I can't fucking stand it when people use times of tragedy to mock or push some kind of political agenda.
Happens every time.
Politicians should be able to be voted out for it on a vote of douchebaggery.
I can't fucking stand it when people use times of tragedy to mock or push some kind of political agenda.
I can't fucking stand it when people use times of tragedy to mock or push some kind of political agenda.
Jackson isn't playoff eligible.
Some asshats on Facebook are using this as a knock on Obama smh
I can't fucking stand it when people use times of tragedy to mock or push some kind of political agenda.
A) Who's trying to do that? I'm not keeping up.
B) Politicians are supposed to use moments to push agenda's because that's when the nations consciousness is receptive to that. As much as it's tasteless a lot of the time. Things like the Birmingham, Alabama church bombing in which 4 little girls were killed is widely historically recognized as the turning point of the civil rights movement. That precise point where lawmakers who wanted to push for civil rights were able to capitalize on the nation's collective guilt to say "ok enough is enough" and work on getting something passed.
So while, a lot of times it's sick. There are plenty of times in history where that kind of thing are used by politicians in a constructive way.
I've lived in Texas most of my life so, it's a few of the conservative friends I have on Facebook, not actual politicians. I should probably have specified that. Not that I have anything against somebody's political beliefs, I don't like to generalize myself, but being overly conservative/liberal is downright annoying
You're right about the 2nd point---my mindset is just that I'd prefer to tell these people "Shut the fuck up, no one cares what YOU think, and you've probably got a friend who might have somebody impacted by this so your snarky shit isn't exactly appropriate right now"
One of the undetonated devices was allegedly in the building directly across where my gf was standing. :/
just listened to Simmons' podcast from today. Man he just kept trying to push the "D'Antoni's fault!" narrative no matter how many times Zack Lowe had to tell him that overuse or overcompensation have no correlation with achilles injuries. I love when he threw out the "BUt I've played sports all of my life...." as a qualifier too. Like YMCA pick up games make you an expert lol.
Anyway, on to the amnesty/Kobe talk. The one thing Lowe pointed out was that if the Lakers amnesty Kobe, they can resign him in 2014, but only for the vets minimum. So you'd be asking Kobe to not only take the year off, but then come back for $2 million. Odds of that happening are probably nil. Lakers FO are in a tough spot because of the uncertainty of the injury. If Kobe can come back, somehow, by Dec/Jan, even if its at 70% of his usual self, you have to give him that chance I think. If his injury takes 12 months to recover, you are screwed and might as well amnesty him. Problem is it's too soon to tell how his recovery will go and how soon he can try and get back. Not an enviable position.
From their musings though, I did think of how crazy it could end up if the Lakers brass decide to punt next season, resign Dwight, fire D'Antoni and replace him with Shaw or some other interim guy, finish in the lottery and then focus on 2014 and a free agency rebuild. There is almost no chance of it happening because everything would have to break exactly right, but imagine the best case of 2014 of the Lakers having Dwight, Lebron, Wiggins, old man Kobe and Phil back to coach...just to see the league reactions would be insane.
just listened to Simmons' podcast from today. Man he just kept trying to push the "D'Antoni's fault!" narrative no matter how many times Zack Lowe had to tell him that overuse or overcompensation have no correlation with achilles injuries. I love when he threw out the "BUt I've played sports all of my life...." as a qualifier too. Like YMCA pick up games make you an expert lol.
Anyway, on to the amnesty/Kobe talk. The one thing Lowe pointed out was that if the Lakers amnesty Kobe, they can resign him in 2014, but only for the vets minimum. So you'd be asking Kobe to not only take the year off, but then come back for $2 million. Odds of that happening are probably nil. Lakers FO are in a tough spot because of the uncertainty of the injury. If Kobe can come back, somehow, by Dec/Jan, even if its at 70% of his usual self, you have to give him that chance I think. If his injury takes 12 months to recover, you are screwed and might as well amnesty him. Problem is it's too soon to tell how his recovery will go and how soon he can try and get back. Not an enviable position.
From their musings though, I did think of how crazy it could end up if the Lakers brass decide to punt next season, resign Dwight, fire D'Antoni and replace him with Shaw or some other interim guy, finish in the lottery and then focus on 2014 and a free agency rebuild. There is almost no chance of it happening because everything would have to break exactly right, but imagine the best case of 2014 of the Lakers having Dwight, Lebron, Wiggins, old man Kobe and Phil back to coach...just to see the league reactions would be insane.
just listened to Simmons' podcast from today. Man he just kept trying to push the "D'Antoni's fault!" narrative no matter how many times Zack Lowe had to tell him that overuse or overcompensation have no correlation with achilles injuries. I love when he threw out the "BUt I've played sports all of my life...." as a qualifier too. Like YMCA pick up games make you an expert lol.
Anyway, on to the amnesty/Kobe talk. The one thing Lowe pointed out was that if the Lakers amnesty Kobe, they can resign him in 2014, but only for the vets minimum. So you'd be asking Kobe to not only take the year off, but then come back for $2 million. Odds of that happening are probably nil. Lakers FO are in a tough spot because of the uncertainty of the injury. If Kobe can come back, somehow, by Dec/Jan, even if its at 70% of his usual self, you have to give him that chance I think. If his injury takes 12 months to recover, you are screwed and might as well amnesty him. Problem is it's too soon to tell how his recovery will go and how soon he can try and get back. Not an enviable position.
From their musings though, I did think of how crazy it could end up if the Lakers brass decide to punt next season, resign Dwight, fire D'Antoni and replace him with Shaw or some other interim guy, finish in the lottery and then focus on 2014 and a free agency rebuild. There is almost no chance of it happening because everything would have to break exactly right, but imagine the best case of 2014 of the Lakers having Dwight, Lebron, Wiggins, old man Kobe and Phil back to coach...just to see the league reactions would be insane.
What a pipe dream.
If we don't get Bron and just have Nash/Dwight. I could see Kobe and Pau coming back for 8-10 million a piece. That's my hope anyway.
It's technically possible, but oddly enough I think the hardest part of that would be to convince Kobe to come back for $2.5 million.
Lakers are really at a crossroads if they can't get a good idea of how Kobe's recovery will go in the next few months. 6-12 months is a huge range.
Why the fuck would you want to run with the 2013 Lakers again in 2015?
I don't think Kobe will want to go anywhere else.
Why the fuck would you want to run with the 2013 Lakers again in 2015?
Contract the Cavs if they don't win this
fixd2014-2015 Lakers
You're bad at the internet.
Turner is struggling to hide his happiness right now.
Doug is gonna take these last two games to yell at him extra hard
not the first timelmao birdman just banked a 3 in!!!
lmao birdman just banked a 3 in!!!
Chris Anderson shooting asshole threes...
Miami Heat: Where big men shoot asshole 3snot the first time
...and now MGH is on lockdown due to a suspicious device in the parking lot. This fucking planet.
Such bullshit...and now MGH is on lockdown due to a suspicious device in the parking lot. This fucking planet.
Such bullshit
So are you a doctor or something? If not, all these wikipedia copy and paste medical explanations of shoes, and injuries, and now HGH would be an epic troll.
And if you're a doctor or athletic trainer or something, awesome.
why is Bill Simmons so bullish about the Dubs in the playoffs? I wish them the best but I have no faith in them. they have a habit of choking