credited in Darksiders 2. It's making sense now. Guy is very bitter. Also he's making an iOS game now. His bashing of the Wii U Gamepad makes sense now as well. One does not have to innovate. Simply moving maps and inventory management to the screen at the very least greatly improves the gaming experience. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D is a prime example of that. Zombi U is shaping up to show that as well. Same with Mass Effect 3 and Batman: AC. Which further shows he's just lying his ass off.
Acidic, defensive posts like this ones are why so many people don't want to deal with some posters in this thread when it comes to the topic of the Wii U.
Acidic, defensive posts like this ones are why so many people don't want to deal with some posters in this thread when it comes to the topic of the Wii U.
Not sure if serious.
Well honestly it's not simply to properly handle also interview (?) like that...full of preconcepts and stereotypes, with the "gimmick" word used as a shield to cover the "un-creativity" of a lot of people.
and that's one of the reason why, as you said, so many people don't want to deal with some posters when it comes to the topic of the Wii U.
just, on the other side.
Not sure if serious.
Acidic, defensive posts like this ones are why so many people don't want to deal with some posters in this thread when it comes to the topic of the Wii U.
Pretty sure this is how every community thread is lol
I remember popping into the 3D Land thread a few months after its release with a post that basically amounted to "This game is good, not great." It was followed with about 10 "lolwut" and/or "Are you serious?" posts.
Completely serious. Because of a (disagreeable) opinion on the Wii U this guy is apparently a liar. A liar about having his and his co-workers job security screwed over and unappreciated by THQ. A bullshitter. Implied he's not important, too, and has a worthless opinion.
Because he doesn't like the Wii U.
He was asked for his personal opinion on the Wii U in a small portion of an interview otherwise dedicated to a completely separate topic.
You, I, we might disagree with him. Best get used to disagreeing with how some people feel about the Wii U, and fast.
Pretty sure this is how every community thread is lol
I remember popping into the 3D Land thread a few months after its release with a post that basically amounted to "This game is good, not great." It was followed with about 10 "lolwut" and/or "Are you serious?" posts.
Pretty sure this is how every community thread is lol
I remember popping into the 3D Land thread a few months after its release with a post that basically amounted to "This game is good, not great." It was followed with about 10 "lolwut" and/or "Are you serious?" posts.
oh god this is me in every half life thread
This thread is generally more relaxed fun, though, so I can take that sort of thing a little more here.
Really interesting NotEnoughShaders interview with Xander Davis, talking about THQ, Vigil and Darksiders II.
Warning: he doesn't hold back about the Wii U.
Chances of important Wii U announcements are very unlikely, all the important stuff is under NDA, and I think they won't be liften until a Wii U specific Nintendo DirectSo when should we be seeing some new announcements at Gamescom? Today's the big day isn't it?
I hope the games shown aren't only games we've seen/known of already.![]()
Completely serious. Because of a (disagreeable) opinion on the Wii U this guy is apparently a liar. A liar about having his and his co-workers job security screwed over and unappreciated by THQ. A bullshitter. Implied he's not important, too, and has a worthless opinion.
Because he doesn't like the Wii U.
He was asked for his personal opinion on the Wii U in a small portion of an interview otherwise dedicated to a completely separate topic.
You, I, we might disagree with him. Best get used to disagreeing with how some people feel about the Wii U, and fast.
From what Im hearing from people who have actually played a Wii U as recently as a month ago, the games pretty much suck and the tablet is pretty much a complete gimmick. Still tethered, not wireless. Maybe publishers can pull off something clever. But wont it just kind of be clever for a little bit, then not really worth your $60 dollars and just annoying afterwards? Kinect comes to mind. PlayStation Move comes to mind. Motherfucking Wii comes to mind. But, sure, well have to wait and see I cant comment on specifics. I can only speculate, but as a UI Designer applying experienced critical thinking to game mechanics UI and the Wii U tablet, none of it makes sense to me to truly add value to gamers, even if you try.
Completely serious. Because of a (disagreeable) opinion on the Wii U this guy is apparently a liar. A liar about having his and his co-workers job security screwed over and unappreciated by THQ. A bullshitter. Implied he's not important, too, and has a worthless opinion.
Because he doesn't like the Wii U.
He was asked for his personal opinion on the Wii U in a small portion of an interview otherwise dedicated to a completely separate topic.
You, I, we might disagree with him. Best get used to disagreeing with how some people feel about the Wii U, and fast.
I don't know the set of circumstances that led Mr. Davis to say what he said about the WiiU. He could be right, or he could be wrong. What I do know is that he comes off as abrasive and arrogant.
Completely serious. Because of a (disagreeable) opinion on the Wii U this guy is apparently a liar. A liar about having his and his co-workers job security screwed over and unappreciated by THQ. A bullshitter. Implied he's not important, too, and has a worthless opinion.
Because he doesn't like the Wii U.
He was asked for his personal opinion on the Wii U in a small portion of an interview otherwise dedicated to a completely separate topic.
You, I, we might disagree with him. Best get used to disagreeing with how some people feel about the Wii U, and fast.
oh god this is me in every half life thread
Acidic, defensive posts like this ones are why so many people don't want to deal with some posters in this thread when it comes to the topic of the Wii U.