‘A f***ing gut stab’: Arkane boss criticises Microsoft execs for studio closures


Colantonio and others left a while ago.

I believe others have corrected you, but Bakaba is at Arkane Lyon, not Arkane Austin.

This might indicate that Bakaba’s Northstar is not corporate ladder climbing and politics. Rare, but people like that exist.

No accounting for taste.

Bakaba and his team did not make Redfall. He is at Arkane Lyon.

Prey is better than all of your favorite games combined. Play better games, please.
Post is dumb


They made one of the shittiest and biggest flop ever with redfall. MS still kept them around for a year plus despite this top 10 AAA gaming biggest joke of the decade, MS gaming execs likely need to be restructured as well but MS is pretty kind to them after such a big disappointment. Looks like Nadella needs to watch what's happening in their gaming biz if MS decides to continue on.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I saw the writing on the wall when Microsoft bought a bunch of studios within a short period of time. That was never going to work.
I love Prey but like, how can I even recommend it to anyone now, knowing that its sales will benefit only MS and do nothing to actually secure the success and/or well being of the people involved in creating it.
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